伯州 鈴乃希

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 伯州 鈴乃希

住所 :

Nishikicho, Yonago, 〒683-0811 Tottori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88987
Webサイト : http://www.suzunoki.tottori.jp/
街 : Tottori

Nishikicho, Yonago, 〒683-0811 Tottori,Japan
門脇秀星企画事ム所 on Google

場所は文化服装学院米子校の隣です。 グーグルマップだと空地になっている部分が駐車場、共立エンジニアリングとなっている建物が店舗です。
The place is next to Bunka Fashion College Yonago. In Google Map, the part that is vacant is a parking lot, and the building that is Kyoritsu Engineering is a store.
Masahito Nonomura on Google

It is highly recommended for those who want to relax and enjoy Japanese food. Not only is it delicious, but the space and time are luxurious. The choice of liquor is also quite groaning.
kumi w on Google

全体的に美味しいです。 八寸の盛り付けは素晴らしいです。 この店の見せ場なのでしょう。 全体的にまあまあ美味しいけれど、飛び抜けて美味しいと思うものや、また食べたいと思うものはありませんでした。
Overall it is tasty. It is wonderful to arrange the eight size. I guess it is the main point of this store. Overall it is kind of delicious, but there was nothing that I thought was delicious by jumping and wanted to eat again.
nh tk on Google

先日初めて伺ったのですが、料理や飲み物、サービスはもちろん、米子では珍しく器までしっかりこだわりを感じるお店でした。 穴子のお造りは初めて食べたのでとても感動しました。 連れの祝いの席だったのですが予め伝えていた訳でもないのにサービスまでして頂き、大満足です。いい日になりました。
The other day, I visited for the first time, and it was a restaurant where you can really enjoy the dishes, drinks, and services, as well as Yoneko. I was very impressed by the fact that it was the first time I had eaten anagoko. Although it was a celebration table for my friends, I was satisfied with the service even though I did not tell them in advance. It was a good day.
tokan ka on Google

The deliciousness and fun that makes you want to go every month. The food that can only be eaten here is really attractive. An important shop for the area.
reo papa on Google

There are shops, shops that you don't understand at first glance, and remodeled old houses. There was no signboard and it was a hideout shop. It can be done slowly in a very calm atmosphere. Nakai-san's explanation of the food was easy to understand, and it was very good with polite correspondence. The food was delicious too. When I ordered alcohol, I had a choice of chopsticks from among the many, and every time the type of liquor changed, I changed the chopsticks and I was a little attentive and a good Nakai.
mori tm on Google

教えたくない気もする 穴場的なお店 地の物を大切にしたメニューに圧倒されます 素晴らしいです!
I feel like I don't want to teach A little-known shop You will be overwhelmed by the menu that values ​​the local things Wonderful!
Mami Itagaki on Google

隠れ家的なお店で、少し迷いました。ラーメンはし友と京大進学会の間の道を入ると、砂利の駐車場に、小さーーい字で、鈴乃希と書かれています。 個室の椅子席でコロナ対策のアクリル板を置いておくか外すか希望を聞かれ、家族なので外してもらいました。和服の仲居さんが一品ずつ説明してくれます。 器も料理も素敵で一品ごとに歓声が上がり、塩昆布で刺身を食べたり、見て驚き食べて驚きの連続でした。圧巻は、途中で出てきた八寸盛り合わせです。母の誕生日祝に、華やかさをプレゼントできて大満足です。 器は1月だから赤が中心だったのかもしれません。使い込まれている感は少なく、新しい器のように見えました。お店はかなりのお金をかけているでしょうから、料金にも納得、安いくらいかもしれません。毎月行くとどう変わるのか見てみたいです。
It's a hideaway shop, so I was a little lost. When you enter the road between Hashitomo Ramen and the Kyoto University Shinkai, you will find Suzuno Nozomi in small letters in the gravel parking lot. I was asked if I would like to leave or remove the corona-preventing acrylic board in the chair seat of the private room, and since I am a family member, I asked him to remove it. Mr. Nakai in kimono will explain each item one by one. The dishes and dishes were wonderful, and cheers went up for each dish, and I was surprised to eat sashimi with salted kelp and to be surprised to see it. The highlight is the Hassun assortment that came out on the way. I am very happy to be able to give a gorgeous gift to my mother's birthday celebration. Since the vessel is in January, it may have been mainly red. It didn't feel like it was being used, and it looked like a new vessel. The shop will spend a lot of money, so the price may be reasonable and cheap. I would like to see how it changes when I go every month.

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