Hashitomo - Yonago

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hashitomo

住所 :

1 Chome-163-5 Nishikicho, Yonago, Tottori 683-0811, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 683-0811

1 Chome-163-5 Nishikicho, Yonago, Tottori 683-0811, Japan
T Y on Google

Personally, I like tsukemen. The char siu is also big and delicious. Before, rice and eggs were free, so I used to TKG.
yohey. U on Google

日曜日11時15分の来店。 移転してから初の来店(8年ぶり?) 空席は一席のみ、客層は20代前半から30代前半と若く、男性のみ こってりつけ麺の大 1,000円を注文 移転前に行っていた頃は、つけ麺にデフォルトでキャベツがついていたような? 券売機の写真からもわかるように、トッピングでキャベツ80円ありました。あと移転前は家系!と謳っていなかったような気がします。 つけ麺のデフォルトは冷や盛りでした。そのせいか、中盤以降はスープは常温に。頼んだら熱盛りしてくれるかもですね。 スープは濃厚魚介豚骨。食べ進めながら以前通っていた頃を思い起こしました。あの頃は魚介豚骨を出す店もまだ少なかったので、物珍しさから通ってたのかな?と。 味にはあまり真新しさはありませんでした。 他の方の口コミに、女性の店員の愛想がない?とかありましたが、ラーメン店の店員さんに何を求めているのでしょうか。いたって普通の対応、サービスでした。 ごちそうさまでした。
Visited at 11:15 on Sunday. First visit to the store since moving (first time in 8 years?) There is only one vacant seat, the customer base is young from the early 20s to the early 30s, only men Order a large 1,000 yen for thick tsukemen When I went there before the move, it seems that the tsukemen had cabbage by default? As you can see from the photo of the ticket vending machine, there was 80 yen for cabbage with toppings. Also, before the move, the family line! I feel like I didn't say that. The default for tsukemen was cold. Probably because of that, the soup stays at room temperature after the middle stage. If you ask, it may be exciting. The soup is rich seafood and pork bones. As I was eating, I remembered the time I used to go. At that time, there weren't many shops selling seafood and pork bones, so I wonder if I went there because of its rarity. When. The taste wasn't very new. Isn't the female clerk's amiability in the reviews of other people? There was something like that, but what are you looking for in a ramen shop clerk? It was a normal response and service. Thank you for the meal.
結稀 on Google

味は美味しかった、だが女性店員の接客が最悪でした。 味は星5付けたいです。女性店員のせいで全て無に返りました。ランチの時間しかいないという情報ですが、自分は好きな時間に行きたいので早く辞めてもらうよう心からお願い申し上げます。そして辞めたあとも二度と接客はして欲しくないです。 被害を増やしたくないので昼ではなく夜の時間帯をおすすめします
The taste was delicious, but the customer service of the female clerk was the worst. I want to add 5 stars to the taste. Because of the female clerk, everything returned to nothing. It is information that there is only lunch time, but since I want to go to my favorite time, I sincerely ask you to quit early. And even after I quit, I don't want you to serve customers again. I don't want to increase the damage, so I recommend the night time instead of the daytime.
Masahito Nonomura on Google

In Yonago, the family is Muraimura or Hashitomo, but both are characteristic ramen and are recommended. In addition to the family line, Hashitomo also has seafood tsukemen and soba noodles, so you can enjoy it many times a week without getting bored. It's a little disappointing that Tsukemen doesn't have split soup, but it's delicious, so it's good!
のぶちゃん on Google

硬め濃いめ普通での注文 濃いめにして正解でした。濃いめでやっと家系のパンチを感じれます。 食券を渡すときに濃さなどを自分で伝えないと全部普通にされるのかな? 食券を渡すだけじゃ聞かれません。 客が居ての商売。もう少し愛想が良かったら...
Hard and dark normal order It was a dark and correct answer. You can finally feel the punch of the family line with a darker one. If I don't tell the strength etc. when I give the meal ticket, will everything be normal? You will not be asked just by giving a meal ticket. Business with customers. If you like it a little more ...
堀田峰康 on Google

中々忙しくて行けなかったけど久しぶりにはし友へ。 毎回こってりつけ麺を食べてしまう? やはり俺はこれが好きで。 トッピングでのりを、ライスは最後に残ったスープに入れて残さず食べる。 麺も美味しいがメンマも味玉もチャーシューもどれも美味しい? 飽きないね
I couldn't go because I was too busy, but I went to Hashitomo for the first time in a while. I eat thick tsukemen every time ? After all I like this. Rice eats the glue with toppings in the last remaining soup. The noodles are delicious, but the menma, taste balls, and char siu are all delicious ? I never get tired of it
Miyuki Shimoda (Mii) on Google

A soup with a stable and firm taste. I am grateful to have a small serving of rice when I want to eat a little more. I've been going to Maibara since I had a shop, but sometimes it's difficult to park in a busy parking lot.
あおんばーず on Google

ホープタウン近くの時行った事ありましたがその時普通のラーメンで残念でした⤵️ 家系ラーメンになったと聞き行ってみましたがそこそこ食べれました。味覚はそれぞれですがあれを不味いと言う人は普段どの様な食べ物食べてるのかな? 大将の態度悪いです。もう少し対応良ければ良いのですが自分的には残念です 市内の為駐車場が少なく止めにくく出にくいのがネックです。 近くの吉岡家に客取られてるのかな?
I went there when I was near Hope Town, but I was disappointed with the usual ramen at that time ⤵️ I heard that it became Iekei Ramen, but I was able to eat it. Each taste is different, but what kind of food do people who say that it tastes bad? The general's attitude is bad. It would be nice if I could handle it a little more, but I'm sorry for myself. Because of the city, there are few parking lots and it is difficult to stop and get out. Is it being taken by the nearby Yoshioka family?

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