潟頭の霊泉 - Semboku

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 潟頭の霊泉

住所 :

潟頭の霊泉 Nishikicho Hinokinai, Semboku, Akita 014-0602, Japan

Postal code : 014-0602

潟頭の霊泉 Nishikicho Hinokinai, Semboku, Akita 014-0602, Japan
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The weather was good and Lake Tazawa was shining.
田中小荷 on Google

辰子姫の伝説 むかし、神代村神成沢(田沢湖町岡崎字神成沢)に三之丞という家がありました。 木を切り、炭を焼く夫婦に子どもはなく、心寂しさに朝も夕も「子どもをお授けください」と願う毎日でした。 しばらくした辰の年の春、夢にまでみた女の子が生まれ、夫婦は辰子と名づけました。 大きくなるにつれ、辰子は姿のよい、雪のような白い肌と黒い瞳の娘となりその美しさは「あの娘は天上の女神が人間の姿になって生まれてきたのではないか」と村中の評判となりました。しかし、辰子はそんな評判を気にもとめず、いきいきと野山を駆けめぐり、友達と遊んでいました。 数年後、秋も深いある日のことです。木の実をつんで山を歩きまわった辰子は、泉のそばに座って水を飲み、ほっと一息つきました。 その時、水鏡に映った美しい自分の姿に大きく心が揺れました。 「いつまでも若く、美しくありたい」と思った辰子は、永遠の美しさを得るため院内岳の大蔵観音に百夜の願をかけることを決心しました。 それからというもの、雨の日も風の日も毎晩欠かさず辰子は家人が寝静まるのを待っては大蔵観音へと通いました。 こうして迎えた百日目の満願の夜、いつものように大蔵観音の前で一心に祈り続ける辰子の前に観音が現れました。 「辰子よ、かわいそうな辰子よ、それほどまで永遠の美しさを願うならこの北の峰を越えるがよい。そこに湧く泉の水を飲めば願いが叶うであろう」 辰子は、このお告げを心にきざみ、わき目もふらずに北へと進みました。 辺りが深いブナの森になったとき、光り輝く泉を見つけました。 その泉には美しい岩魚が住んでいて、それを捕らえて食べた途端絶えがたい喉の乾きが辰子を襲ったのです。 ところが、飲めば飲むほど喉が渇きます。ついに腹ばいになり、水面に口をつけて、ごく、ごくと飲み続けたのです。 するとどうでしょう。急に辺りは暗くなり、天地が裂けるような雷が轟き、滝のような雨が降りだしたのです。 みる間に山は崩れ、溢れ出た水は谷をうずめ、満々と水を湛えた湖となりました。そう日本一深い『田沢湖』の誕生です。 そして、辰子の姿は、目は炎のように、歯は杭のように厚く鋼のようなうろこに覆われた龍の姿に変わっていました。もはや、美しい村娘の姿ではありません。 辰子の母は、いつまでも帰らない娘を探し、辰子の名を叫びながら歩き回りいつしか、今まで見たことのない湖の辺まできました。 「辰子、辰子‥‥」と呼び叫ぶその声が湖の奥底に潜む巨大な龍と化した辰子に届いたのか、水しぶきを上げて水面に姿を現しました。 「お母さん、お許しください。私は永遠の美しさを観音様に願って、不老不死・神通自在の龍となりこの湖の主となりました。お母さんには、親孝行するまもなく、人の道にそむいた罪は大きいのですが、もうお別れです。親不孝のつぐないに、この湖を魚でいっぱいにし、その魚を贈ることをお約束します。」こう言い残すと、湖深くその姿を消しました。 辰子の母は泣きながら、手にしていたタイマツを湖に投げ捨てました。 すると、そのタイマツの燃え残りの木が、みるまに魚に変わり、スイスイと泳ぎ去りました。これが幻の魚『国鱒』です。 こうして、辰子は静かな山の湖『田沢湖』の主となりました。 (実は本文はものすごく長いので、これでも1/3バージョンです。)
Legend of Princess Tatsuko Once upon a time, there was a house called Sannosuke in Kannarizawa, Kannarizawa (Tazawako Town, Okazaki, Kannarizawa). The couple who cut trees and burn charcoal had no children, and every day in the morning and evening, they wished to have children. After a while, in the spring of Tatsu's year, a dreaming girl was born, and the couple named it Tatsuko. As she grew older, Tatsuko became a beautiful girl with snow-white skin and black eyes, and her beauty was "I think that girl was born as a human figure of a heavenly goddess." It became a reputation inside. However, Tatsuko didn't care about such a reputation, and rushed around Noyama and played with his friends. A few years later, one day deep in autumn. Tatsuko walked around the mountain with nuts, sat by the fountain, drank water, and took a rest. At that time, I was deeply moved by the beautiful appearance of myself reflected in the water mirror. Tatsuko, who wanted to be young and beautiful forever, decided to make a wish for Hyakuya to Okura Kannon of Innaidake in order to obtain eternal beauty. Since then, Tatsuko went to Okura Kannon every night on rainy and windy days, waiting for her family to fall asleep. On the 100th day of the long-cherished wish, Kannon appeared in front of Tatsuko, who continued to pray in front of Okura Kannon as usual. "Tatsuko, poor Tatsuko, if you wish for such eternal beauty, you should cross this northern peak. If you drink the spring water that springs there, your wish will come true." Tatsuko took this announcement into her heart and proceeded north without turning aside. When it became a deep beech forest, I found a shining spring. A beautiful rock fish lived in the fountain, and as soon as I caught it and ate it, the constant thirst struck Tatsuko. However, the more I drink, the more thirsty I get. At last I became hungry, put my mouth on the surface of the water, and continued to drink very much. Then what about? Suddenly the area became dark, thunder struck with tears, and it began to rain like a waterfall. In the meantime, the mountains collapsed, and the overflowing water filled the valley, turning it into a lake full of water. That's right, the birth of "Lake Tazawa", which is the deepest in Japan. And Tatsuko's appearance changed to a dragon whose eyes were like flames and whose teeth were thick like stakes and covered with steel-like scales. It is no longer a beautiful village girl. Tatsuko's mother searched for her daughter who would never return, and walked around screaming Tatsuko's name until she reached a lake she had never seen before. Perhaps the voice screaming "Tatsuko, Tatsuko ..." reached Tatsuko, who turned into a giant dragon lurking in the depths of the lake, spattered and appeared on the surface of the water. "Mom, please forgive me. I wished Kannon for eternal beauty, and became an immortal and godly dragon and became the lord of this lake. Soon after my filial piety, my sin was against the path of others. It's big, but it's goodbye. I promise to fill this lake with fish and give it to you, in the wake of my unfaithfulness. ”After saying this, it disappeared deep into the lake. Tatsuko's mother cried and threw her Taimatsu into the lake. Then, the unburned tree of the timers turned into a fish and swam away with Susui. This is the phantom fish "Kunimasu". In this way, Tatsuko became the master of the quiet mountain lake "Lake Tazawa". (Actually, the text is extremely long, so this is still a 1/3 version.)
山﨑清 on Google

The legendary Reizumi of Tatsukohime. It didn't look like it was springing up.
Neko Ponkotsu on Google

無料駐車場の真横にあります。 公衆トイレもあり、ですが霊泉がトイレの横なんてたつこ姫は納得しているのかな。
It is right next to the free parking lot. There is also a public toilet, but I wonder if Tatsukohime is convinced that there is Reizumi next to the toilet.
Slider Man on Google

It didn't look like the water was springing up.
ウチヤマヒロノブ on Google

It is said that Tatsukohime drank it, but I didn't know where it was.

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