Kinpo Shrine - Semboku

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kinpo Shrine

住所 :

Tazawako Umezawa, Semboku, 〒014-1112 Akita,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887877
Postal code : 014-1112
Webサイト :
街 : Akita

Tazawako Umezawa, Semboku, 〒014-1112 Akita,Japan
ゆうり on Google

入り口の仁王門が迫力です。 石段を登ると拝殿があります。 手水舎もあり、湧き水でしょうか?こんこんとわき出ていました。 御朱印は宮司さんのご自宅で頂けました。
Niomon at the entrance is impressive. There is a shrine when climbing the stone steps. There is also a water pool, is it spring water? I was standing out. Goshushi was at Miyashi's home.
伊藤幸子 on Google

Bugs, bugs, bugs! Insects gathered due to the engine sound of the car and the sound of the wings and the wings were amazing. I tried to visit, but I couldn't hear the sound of mosquitoes coming from my ears, so I left at the gate. It seemed that the grass had also grown and was denied entry. If you go, it is better to be careful of insect repellent spray and dress.
Ryuetsu Kato on Google

The quiet atmosphere of the forest on the approach road is very tasty. The statue of Nio at Sanmon is a little humorous.
はと on Google

It is an old shrine surrounded by Osugi with an impressive mossy stone step. The Niomon gate at the entrance is powerful and may be a little scary at night. I get the impression that time has stopped.
高倉忠利 on Google

参道の階段は趣があり左右に大杉が立ち並び静寂につつまらる。 お正月の三ヶ日は地元の方々かお詣りに集う。
The stairs on the approach to the shrine are quaint, with Osugi lined up on the left and right, surrounded by silence. On the third day of the New Year, we gather with locals or prayers.
山﨑清 on Google

Osugi on the approach is amazing. There is a Osugi Shinboku in front of the worship hall, which is also wonderful. It is the making of Shinbutsu Shugo. There is a Nio gate.
かぶおさむ on Google

蓮池観音とも呼ばれています。 樹齢400年にもなる杉並木が素晴らしいです。 入口の仁王門は安政4年建立で仁王像は一本の木から彫って作られたそうです。 時間が止まっているような感覚を受けます。
It is also called Hasuike Kannon. The 400-year-old cedar trees are wonderful. The entrance to Niomon was built in the 4th year of Ansei, and the statue of Nio was carved from a single tree. I get the feeling that time has stopped.
Narinthy on Google

Solitude at its best. Serenity at its finest.

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