尾張ラーメン 第一旭 - Nagoya

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 尾張ラーメン 第一旭

住所 :

Nishiki, Naka Ward, Nagoya, 〒460-0003 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89778
Postal code : 460-0003
街 : Aichi

Nishiki, Naka Ward, Nagoya, 〒460-0003 Aichi,Japan
小川悟志 on Google

ちょっと濃いめの醤油に、薄切りされた焼豚が良いですね。ランチのチャーハンが美味しかった記憶もあり注文しましたら限定20食で、既に完売でした。 また、伺ってみます。
Sliced ​​pork is good for a little thick soy sauce. I remember that the fried rice for lunch was delicious, so when I ordered it, it was limited to 20 meals and it was already sold out. I will ask you again.
Toshi Kojima on Google

名古屋栄の錦三のビル内にあるので少し見つけづらいです。 注文したのはラーメン。650円と、かなり安い価格帯。 今回は頼みませんでしたがランチメニューもオトクです。 味は昔懐かしい感じで、チャーシューは薄めながらたくさん載っていました。
It's a little hard to find because it's in the Nishiki 3-chome building in Sakae, Nagoya. I ordered ramen. A fairly cheap price range of 650 yen. I didn't ask for it this time, but the lunch menu is also great. The taste was nostalgic, and there were a lot of char siu pork on it.
まつこまつこ on Google

第一旭 さん lunch ?¥650~ 総合★マツコDX⭐️⭐️⭐️ . ...................................................... 〓mood〓 栄よりの錦の中にあるザ?ラーメン屋 カウンターのみで10席ほど かーなーりー年季のはいった 雰囲気漂うお店です ...................................................... 〓lunch〓 ■みそラーメン +チャーハン+ギョーザ(3個) ¥750 . ...................................................... 〓impression〓 ビル1階でちょっとうす暗い感じなので若干入るのに勇気がいりました . 長細い通路を店を通り過ぎて奥から入ります . 着席してオーダー セット安すぎませんか!?? . 通常の醤油ラーメン+ライス+ギョーザで¥650?お得です . チャーハンは数量限定の様子 あってよかった? . チャーハン、ギョーザの順にきました そしてラーメン? チャーシューも大きな3枚が鎮座してます コーン?と溢れる量のスープ いただきます . ✨✨✨DX(でら)ウマだがやー✨✨✨ . スープは優しい味噌 コーンとネギがシャキシャキで食感もいい 麺はつるつるでするっと食べやすい チャーハンは少な目ですが パラパラで、味もしっかり? . ギョーザ?は皮がもちっとしていて 3個で丁度いいかも コスパ含め満足のセット内容です ラーメン自体の味は飲んだ後に食べたい感じの やさしさで夜訪問もアリです 女性にはなかなか入りづらさ満点なディープ感、夜はもっとかも? . 御馳走様でした? ......................................................
Daiichi Asahi lunch ? ¥ 650 ~ Comprehensive ★ Matsuko DX ⭐️⭐️⭐️ .. ................................................................. .... 〓 mood〓 The ? Ramen restaurant in Nishiki from Sakae About 10 seats at the counter only It's a shop with a seasonal atmosphere. ................................................................. .... 〓 lunch〓 ■ Miso Ramen + Fried rice + Gyoza (3 pieces) ¥ 750 .. ................................................................. .... 〓 impression〓 It was a little dark on the first floor of the building, so I had the courage to enter a little. .. Enter from the back past the long narrow aisle .. Sit down and order Isn't the set too cheap? ?? ? .. Regular soy sauce ramen + rice + gyoza is a great deal of ¥ 650 ? .. The fried rice is in a limited quantity ? .. I came in the order of fried rice and gyoza And ramen ? Three big char siu are enshrined Corn ? and an overflowing amount of soup I'll enjoy having this .. ✨ ✨ ✨ DX (Dera) horse, but ✨ ✨ ✨ .. The soup is a gentle miso The corn and green onions are crispy and have a nice texture The noodles are smooth and easy to eat Fried rice is a little It's fluffy and tastes good ? .. Gyoza ? has a chewy skin 3 may be just right It is a satisfying set content including cospa The taste of the ramen itself is like you want to eat after drinking It ’s kindness and night visits are also ants. A deep feeling that is hard for women to enter, maybe more at night ? .. It was a treat ? ................................................................. ....
大魔王わんきち on Google

I visited in the evening and had a special ramen (1 noodle). You may like or dislike a slightly thick soy sauce soup, but I think it's a good strength if you eat it at the end of your drink. The noodles are homemade noodles, and although they are a little thin, they are chewy and have a great throat. And the char siu uses pork thigh meat, and it is a slightly dry char siu with almost no fat, but this is a perfect match for this thick soy sauce soup. If you like ramen with a strong taste, this is a restaurant that you should definitely recommend. However, please note that the clerk is very unfriendly and the inside of the store is not so beautiful. Only cash accounting, there are many nearby parking meters.
藤宮ケイ on Google

店舗の入口が一番奥にあります、店内はやや暗くて細長くカウンターのみです。 一宮市の第一旭は醤油ラーメンのみですが、こちらは種類がありますね。 味噌ラーメンを頼んでみましたが、なんか懐かしい味で美味しかったです♪ 丼はやや小ぶりかな、錦3と飲み屋街にあるので〆の店に良さそうですw
The entrance to the store is at the back, and the inside of the store is a little dark and slender, with only a counter. Daiichi Asahi in Ichinomiya City has only soy sauce ramen, but there are different types. I ordered miso ramen, but it tasted nostalgic and delicious ♪ The bowl is a little small, it's in Nishiki 3 and the bar, so it looks good in the store.
Xおじさん on Google

The clerk is only a foreigner. The kitchen is dirty and waits for more than 40 minutes before serving ramen. If you wait and eat, the soup tastes like it's broken with hot water. I think you shouldn't go when you're busy. It's a shame because it wasn't like this in the past.
kousuke yamaoka on Google

雨天の20時頃訪店しましたが、写真の通り客は私のみ。 親父さんが一人でオペレーションしていらっしゃいました。 飲み屋街ど真ん中と言う立地上、混雑するのはもっと遅い時間帯なのでしょう。 ノーマルの醤油ラーメンを注文しましたが、薄切りのチャーシューが沢山乗っており得した気分。 あっさり味のラーメンには胡椒が良く合い、とても美味しかったです。 京都などにある第一旭とほぼ同じ味でした。
I visited the store around 20:00 in the rain, but as you can see in the photo, I am the only customer. My father was operating alone. Due to its location in the middle of the bar, it may be crowded later. I ordered a normal soy sauce ramen, but I felt like I was able to get a lot of sliced ​​pork. Pepper goes well with the light ramen and it was very delicious. It tasted almost the same as Daiichi Asahi in Kyoto.
水貴 on Google

特製ラーメンを注文しました。 スープは旨味より酸味が強いです。 アクが浮いてるのでタレかダシが酸化してる、ようなイメージで味付けや見た目からも美味しいと感じませんでした。 それか繁華街の為そのような味付けにしてるのかもしれませが本店の味付けとはかなり違いました。 麺や具材は本店と似てましたが、チャーシューは全体的にボロボロでカスみたいなチャーシューばっかりでした。 もしかしたら正月の連休明けで食材が少なかったのかもしれませんが次行くとは無いのでわかりませんね。
I ordered a special ramen. Soup is more sour than umami. I didn't feel it was delicious from the seasoning and appearance, with the image that the sauce or dashi was oxidized because the lye was floating. Or maybe it's seasoned like that because it's downtown, but it's quite different from the seasoning at the main store. The noodles and ingredients were similar to the main store, but the char siu was generally tattered and just like dregs. Maybe there weren't enough ingredients at the end of the New Year holidays, but I don't know because I won't go next.

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