パチンコ フジ 相模原店

2.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パチンコ フジ 相模原店

住所 :

Nishihashimoto, Midori Ward, Sagamihara, 〒252-0131 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Webサイト : http://www.p-world.co.jp/kanagawa/fuji-sagamihara.htm
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–11PM
Sunday 9AM–11PM
Monday 9AM–11PM
Tuesday 9AM–11PM
Wednesday 9AM–11PM
Thursday 9AM–11PM
Friday 9AM–11PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Nishihashimoto, Midori Ward, Sagamihara, 〒252-0131 Kanagawa,Japan
えよ on Google

人気機種のパチンコも釘が死んでる。 マイジャグは6台ほどあったが1000ハマり台が2台ありオールピンぽい ここに行くくらいだったら家でオンカジでもしましょう
The nails of the popular pachinko machine are dead. There were about 6 My Jugs, but there are 2 1000 addictive stands and it's all-pin-like If you go here, let's play at home
K YAMA on Google

あれだけ釘の酷い、確率無視した不公平抽選。そんな店を良い店と言ってるコメントはサクラの書き込みです。 実際に遊戯してたら良い店とは思わない。 クチコミにサクラを使わないと営業してらんない店。1パチ以外 客飛び 久々に来店したが…相変わらずの釘の酷さ。 および挨拶ひとつ出来ない店員多数。 こんな店は もはや遊戯店ではない 2022.03.02
That's a terrible nail, an unfair lottery that ignores the probability. The comment that says such a store is a good store is written by Sakura. I don't think it's a good store to actually play. A store that cannot be opened without using Sakura for word-of-mouth communication. Other than 1 pachinko I came to the store after a long time, but ... the nails are still terrible. And many clerk who can not say hello. Such a store is no longer a game store 2022.03.02
こはく on Google

運ですね(^◇^;) 再訪 リニューアルオープンしたので 行きました。 2018/01/04 混んでいて1ぱちに座れず帰宅σ^_^;
Good luck (^ ◇ ^;) Revisit Because it was reopened went. 2018/01/04 It's crowded and I can't sit down and return home σ ^ _ ^;
arst town on Google

このお店を選ばなくても車を少し走らせれば 周りにいいお店が沢山あると思います。
Even if you don't choose this shop, if you drive a little I think there are many good shops around.
山崎ランディー on Google

Fuji's 1-yen pachinko has 7 to 10 jackpots, and customers leave the table. If you don't use about 30,000 new pachinko machines, you won't get the first hit. A store that doesn't win much overall.
TakeM on Google

2021/01(更新) コロナ対策は変わりなく隙がなくトップクラス。何か特別な事をしていると言うより、真面目に地道に隙なく続けている。 最近、カラ拭きオンリーのお店が増えて来ています。腰にぶら下げていても。 そんな中でこの店のように離席後の清掃にアルコール系消毒液を3プッシュしている店はそうそうないですよ。 ただ、昨年のファン感以降、設定的にちょっとキツいね・・。 (20/10/24)コロナ臨時休業の後、世の中のパチ店って想像以上に状況変化がおきたけど、フジは強くなったと思う。。 出すときは出す、元々そうだけど、今まで以上にメリハリがついている気がする。出玉的にも。 2020/09(更新) 様々な業界、店舗が通常運転に戻る中で感染症対策も簡略化(手抜き)されがちな中で、この店の対応は模範となるレベルのもの。22時過ぎでも消毒札の運用に手抜きがなく、遅くても5分以内には札が外される。 2020/06/20 入ロの検温が無くなり、営業時間も通常に戻りました。。相模で新規発生しているのでもう少し粘って欲しかったけど。 2020/05 緊急事態宣言の解除に先立って営業再開。元々タバコ用のセパレータがP/S共に完備だったのが幸い。入店時の体温チェックあり。台の消毒対応はかなり真面目。店によってはさっと拭いて「消毒済」とかいている所もあるので気をつけたいが、ここの清掃は手抜き感がなく、安心。 なお設定が辛めなのは以前からの平常運転。入ロ他の消毒はアルコール
2021/01 (updated) Corona measures are still top class without any gaps. Rather than doing something special, he continues to work diligently. Recently, the number of shops that only wipe empty is increasing. Even if you hang it on your waist. Under such circumstances, there are not so many stores like this one that push 3 alcohol-based disinfectants for cleaning after leaving their seats. However, since last year's fan feeling, it's a little difficult to set up. (20/10/24) After the temporary closure of Corona, the situation of pachinko parlors in the world changed more than I imagined, but I think Fuji has become stronger. .. When I put it out, I put it out, as it was originally, but I feel that it is more sharp than ever. Also as a ball. 2020/09 (Updated) As infectious disease countermeasures tend to be simplified (cut out) as stores return to normal operation in various industries, the response of this store is at a model level. Even after 22:00, there is no omission in the operation of the disinfection tag, and the tag is removed within 5 minutes at the latest. 2020/06/20 The temperature measurement of Irino is gone, and business hours have returned to normal. .. I wanted you to be a little more sticky because it is newly occurring in Sagami. 2020/05 Business resumed prior to the cancellation of the state of emergency. Fortunately, the separator for cigarettes was originally equipped with both P / S. There is a body temperature check when entering the store. The disinfection of the table is quite serious. Depending on the store, there are places where you can wipe it off quickly and say "disinfected", so be careful, but cleaning here is safe because there is no sense of omission. In addition, it is normal operation from before that the setting is difficult. Alcohol is used for other disinfection
めりめりむ on Google

Impression that it will open moderately on days when it is sharp and works hard. The hall is also beautiful and wide, making it easy to play. The store in front of Hashimoto station is so terrible that customers are flying in, so I came here, but I hope that this will be a malicious collection store and will not be quiet.
岡村玲於 on Google

イベント日だけパチンコメインで打たせてもらってます。 イベント日には機種ごとにしっかり回るように調整してるのでパチンコに関してはこの辺で一番優良。介入込で終日ボーダー+3〜4の台もちょいちょいある(たまにガセイベ日もある) ハネモノ、というかトキオもたまに打ち切りレベルの台を作ってくれる。ハネモノをきちんと勝てる調整にしてくれる貴重な店(画像添付、鳴き1262回転で合算1/15 トキオ強いPIAでさえこんないいの無い) ただ、通常日には接客面の度を越えた酷さ故来るだけで不快になるのでできれば近づきたくないホール 古くからいる身長の高い役職やその他身長高いスタッフ、若い男の子の店員は全然普通だけど身長低い中年の店員達はまあ酷い。別にレベルの高い接客を求めてるわけじゃなく客を睨見つけるようなしかめっ面をしながら接客業してんなよってだけの話 とにかく身長が低ければ低い程酷い笑 せっかく店長さん?がイベント日とか新台とか何機種か勝てるような調整してくれるのに他の下っ端スタッフのせいで色々本当にもったいない店 まあそれでもイベント日には行くんだけども笑 2022/3/4追記 最近はパチもめっきり弱くなりました 打ち切れるレベルのものはないです おそらく大量導入した新しい4パチ島の何千万の台購入費用回収するまで釘は甘くならないと思うのでしばらくは行かないのが吉
I'm hitting with a pachinko machine only on the day of the event. On the day of the event, it is adjusted so that it turns firmly for each model, so pachinko is the best in this area. There are a few borders +3-4 units all day with intervention (sometimes there are also Gaseibe days) Hanemono, or rather Tokio, sometimes makes a censored level platform. A valuable shop that makes adjustments that can properly win the honey (image attached, 1262 rotations in total 1/15 Tokio Even a strong PIA does not have such a good thing) However, on normal days, it's uncomfortable just to come because of the harshness of customer service, so I don't want to approach the hall if possible. Old tall positions, other tall staff, and young boy clerk are quite normal, but short middle-aged clerk is pretty terrible. I'm not looking for a high level of customer service, I'm just talking about doing customer service while frowning like finding a customer Anyway, the shorter you are, the worse lol Is it the store manager? Is a really wasteful store because of the other low-end staff, even though it adjusts to win some models such as event days and new machines Well, I still go on the event day, but lol 2022/3/4 postscript Recently, the pachinko machine has become weaker. There is no censored level Probably the nails will not be sweet until the cost of purchasing tens of millions of new 4 pachinko machines introduced in large quantities is recovered, so it is good not to go for a while

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