
2.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact コンパル橋本

住所 :

Nishihashimoto, 相模原市緑区Midori Ward, 〒252-0131 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : http://p-town.dmm.com/shops/kanagawa/4845/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–10:45PM
Sunday 9AM–10:45PM
Monday 9AM–10:45PM
Tuesday 9AM–10:45PM
Wednesday 9AM–10:45PM
Thursday 9AM–10:45PM
Friday 9AM–10:45PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Nishihashimoto, 相模原市緑区Midori Ward, 〒252-0131 Kanagawa,Japan
スーパージャグくんスペシャル on Google

接客はかなり悪い店 またスロットは設定など入らない 毎日朝イチから居る金髪のデブ女には 設定を教えてる噂あり。 確かに仕事してないし金が良く続くなって感じ。ジャグラーなどは合算が190とか200とか多数あり。ホルコン制御が凄い
The customer service is quite bad Also, the slot does not enter settings etc. For a blonde fat woman who is from Ichi every morning There are rumors telling you the settings. Certainly I'm not working and I feel like money will continue well. There are a lot of jugglers such as 190 and 200 in total. Holcon control is amazing
さいとうまこと on Google

ライト、甘デジコーナーが本当に悲惨。 千円10回くらいの台が多すぎる。 いくら等価でもやっていい事とだめな事くらいあるでしょ、それもわからないの?って感じです。 遊び場を提供しているのではなく、兎に角客から1円でも落とさせるのを第一にしてる。 相模原の汚物です。早く消えろよ。
The light and Amadeji corners are really miserable. There are too many stands for about 1000 yen 10 times. No matter how equivalent it is, there are things that can be done and things that can't be done, don't you know that? I feel like. Instead of providing a playground, the first priority is to let the rabbit drop even one yen from the corner customers. It is a filth of Sagamihara. Disappear quickly.
TakeM on Google

勝てない。 ってのは仕方ないけど、缶ジュース飲んでいたら呼び止められました。酒と勘違いされたようで(飲酒禁止は書かれています)、ソフトドリンクとわかると「じゃあいいです」と、ゴメンのお詫び一つない。接客が全ての業界なのに、思っていたより接客がダメな店ですね。 タイミング打ちの兄ちゃんはそのまま放置なのに。。出鼻を挫かれたようでそのまま飲まれたし、暫く行くのやめるわ。 2021/1 コロナ探検隊アップデート 入口他2ヶ所の消毒液について簡易試験紙にて確認。適切な濃度の微酸性次亜塩素酸水と判断し、星+1します。 新年早々2連敗で本当はマイナス6にしたいけど。 2020/11 コロナ探検隊アップデート コロナ対応はそれほど変化ないが、形骸的な「消毒済み」札を廃止した模様。改善ではないが誤解を招く表示をするよりよい。取っ払え!的な潔さは道産子的なものかな。 また、以前より清掃の頻度は上げているようです。 2020/07/11 コロナ探検隊出動。パチンコは元々タバコ用のセパレータが完備だったので継続。スロットは簡易セパレータ。元々台間が狭いためやや邪魔。 「消毒済み」札はあるが客が座っても取らないので只の飾り。P/S共に台の清掃は従来の清掃業務程度。客が座ったからといって特段フキフキしたりはしない。と思ったら、「気になるならおしぼりと次亜塩素酸で自分でやってね」のスタンスの模様。 何もしていないよりはマシだが、コロナ対策は微妙レベル。隣のフジのコロナ対策が超一流だけにもうちょっと頑張って欲しいかな。 入ロ他の消毒は次亜塩素酸水。
can not win. It can't be helped, but I was stopped when I was drinking canned juice. It seems that he was mistaken for alcohol (the prohibition of drinking is written), and when he found out that it was a soft drink, he said, "It's okay," and I'm sorry. Even though customer service is in all industries, it's a store where customer service is worse than I expected. Even though the timing-beating brother is left as it is. .. It seemed like my nose was crushed and I drank it as it was, so I'll stop going for a while. 2021/1 Corona Expedition Update Check the disinfectant solution at the entrance and 2 other places with a simple test paper. Judged as slightly acidic hypochlorous acid water of appropriate concentration, and add +1 star. I really want to make it minus 6 by losing two games in a row early in the new year. 2020/11 Corona Expedition Update Corona support does not change much, but it seems that the skeleton "sterilized" tag has been abolished. Not an improvement, but better than a misleading display. Get rid of it! Isagiyosa is like a Hokkaido horse. Also, it seems that the frequency of cleaning is higher than before. 2020/07/11 Corona expedition dispatched. Pachinko was originally equipped with a separator for cigarettes, so I continued. The slot is a simple separator. It is a little disturbing because the space between the stands is originally narrow. There is a "disinfected" tag, but it is just a decoration because it is not taken even if the customer sits down. Cleaning of the table for both P / S is about the same as the conventional cleaning work. Just because a customer sits down doesn't make him fluffy. When I thought about it, the stance of "If you are worried about it, do it yourself with hand towels and hypochlorous acid". It's better than doing nothing, but the corona measures are at a delicate level. I'd like you to do your best because the measures against corona of the next Fuji are top-notch. Hypochlorite water is used for other disinfection.
ヒデナカタ on Google

I visited after a long time, but it became weak anyway! surprised. And the clerk's attitude is bad. Especially the tall middle-aged clerk was disappointed,
いくちゃん on Google

班長の名札をつけている人の態度がひどい。 敬語も使わず気分が悪い。お客さんの粗探しばかりしている。
The attitude of the person wearing the group leader's name tag is terrible. I feel sick without using honorifics. I'm just searching for customers.
Kuroyari Racing on Google

ハーデス撤去と言うことで、このタイミングで設定入れてるとは思えませんが、思入れのある台なので、120kツッパって朝イチから1人で9000Gほど回してみました。 流石コンパルってグラフになりました。 設定低くても確定役引いて壊せば勝てる台なんで、時間に余裕があれば100k程ぶん回せば半分ぐらい返ってくる事が多いんですが、1回もまともに引けませんでした。 21回中 ?20回 ?1回(80G) 紫7は2回引きましたが?50Gと70Gでした。 ゾーンにやたら入りましたが、15回連続で外れ。 この間はパチンコの黄門ちゃま(199)で確変に入りましたが、8連して16Rが0回なんて信じ難い事もありましたし、宝くじが当たるぐらいの確率の負の見えざる力が働きます。 監視カメラに土下座すれば勝てるかも、、、 会員カードはそのままゴミ箱へ捨ててきました。 さようならハーデス、さようならコンパル。 クーリングオフしたいところですが、出来ないので、12万円の焼き芋を食べてきました。 痛い出費でしたが、真面目に働いていれば機械割100%だと身に染みました。
I don't think it's set at this timing because of the removal of the Hades, but since it is a thoughtful stand, I tried turning around 9000G by one person from the morning morning with 120k Tsuppa. Ryuuseki Compar has become a graph. Even if the setting is low, it is a stand that can be won by pulling a decisive role, and if you have enough time, it will often return about half if you turn about 100k, but I could not draw it even once. 2120 times out of 21 times ?1 time (80G) Purple 7 was drawn twice, but it was ?50G and 70G. I entered the zone, but it was off 15 times in a row. During this time, I entered the odds with Pachinko's Komon Chama (199), but it was difficult to believe that the 16R was 0 times in 8 consecutive times, and the negative invisible power of the probability of winning a lottery works . You might win if you prostrate to a surveillance camera ... The member card is left in the trash box. Goodbye Hades, Goodbye Compar. I want to cool off, but I can't do it. It was a painful expense, but if I worked seriously, I was impressed with 100% machine discount.
M Kouki on Google

Such a good store is now a garbage store. What happened? Even now, there are about 100 people in the lottery, but it doesn't make sense.
ゆるゆるゆるっとまん on Google

※ここの店は22時45分通常終了で、22時40分までに延長の有無を言わないと延長できないみたいです。 皆さん注意してください。 延長の有無を聞かれた時にカードが手元になかったのであとで取りに行ってから延長しますといってわかりましたとなり話は終わりました。取りにいって45分になりカードみせて延長しますと言ったら40分までなので終了ですといわれました。説明もなんも受けてません。もう二度と行かないですがこれから行こうとしてる方。延長したいなら遅くても22時40分までに言わないと延長できないみたいです気をつけてください
* The store here normally closes at 22:45, and it seems that it cannot be extended unless you tell us whether or not it will be extended by 22:40. Please be careful of everyone. When I was asked if there was an extension, I didn't have the card at hand, so I went to pick it up later and then I knew that I would extend it, and the story was over. It took 45 minutes to get it, and when I said that I would show the card and extend it, it was up to 40 minutes, so I was told that it was over. I haven't received any explanation. I will never go again, but those who are about to go. If you want to extend it, it seems that you can not extend it unless you say it by 22:40 at the latest. Please be careful.

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