Nishihara Nature Park - Nishitokyo

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nishihara Nature Park

住所 :

4 Chome-5-96 Nishiharacho, Nishitokyo, Tokyo 188-0004, Japan

Postal code : 188-0004
Webサイト :

4 Chome-5-96 Nishiharacho, Nishitokyo, Tokyo 188-0004, Japan
karmaaa a on Google

いろいろな鳥や昆虫、植生があり良いところだなと思います。たまに珍しい野鳥が飛来して話題になることも。 日が落ちると暗くなり、足元が少し危ないので早朝や明るいうちにいらっしゃることをオススメします。
I think it's a good place because there are various birds, insects, and vegetation. Occasionally rare wild birds will come up and become a topic. It becomes dark when the sun goes down, and your feet are a little dangerous, so it is recommended that you come in the early morning or when it is bright.
熊田鴻 on Google

At this time of the year when the sunset is approaching, life is being taken over in various parts of the forest. Solanum lyratum and crow squirrels that want to stand out in red color, cardiocrinum cordatum that stands upright, gagaimo that seems to fly anywhere in the wind, cosendangsa like ◯◯ aliens, etc. On the other hand, the ground is filled with fallen leaves of oak, oak, and zelkova.
tos “シャカモ” sakamoto on Google

In 2017, the first week of December was the highlight of autumn leaves. Although it is not a specially designed natural park, the trees are well maintained and well managed. There are no street lights at night, but it is a very good place to stop by for a walk during the day.
Kacho on Google

所沢街道と新青梅街道の中間にあります。周辺はそこそこ車の通りはありますが、所沢街道や新青梅街道と比べると静かな場所です。 敷地は結構大きいです。自然公園なので、木がたくさんあります。木もたくさんの種類がありますが、植物も色々な種類の物が生えているので、観察や自由研究にも良い場所だと思います。 歩道は整備されていないので、冬はたくさん落ち葉がありますし、傾斜がある場所や凸凹している場所もあるので、歩きやすい靴の方が良いです。 遊具はないので、遊具で遊ぶのが好きな子には退屈かもしれません。大人で散歩している方や休憩している方はよく見ます。犬の散歩に来ている方も多いようです。 手洗い場やベンチが点在しています。トイレは1箇所だけです。 散歩していて気持ちのいい場所ではありますが、特別珍しい感じもないですし、わざわざ遠方から来るような場所ではないと思います。
It is located between Tokorozawa Kaido and Shin Ome Kaido. Although there are some streets around the car, it is quieter than Tokorozawa Kaido and Shin Ome Kaido. The site is quite large. Because it is a natural park, there are many trees. There are many kinds of trees, but there are various kinds of plants, so I think it is a good place for observation and free research. The sidewalk is not well maintained, so there are lots of fallen leaves in winter, and there are places with slopes and bumps, so shoes that are easy to walk are better. There are no playground equipment, so it may be boring for children who like to play with playground equipment. I often see those who are taking a walk or taking a break with adults. It seems that there are many people who are walking for dogs. There are hand-washing areas and benches. There is only one toilet. It's a pleasant place to walk, but it doesn't feel unusual, and I don't think it's a place to come from a distance.
なかた on Google

杉の木だらけ。落ち着く空間です。 2020年4月に行くと、木がだいぶ切られて切り株が多くなりました。少し寂しいです。
Full of cedar trees. It is a calm space. When I went to April 2020, the trees were cut and the number of stumps increased. I'm a little lonely.
明浩塚田 on Google

静かで良い所です。蚊が多いのが難点( ´△`)
It's a quiet and nice place. The difficulty is that there are many mosquitoes (´ △ `)
ISHII Duke on Google

雑木林の中に小径があって良い雰囲気です。 ちょっとした広場もあるのでピクニックなどにも良いでしょう。但し、虫刺されにはご用心。
It is a good atmosphere with a small diameter in the thicket. There is a little open space so it is good for picnics. However, beware of insect bites.
MuggyTea nf on Google

This natural park is really natural. There are so many series’s insects and flowers and plants. They pass through over our expected we were. They made our day.

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