Nishigori Orthopedic Surgical Clinic - Chiba

1/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact Nishigori Orthopedic Surgical Clinic

住所 :

2 Chome-24 Hondacho, Midori Ward, Chiba, 266-0005, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 266-0005
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM

2 Chome-24 Hondacho, Midori Ward, Chiba, 266-0005, Japan
さでぃ on Google

コユッピ on Google

I can not recommend it in one word. The contents as a doctor of a teacher are useless. If you have been trained somewhere else ...
韓非 on Google

A typical quack doctor. The reason I had it at such a hospital is probably because there are many fixed-customer patients in the area. Although it wasn't a complete reservation system, it was quite rattling.
Pablito Aimar on Google

医師の医療技術というか診療レベルが低過ぎると思います。 医院内は千葉ロッテマリーンズの掲示物が目立ちますが、全体的には掃除も行き届いていて小奇麗な感じで、とても印象がよく、看護師や事務長と思われる男性の応対も良いのですが、最大かつ決定的な問題は医療レベルですね。 手を怪我して受診した際のこと。手が骨折しているにも拘らず、「骨折していない」と言い切り、「骨折しているように思うのですが、この手の出っ張りは何ですか?」と尋ねると、「これは、腫れによるもの。」との回答。数日後、再度受診し、同じ事を尋ねても同じ回答。X-Ray(レントゲン)写真を撮影しての「シッカリした」(はずの)診断でしたが、疑念は深まるばかり。 痛みが治まらないので、他の医療機関で受診し、X-Ray写真も撮影して診断してみると、「骨折しています。もう癒着・癒合が始まっています。患部の出っ張りを手で強く押しても戻らないので、これは、手術になると思います。手を切開して、癒着した骨を剥がしてから再度、固定することになると思います。患部が手で機能障害が心配されるので、専門医を紹介しますから、そこで受診してください。」とのこと。 気になったので、自分のケースのように、西郡整形外科を一旦受診し、セカンドオピニオン等で来院する患者はいないのかと尋ねると、「結構います。」と衝撃的な答え。医療機関同士で評判を訊くのもどうかな?とためらいつつ、西郡整形外科の評判を訊くと、ハッキリと直截的な答え方はしなかったものの、その医師も今回のケースに相当ショックを受けるとともに立腹していた模様で、「よくないですね。」と、バッサリ。その後も、「どうしてなのかな? どうしてなのかな?」と、ブツブツと言っていました。 結局、そこで紹介された医療機関を受診すると、「手術ですね。もうくっついてますよ。切開して、一旦くっついた骨を削ってから引き離して、再度、ワイヤーを入れて真っ直ぐに固定しないといけないですね。」とのこと。 担当医(専門医で手の手術等の権威とのこと)に今までの事の経緯を説明すると、口を開けたまま暫く聴いていて、その後「ひどいね。」と一言。 それから数日後に入院し、全身麻酔をして整復手術を受けることになりました。手にはワイヤーが3本挿入され、見た目は「フランケンシュタインの手」みたいな感じに。(涙) 後になって、地元の知人等から聞く話によると、「ああ、あの医院ね。地元では『最悪』との評判で、誰も行かないよ。なぜ行っているの?」とのこと。早く知りたかった。 こんなレベルで、よく医療機関として成り立っていますね。というより、業務停止処分レベルでしょ。
I think that the doctor's medical technology or medical care level is too low. Inside the clinic, notices from Chiba Lotte Marines stand out, but overall the room is well-cleaned and feels small and very impressive, and it is a good impression, and it is also good for males who seem to be nurses and office managers. The biggest and crucial issue is the medical level. When I got a hand injury and I visited. Even though the hand is broken, he says, "I'm not broken" and asked, "I think I'm broken, but what is the overhang of this hand?" Due to swelling. " A few days later, I see a doctor again and ask the same thing, the same answer. It was a diagnosis that was "sickly" (taken) by taking X-Ray (X-Ray) photographs, but doubts have only deepened. When the pain did not go away, I consulted at another medical institution and I took a X-Ray picture and diagnosed it. I think this will be a surgery because I will not return even if I press it, I think that I will incise my hands and take apart the bones that have adhered and then fix them again. As we introduce specialist, please have a medical consultation there. " As I became concerned, I asked Nishigun Orthopedic surgery once, and asked if there were any patients coming to the hospital with a second opinion etc., as in my case, "I'm fine." How about getting reputation among medical institutions? While he was hesitant, when asked about Nishigun orthopedics' reputation, he did not answer clearly but the doctor was also shocked and shocked by the case in this case. "," Bassari. After that, he said, "Why is it? Why?" After all, when I went to the medical institution introduced there, I said, "It's surgery. I'm stuck again. I have to incise, scrape the bone once stuck, pull it apart, put in the wire again and fix it straightly. That's it. When I explained the process of the past to the doctor in charge (specialist and the authority of hand surgery etc.), I listened for a while with my mouth open, and then said "It's awful." A few days later, I was admitted to the hospital and underwent general anesthesia to undergo reduction surgery. Three wires are inserted in the hand, and it looks like "Frankenstein's hand". (Tears) Later, I heard from the local acquaintances, "Oh, that doctor's office. Locally with the reputation of" worst ", no one goes. Why are you going?" I wanted to know early. It is well established as a medical institution at this level. Rather than being at the business suspension level.

I had a sprain, so I had a medical examination, but said that I should sprinkle it in the bath and spin it well even if I have a sprain. The only prescription was painkillers. The interior is beautiful, but it would be wise not to go.
ta tu on Google

こんな病院に星1なんてつけたくない 捻挫って言われ、そのまま湿布のみの処方で帰らせられた。 酷い腫れだったので、次の日違う病院に行ったら複雑骨折、手術じゃないと言われた。 判断が遅かったら、どうしてくれたん? 歩けないようになっていたかもしれないのに こんな病院なんて絶対行かない方がいい 訴えたくなりますね。 相当適当な酷い、病院です
I don't want to give 1 star to such a hospital He was said to be sprained and was sent home with a poultice-only prescription. It was a terrible swelling, so when I went to a different hospital the next day, I was told that it was not a complicated fracture or surgery. What would you do if you were late in making a decision? I might not have been able to walk You should never go to such a hospital You want to sue. It ’s a very suitable and terrible hospital.

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