
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 西平の大カヤ

住所 :

Nishidaira, Tokigawa, Hiki District, 〒355-0364 Saitama,Japan

Webサイト : http://saitamajyumokui.jp/kyoju.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–5PM
Sunday 8AM–5PM
Monday 8AM–5PM
Tuesday 8AM–5PM
Wednesday 8AM–5PM
Thursday 8AM–5PM
Friday 8AM–5PM
街 : Saitama

Nishidaira, Tokigawa, Hiki District, 〒355-0364 Saitama,Japan
はなたろう on Google

It was a wonderful trunk.
kochira achira on Google

The distance is a little, but I walk on a pretty slope. Impressed by the power of the big kaya.
緑野園 on Google

枝張りが素晴らしいカヤの巨木です。 萩日吉神社近くの道路から少し歩いた場所にあります。 道路左脇にひっそりと道標ありますので見のがさないように 山道が階段上になってますが、かなり急で歩きづらいです。 道路から往復で10分かかると思って歩いた方がいいです。
It is a giant kaya tree with a great branch. It is a short walk from the road near Hatsukaichi Shrine. There is a signpost on the left side of the road so you can't miss it The mountain road is on the stairs, but it is quite steep and difficult to walk. It is better to walk thinking that it will take 10 minutes round trip from the road.
atftok on Google

ときがわ町は巨木を観光資源としているようで、萩日吉神社の児持杉、越沢稲荷の大杉、氷川を上流に登ったところにある姥樫などがある。このカヤもその一つで中々の貫禄だ。よく残ったものだ。 杉の大木は地面から垂直に突き抜けるように伸びていて気持ちがいい。クスノキは大きく枝を広げボリューム感がありエネルギッシュだ。このカヤは枝っぷりも立派なのだが、どちらかというと渋い感じがする。 姥樫以外の上記に挙げた巨木や、隣町ながら直ぐそばにある上谷の大クスは車があれば半日で回れるのでお勧めだ。
It seems that Tokigawa Town uses giant trees as a tourist resource, and there are Komochisugi at Hagihiyoshi Shrine, Osugi at Koshizawa Inari, and Ubashi in the upper reaches of Hikawa. This Kaya is one of them, and it is quite dignified. It's a good one. The big cedar tree stretches out vertically from the ground and feels good. Camphor tree has enormous branches and a sense of volume, which is energetic. This kaya is fine with its branches, but it feels rather astringent. It is recommended that you can drive the huge trees listed above other than Ugashi and the large kusu in Uetani, which is right next to the neighboring town, in half a day if you have a car.
shigeru kurata on Google

There is no parking lot at the entrance. Bicycles and motorcycles can be parked on the shoulder. There are roads, but there are also rocky places, so if you are wet, you will slip, so be careful.
KZO TKHS on Google

駐車場は下の神社の駐車場かどこかエスケープゾーンぐらいです 途中ロープを張った場所に間違って入らないように注意 道路から山道に入って登っていくとカラーコーンが置いてある分岐を左です シャケの形の看板が見えたら開けてる方に目をやれば堂々とした威容が目に入るはずです
The parking lot is about the parking lot of the shrine below or somewhere in the escape zone Be careful not to accidentally enter the place where the rope was stretched on the way When you enter the mountain road from the road and climb up, the branch where the traffic cone is placed is on the left If you see a salmon-shaped sign, look at the one that is open and you should see the dignified dignity.
Amaryllis on Google

林道の大カヤ入口のところから、結構キツイ坂をのぼります。やがて樹齢1000年のカヤの巨木に御対面します。その幹周り、大きく張り出した枝の力強さは感動ものです。 駐車場がないため、やむなく大カヤ入口より林道を進んで、カーブミラーの少し先の路肩に車を止めました。
From the entrance of the large Kaya on the forest road, climb a fairly tight slope. Eventually, you will meet a giant Kaya tree that is 1000 years old. The strength of the branches that overhang around the trunk is impressive. Since there is no parking lot, I had no choice but to proceed along the forest road from the entrance of Okaya and park my car on the shoulder of the road just ahead of the curve mirror.
鈴木一郎 on Google

近くにある萩日吉神社の児持杉(こもちすぎ)と一緒に見てみようと行きました 現地に辿り着いてから、上谷の大クスと勘違いしていたことに気付きましたが、こちらもなかなかの樹齢で慈光寺7木の一つに数えられるそうです。 駐車場などは無いので、付近の路肩に停めました 入口から階段が作ってあって整備されていましたが、最初の数段のみで後は谷地形をしばらく歩くことになります しばらく歩くと開けた斜面に迫力のある老木が出てくるので雄大さに感嘆しました。木の周囲は柵が張ってあり直接触ることは出来ませんが、柵伝いに周囲を一周することができました。 斜面の道の悪さと知名度から人に勧めることは無いと思いますし、何度も訪れたいという気にはならなかったです ただ、今の時代で余り人に知られず千年以上も生きている木がある事、近くで容易に見られる事は素晴らしいことだと思います。 なにかの拍子に倒れたり枯れたりしてそこでお仕舞なんてのはあっても不思議じゃないですしね
I went to see it with Komochisugi from the nearby Hagihiyoshi Shrine. After arriving at the site, I noticed that I had mistaken it for Uetani's Okusu, but it seems that this is also one of the seven trees of Jikoji Temple because of its age. There is no parking lot, so I parked on the shoulder of the road nearby. There was a staircase from the entrance and it was maintained, but after only the first few steps you will have to walk the valley terrain for a while. After walking for a while, a powerful old tree appeared on the open slope, so I was impressed by the majesty. There is a fence around the tree and I can't touch it directly, but I was able to go around the area along the fence. I don't think I would recommend it to anyone because of the bad roads and name recognition on the slopes, and I didn't feel like visiting again and again. However, I think it is wonderful that there are trees that have lived for more than a thousand years and are not well known to people in this era, and that they can be easily seen nearby. It's no wonder that there's something that collapses or withers and ends up there.

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