
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ラ・プリエール

住所 :

Nishiboridori, Chuo Ward, 〒951-8061 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://la-priere.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Niigata

Nishiboridori, Chuo Ward, 〒951-8061 Niigata,Japan
後藤絵美 on Google

パッと見、お洒落な雰囲気の葬儀屋さん。 ただ、床は汚い!トイレは便座汚くて座りたくないくらいでした!毎日掃除してないんじゃないかな?
At a glance, a funeral shop with a stylish atmosphere. However, the floor is dirty! The toilet was dirty and I didn't want to sit down! I wonder if you don't clean it every day?
永野慎太郎 on Google

事情により、某大手葬儀屋さんに依頼となりましたが、ラ・プリエールさんは早朝の電話にも親身に対応してくださり、落ち着いてすすめる事ができました。 後日、村上さんの想いを伺う機会があり、死に対する深い考え、今までの形にはまった葬儀だけではなく、その人らしい多様な形がある事をお聞きし、感動しました。 又、知人も自信の母親のご葬儀を依頼したときのご葬儀、細かなお気遣い、母親らしい葬儀で見送る事ができたと涙ながらに話していただいた事も依頼したきっかけでした。 また機会があれば、必ずお願いしようとおもいます。
For some reason, I was asked to go to a major funeral, but La Priere was kind enough to handle my early morning call and was able to calm down. Later, I had the opportunity to ask Mr. Murakami's thoughts. I was deeply moved by his deep thoughts on death, not only the funerals that had been used up to now, but also the various forms of the person. The acquaintance also requested the funeral when he asked for the funeral of his confident mother, a little care, and the fact that he was able to tell off with tears that he was able to see off at the funeral like a mother. If there is another opportunity, I will always ask.
山下涼子 on Google

葬儀はほぼ火葬だけのシンプルなものにした。 社長さんがとても勉強されているようで、遺品整理から残された資産の相続と墓じまいのこともお願いできた。 葬儀からずっと同じ人が担当してくれるのは話の内容も伝わりやすいし、変な業者に捕まるより安心できる。 お葬式は実際のセレモニーだけではなくてその後のことの方がお金も体力も使うことを痛感。 ここにお願いしてよかった。 ただ、もうちょっと広いといいかもしれない。 あと給湯器もつけてください。
The funeral was a simple one, almost only for cremation. The president seemed to be studying very much, and I could also ask for inheritance and graves of the assets left over from the rearranging of relics. It is easier to convey the content of the story that the same person will be in charge from the funeral, and it is safer than being caught by a strange contractor. At the funeral, I realized that not only the actual ceremony but also the subsequent ones would use money and physical strength. I'm glad to ask you here. However, it might be good if it is a little wider. Also, please attach a water heater.
Fusae Koshiba on Google

A few family members abandoned my mother. It was a very small ceremony hall, but on the contrary, my mother was very close and we were able to say goodbye slowly. He gave me a duplicate key, so I was free to go in and out for 24 hours. The staff taught me anything that wasn't too close or too far away and that I didn't know what to do when I needed it. It might have been good for my mother who also loved the fashionable design. I thought it was a funeral company in the future. Thank you very much.
みやたみほ on Google

Although it was a funeral director, there were many reviews, so I was able to ask with confidence. It was a polite funeral director as written in the word of mouth. It was really helpful because he took care of everything from organizing the relics to selling the vacant home. This is recommended as it will take care of things after the funeral.
渡辺ともゆき on Google

父の葬儀でお願いしました。 コロナ禍なこともあり、親族8人での葬儀でした。店舗内は確かに小さいですが、親族で寄り添って父を見送るのには最適な大きさだったと思います。 葬儀やお寺さんやお墓のことも何も知らずにお願いしましたが、親切丁寧に対応もしていただき、無事滞りなく執り行うことができました。 納骨も先日済ませることもでき、大変感謝しております。 ありがとうございました。
I asked for it at my father's funeral. It was a funeral with eight relatives, partly because of the corona. The inside of the store is certainly small, but I think it was the perfect size for relatives to snuggle up and see off my father. I asked for funerals, temples, and graves without knowing anything about it, but I was able to handle it safely and politely. I am very grateful that I was able to complete the bone delivery the other day. Thank you very much.
後藤達俊 on Google

コスパが非常に良かったです。 不必要な所に費用を掛けないようにしてくれるので、納得のいく費用で式を執り行うことが出来ました。 親族のみで小さく行いましたが、落ち着いた中でしっかりお別れも出来て良かったと思います。
Cospa was very good. I was able to hold the ceremony at a reasonable cost because it avoids spending money on unnecessary places. I did it small with only my relatives, but I'm glad I was able to say goodbye in a calm atmosphere.
髙橋則子 on Google

I asked Mr. La Priere because my son died and I wanted to see him off only with his close relatives. He was very kind to me and kindly explained to me a silly question that I had no knowledge of. After 49 days, I asked for bone crushing for the living room memorial service. I'm really happy with my son and the family left behind by Mr. La Priere. Thank you very much.

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