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Contact コミューズ新大阪

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Nishiawaji, Higashiyodogawa Ward, 〒533-0031 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
街 : Osaka

Nishiawaji, Higashiyodogawa Ward, 〒533-0031 Osaka,Japan
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如果是中国的同学的话如果不是迫不得已真的真的真的不推荐住这里。 离新干线非常近,白天关上门窗也可以很清楚的听到新干线开过去的声音和高频率的噪音。晚上新干线会施工,基本一个季度施工一次,一次1个多月,晚上有时真的很吵。 房间宽度站在床边伸不直半个胳膊就能碰到墙,隔音也很差(是目前住过的房子里隔音最差的)可以听到不止隔壁的声音。 女生洗澡的地方目前只有三个,时间被规定在下午5点左右到晚上11:30这之间,食堂晚饭开放是18:00-20:30(20:30是食堂结束时间,不是最晚到食堂时间)所以其实洗澡时间还是蛮紧的(三个一起用的时候水温会很不稳定) 厕所一个门是歪的一个马桶松动一个窄到坐在马桶上脑袋磕隔板,一共四个。 这里叫学生寮,但是不知道为什么有3-4个大叔在住,而且有一个脾气很不好不招惹他也会被骂,他从别人旁边走过会撞人一下同时小声骂人。 社长好像是为了让寮里规规矩矩的所以立了很多规矩,半年之内在寮里到处张贴寮规则三次(越改规矩越多,但说入住规则上有写,如果一定要住的同学最好提前问清看清) 最近一次感到不愉快的是寮里有人发烧怀疑是新冠管理人和管理公司以及社长没有及时告诉住户,大约发烧一星期后才把发烧的人单独隔离在没有人的一层,万幸发烧的人是阴性。但在此期间住户没有办法确定自己是不是和发烧的人一起吃过饭一起乘过同一班电梯。管理人在把发烧的人带去隔离时也没有佩戴口罩。 房租5.5w一个月除了电费都包还有早晚饭真的很合适,周边有3、4个超市、4个便利店商店街里有药妆店和麦当劳、すき家。离阪急淡路站和jr东淀川站都说不上远。 如果不是必须住这个房子的话还是建议找一找其他房子的,如果是大学生完全可以考虑咨询一下学校生协,一些学校是可以帮忙找房子的。语言学校的同学的话,问一下中介表达出自己租房的意愿,中介也是可以帮忙找到合适的房子的。
If you are a Chinese classmate, if you are not forced to do so, I really really do not recommend staying here. It is very close to the Shinkansen, and you can clearly hear the sound and high-frequency noise of the Shinkansen when you close the doors and windows during the day. The Shinkansen will be constructed at night, basically once a quarter, more than a month at a time, and sometimes it is really noisy at night. The width of the room can touch the wall by standing on the edge of the bed without half an arm stretched out. The soundproofing is also very poor (the worst soundproofing in the house I have lived in), and more than the sound of the next door can be heard. There are currently only three places for girls to take a bath. The time is set between 5 pm and 11:30 pm. The cafeteria dinner is open from 18:00-20:30 (20:30 is the end time of the cafeteria, not the latest. Canteen time) So actually the bath time is quite tight (the water temperature will be very unstable when the three are used together) One door of the toilet is crooked, one toilet is loose and the other is narrow enough to sit on the toilet and knock on the partition, a total of four. It's called the student residence here, but I don't know why there are 3-4 uncles living here, and one who has a bad temper will be scolded if he doesn't provoke him. He will hit someone when he walks by others and whisper at the same time. The president seems to have established a lot of rules to make the huts behave properly. Within half a year, he posted the rules of the huts three times (the more the rules are changed, the more the rules are, but it is stated in the check-in rules. If the students who must live are the most Good to ask in advance to see clearly) The last time I felt unpleasant was that someone in the lao had a fever. It was suspected that the new crown manager, the management company, and the president did not tell the residents in time. About a week after the fever, the fever was isolated on the no-one floor. Fortunately, the person who has a fever is Negative. However, during this period, the residents have no way to determine whether they have eaten with a fever and took the same elevator. The administrator also did not wear a mask when he took the person with fever to isolation. The rent is 5.5w a month. In addition to the electricity bill, breakfast and dinner are really suitable. There are 3 or 4 supermarkets and 4 convenience stores in the surrounding area. There are pharmacies, McDonald's, and すき's in the shopping street. It is not far from Hankyu Awaji Station and JR Higashiyodogawa Station. If it is not necessary to live in this house, it is recommended to find another house. If you are a college student, you can consider consulting the school student association. Some schools can help find a house. For students from the language school, ask the intermediary to express their desire to rent a house. The intermediary can also help find a suitable house.

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