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Contact パーソナルジムNINE浜松

住所 :

Nishiasada, Naka Ward, Hamamatsu, 〒432-8045 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://www.ninegym.online/
街 : Shizuoka

Nishiasada, Naka Ward, Hamamatsu, 〒432-8045 Shizuoka,Japan
アリベジュワ on Google

It's been two months since I was looking for a personal gym and had my friends recommend it. Since my body is originally stiff, I was able to make up my body in two months. I got closer to my ideal body and got results without injury! It was a completely private room, and the trainer taught me in a friendly, polite and easy-to-understand manner, so I could do it even if I didn't know how to do weight training. I was able to train without stress because I received good advice on diet management! My posture has improved. Above all, I am most grateful to be able to train in a completely private room without worrying about the eyes of others. It's reasonable and very easy to go to.
Y S on Google

どの部位に効かせるために、どのトレーニングをどの点に注意をして行うかなど1つ1つ丁寧に指導していただいています。体重は下がっては戻りの繰り返しで出来が悪くて 申し訳ないのですが、宜しくお願いします
We have you carefully instruct each one, such as which training to pay attention to which point in order to work on which part. I'm sorry that I'm not good at losing weight due to repeated returns, but thank you.
m on Google

いつもお世話になっています。 通い始めてから体重も体脂肪も順調に減ってきて、服のサイズも変わりました! 本当に通って良かったと思います。 トレーナーも親身に指導してくれるお陰で、筋トレも食事制限も頑張れています。 夏前に通って良かったです^_^
I am always indebted. Since I started going to school, my weight and body fat have been steadily decreasing, and my clothing size has changed! I'm really glad I went there. Thanks to the trainer's kind guidance, I am doing my best in muscle training and dietary restrictions. I'm glad I went before summer ^ _ ^
小島悠紀斗 on Google

毎回楽しくトレーニングさせていただいてます。 始めたばかりですが徐々に体重が落ちていっています。 とても知識が豊富で色々とアドバイスも頂けるので不安も解消できています。
I enjoy training every time. I've just started, but I'm gradually losing weight. I am very knowledgeable and can give various advices, so I am able to resolve my anxiety.
石川宗 on Google

28歳 男 身長171cm トレーナー:代表 原田さん スポーツを辞めてから体重がどんどん増え、初めてのパーソナルシジム通いを決意しました。通い始めて5週間で4kg(72kg→68kg)の減量ができ、体もどんどん軽く、健康になっている感覚があります。 食事の写真をlineで送ればアドバイスがもらえますし、トレーニング中に現役時代にケガをしていた箇所に痛みが出た時も、原因を探りながら無理のない形でアプローチして頂けたので、信頼してトレーニングを行うことができています。
28-year-old man, height 171 cm Trainer: Representative Mr. Harada After quitting sports, I gained more and more weight and decided to go to personal sijim for the first time. In the first 5 weeks of going to school, I can lose 4kg (72kg → 68kg), and my body feels lighter and healthier. If you send a picture of the meal on the line, you can get advice, and even if you have a pain in the part where you were injured during the training, you can approach it in a reasonable way while searching for the cause. I can trust and train.
ひーくん(ひーくん) on Google

中々体重が減らず焦ってイライラしてしまった時期もありましたが、寄り添って根気強くご指導いただきました。知識が豊富なトレーナーさんなので、トレーニングの合間にお話してくださることも、本当にためになります! またお世話になります^ ^ 体重も順調に減ってきています!
There was a time when I was frustrated because I didn't lose weight, but I was patiently instructed. As a knowledgeable trainer, it's really helpful to talk to me during training! Thank you again ^ ^ I'm steadily losing weight!
あや on Google

このジムに通い始めて腹筋が割れました! 目に見えて効果を感じるともっと頑張ろうと思えます。食事制限がしんどいときもありますがトレーナーがLINEなどで適宜相談に乗ってくれるので不安を感じることはありません。 信頼できるトレーナーなので毎回トレーニングが楽しいです!
My abdominal muscles broke when I started going to this gym! If you can see the effect, you will try harder. There are times when dietary restrictions are difficult, but the trainer will consult with you on LINE, so you will not feel anxious. As a reliable trainer, training is fun every time!
ひな on Google

The training content was prepared according to my level, and not only the meals but also the mental support was solid, so I was able to enjoy the training period much more! With a lot of knowledge, I love muscle training! The quality of the trainer is very high and I can achieve my goal well, so I highly recommend this gym!

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