
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact やはた食堂

住所 :

Niisatocho Nikkawa, Kiryu, 〒376-0121 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777779
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday 11AM–2PM
Monday 11AM–2PM
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM
街 : Gunma

Niisatocho Nikkawa, Kiryu, 〒376-0121 Gunma,Japan
なぐもきよみ on Google

It's an old-fashioned restaurant.
宏司岩崎 on Google

Old-fashioned omelet rice. Ramen 350 yen is cheap. It's cheaper than you say, it tastes good
peace photo on Google

昼に行ったら自分を混ぜて客2人客が居ない理由! カツ丼頼んだけど味噌汁無しカツの厚さは2/3卵も少ないカツ丼で650円安いと思わないし美味くもない。
Why go there in the afternoon and mix yourself and have no two customers! I ordered katsudon, but the thickness of the katsu without miso soup is less than 2/3 eggs.
モンハン部 on Google

出前頼のみたくて電話したのになんで嫌な思いしなくてはいけないの? 場所どこですか?と言われたから住所教えたのに番地言われてもわかんないんだけどって言われた。は?ならどうやっていつも出前行ってるんですか??地図とかみようとはおもわないの? 電話に出たおばさんすごく態度が悪くてきぶんがわるいです。 しまいにはめんどくさくなったのか知らないけど今は無理だと最後の最後で断られた。 本当に嫌な店ですね。 お店やらないほうがいいんじゃないかな。 おばさんの態度改めたほうがいいよ。
Why do I have to hate it because I wanted to call on a delivery service? Where are you? I told him my address, but I wasn't sure if I was told the address. What? Then how do you always go out on delivery? ? Don't you think about maps and bites? The aunt who answered the phone had a very bad attitude and was awkward. I don't know if it was awkward at the end, but I was refused at the end when it was impossible. It ’s really disgusting. I think it's better not to do a shop. You should change your aunt's attitude.
N R on Google

この近辺で急にランチを食べることになり、最初に目についたこちらへ何も考えず飛び込んだのが運の尽きでした。 随分と年季を感じる建物で、老夫婦で営業されているようです。しかし、店主さんは「いらっしゃい」も言わず、あさっての方角を向いたままです。 カウンター席に座わると、なんとも独特な様相を呈した厨房が眼前に。その様相とお昼時なのに他に客はゼロである事実に強い不安を感じ、メニューを見て無難そうなかつ丼650円をオーダーしました。しかし、目の前の店主さんは返事をしません。聞こえたのか聞こえなかったのか不安になっていると、店主さんが肉を冷蔵庫から取り出し始めたので、どうやら聞こえていたようです。しかし取り出された肉を見て早くもガッカリ、とんかつ用の定番のロース肉ではなくて、筋が多い安い肩ロース肉でした。それをいかにも薄く切っているのを見てまたまたガッカリ。この時点でこれはもう全く期待できないなと思いました。 当然のように出てきたかつ丼は、とんかつは小さく、肉は固くて薄くて筋だらけ、卵も少なく、ご飯も少なく、味付けも痩せて貧弱でただしょっぱいだけでした。 想定外に、あまりにも量も、味も、肉も、ご飯も貧弱過ぎるかつ丼でしたので、全く食事した気になれず、仕方なくメニューを見返して、かつ丼以上に無難そうなラーメン350円を追加で注文しました。しかし、またまた目の前の店主さんは返事をせず、頷きもせず、全く無表情のまま微動だにせず・・・。しかし、麺を取り出したので、やはり聞こえてはいるようでした。 そうして、出てきたラーメンのどす黒い醤油スープの色にびっくりです。恐る恐る飲んでみると、醤油ダレが物凄く濃くて、だだただしょっぱい醤油の味しか感じられませんでした。麺も少ないうえに美味しくなく、極めつけはチャーシューがかって見たこともない過去最小の驚くべき小ささで、ちょうど親指の爪くらいの極小極薄サイズだった事です。 スープはしょっぱすぎて全く飲めず、麺や具はその量の少なさから、ラーメンも「あっ」という間に食べ終えてしまいました。 かつ丼とラーメンで合計1000円でした。普通の食堂でランチに1000円使えば、お得なセット物や創意工夫を凝らしたそれなりに満足のゆく定食などが戴けるものです。しかしこちらでは、お腹も、心も、全く満たされず、不用心に入店してしまった事をただただ強く後悔しました。 退店時に「ごちそうさまでした」と言っても、またまた店主さんはこちらに背中を向けたまま無言・・・。挨拶や返事は飲食店経営者として、いや、そもそも社会人として基本中の基本だと思います。 何も調べずに飛び入りで知らない飲食店に入る「怖さ」を嫌というほど痛感しました。 もう何があろうと絶対に二度と行きません。
I suddenly had lunch around here, and I was out of luck when I jumped into the place I first noticed without thinking about anything. It's a building where you can feel the season, and it seems that it is open by an elderly couple. However, the shopkeeper did not say "Welcome" and still turned to the direction of the day after tomorrow. When you sit at the counter seat, you will see a kitchen with a unique appearance in front of you. At noon, I was very anxious about the fact that there were no other customers, so I ordered a bowl of 650 yen, which seemed safe to look at the menu. However, the shopkeeper in front of me does not reply. When I was worried whether I could hear it or not, the owner started taking the meat out of the refrigerator, so it seemed that I could hear it. However, I was disappointed when I saw the meat taken out, and it was not the standard loin for pork cutlet, but the cheap shoulder loin with many streaks. I was disappointed to see that it was sliced ​​very thinly. At this point I thought I couldn't expect this at all. As a matter of course, the katsudon that came out was small tonkatsu, the meat was hard and thin and full of streaks, there were few eggs, there was little rice, the seasoning was thin and poor, but it was only salty. Unexpectedly, the amount, taste, meat, and rice were too poor and the bowl was so poor that I couldn't feel like eating at all. I ordered an additional one. However, the shopkeeper in front of me did not reply, did not nod, and did not make a slight movement with no expression at all. However, I took out the noodles, so it seemed that I could still hear them. Then, I was surprised at the color of the black soy sauce soup of the ramen that came out. When I drank it, the soy sauce sauce was so thick that I could only feel the taste of soy sauce. There are few noodles and it is not delicious, and the ultimate size is the smallest and surprisingly small char siu that I have never seen before, and it was just the size of a thumb nail. The soup was too salty to drink at all, and the amount of noodles and ingredients was so small that I finished eating ramen in a blink of an eye. Katsudon and ramen cost a total of 1000 yen. If you spend 1000 yen for lunch at an ordinary restaurant, you can get a great deal of set items and a set meal that is satisfying as it is with ingenuity. However, here, my stomach and heart were not satisfied at all, and I just strongly regretted having entered the store carelessly. Even if I said "I've had a feast" when I left the store, the owner said nothing again with his back to me. I think that greetings and replies are the basics of being a restaurant owner, no, as a member of society in the first place. I was so keenly aware of the "fear" of entering a restaurant I didn't know by jumping in without checking anything. No matter what happens, I will never go again.
最中五郎 on Google

外観からこの店に初めて入るには勇気がいる。常連が多いのだろうか、お店のご夫婦と話がはずんでいる。それを聞いているのも楽しい。 私のいちおしはカツ丼だ(650円)。ソースカツ丼ではない(念の為)。 肉が薄いとの書き込みがあるが、カツ丼は単に厚ければよいというわけではない。この厚みが一番おいしい。ぜひ、訪問して味わってみてください。
There is courage to enter this store for the first time from the exterior. I wonder if there are a lot of regulars, and talk with the couple at the store. It ’s also fun listening to it. My ichioshishi is a cutlet bowl (650 yen). It ’s not a sauce cutlet (just in case). There is a note that the meat is thin, but the cutlet is not just thick. This thickness is the most delicious. Please visit and taste.
こぺ on Google

When I was attending Isesaki Nursing School, I came to this cafeteria to eat. It's been over 20 years ago, but I'm happy to say that I'm still open when I googled while remembering that time. Certainly, I remember going home from a drive with a group of friends. Now I'm back in my hometown of Okinawa, but I'd like to go there again someday.
未来ちゃん on Google

The shop that is run by a couple is not so large and the cospa is the best. Deliciousness without failure no matter what you eat. In particular, dumplings have a delicious taste that is very nostalgic for me, and I want to refill them many times. I go every other week.

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