佐川急便 和光営業所

2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 佐川急便 和光営業所

住所 :

Niikura, Wako, 〒351-0115 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
街 : Saitama

Niikura, Wako, 〒351-0115 Saitama,Japan
裕加里 on Google

やはり最低な会社。 営業所のミスで電話してるのに何故こちらが電話代払わなければいけないのか。 ぼったくりですね。ミスばっかりなんだからいい加減携帯からでも一切お金が掛からないようにした方がいいと思います。 次回より配送が佐川急便と書かれているところでの購入は辞めようと思います。
After all it is the worst company. Why do I have to pay for the phone when I am calling due to a mistake at the sales office? It is a rip offs. I think it's better not to spend any money even from a sloppy mobile phone because there are only mistakes. From the next time, I will stop purchasing where the delivery is written as Sagawa Express.
をうと on Google

何ヶ月か前に、日時指定したのにも関わらず家に来てもないのに謎に持って帰られ当たり前に不在票も入っていなかったことなどあり、和光営業所の佐川急便さんはあまり良いイメージではないです。 ですが先日、代引きで佐川急便さんを利用しました。 代金ピッタリ出し、サインもハンコを出したところ、「代金丁度、印鑑もありがとうございます!」と言われました。その後も最後までペコペコしていて、ここまで低姿勢な配達員さんは佐川急便さんで初めて見ました。とても気持ちの良い配達員さんでした!良い配達員さんもいるようです……。
A few months ago, even though I specified the date and time, I did not come home, but I was brought back to mystery and there was no absentee vote as a matter of course, so Mr. Sagawa Express of Wako Sales Office is not so much It's not a good image. However, the other day, I used Sagawa Express for cash on delivery. When the price was perfect and the signature was stamped, he said, "Thank you for the price and the seal!" Even after that, I was fluttering until the end, and I saw Sagawa Express for the first time as a deliveryman with such a low attitude. It was a very pleasant deliveryman! There seems to be a good delivery person ...
島崎亜紀 on Google

It is very helpful because you can pick up your luggage at any time.
SAI SEI on Google

ロッカー受け取りを希望すると もの凄く時間がかかるのは何故? 荷物はあるのに必ず3日くらい待たされる。 その間連絡は一切無し。 担当ドライバーの怠慢? クロネコヤマトとは雲泥の差。
If you want to receive a locker Why is it so time consuming? Even though I have luggage, I always have to wait for about 3 days. No contact during that time. The negligence of the driver in charge? The difference between Kuroneko Yamato and Kuroneko Yamato.
わたあき on Google

Seriously, the people at this sales office are clumsy and poorly responsive. The image of Sagawa Express has deteriorated. I don't want to use it. In this era when it became commonplace to buy things online, I would like you to choose the courier service that will be delivered to you when you buy things. It makes me think that I don't want to use Sagawa Express that much.
マグマ斄 on Google

少し駅から遠いのと、荷受所の場所が分かり辛い、歩いて其処まで入っていいのかが分からない(因みに歩いても自転車でも車でも行ける)という点では微妙でしたが、電話係さん、荷受所係員さんの対応は親切でした。 (荷受所は、 郵便局側の道路から入る→ 右折、奥に進んで左を向くと→ 一般車が並んでる処の奥に入口 コレ歩いて入っていいんか?って思うような感じがしますが、その儘真っ直ぐ行くとカウンターがあり其処で荷物を受け取れます。)
It was a little far from the station, it was difficult to know the location of the receiving place, and I did not know if I could walk to that place (by the way, I can go by walking, bicycle or car), but the telephone clerk, receiving the goods The staff was kind. (The receiving place is Enter from the road on the post office side → Turn right, go to the back and turn left → The entrance at the back of the place where ordinary cars are lined up Is it okay to walk in? It feels like that, but if you go straight there, there is a counter where you can pick up your luggage. )
m na on Google

Even though I specified the date and time in the morning, there was no sign of coming even in the afternoon, so I was told to confirm and call back even if I inquired, and when I was waiting, the female driver called "Other I was late because I was traveling around the district. I'm sorry. When did you stay at home? " No, I thought it was a designated date and time, but I couldn't help it, so I asked for it at 18:00 and said "OK", but the package did not arrive at that time.
よっちー on Google

1/31午前に配達を頼んだのに来ない。 12時過ぎにポストをみても不在連絡票は入っていない。ネットで配達状況をみたら11:44に不在扱いになっていた。再配達を依頼してその日の夜に来てもらって受け取った。翌日ポストをみたらなんと不在連絡票が。。再配達依頼して届けに来た時に入れたんですか?意味がわかりません。最初に希望時間に配達できないなら勝手に不在扱いしないでできませんって正直に言ったらどうなんですか?家族と一緒に家にいたのでインターホンに気づかなかったはありえません。絶対来てないのに不在扱いにしましたよね?正直に言ってほしいですし、うそはダメだと思いますよ、
1/31 not come to asked for delivery in the morning. Absence Contact vote also look at the post on the 12 o'clock is not entered. It had been absent treatment to 11:44 When you see the delivery status in the net. I received and asked to come to the evening of the day to request a re-delivery. What absence Contact form If you look at the post the next day. .. Did you request a redelivery or came to deliver it? I do not get it. How do I know When the first to honestly say you can not not arbitrarily absence treats If you can not deliver the desired time? With the family because at home you do not impossible is did not notice the intercom. I was treated as absolutely not coming, right? It is I want you to be honest, I think that's a bad lie,

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