文明堂東京 三越日本橋本店

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 文明堂東京 三越日本橋本店

住所 :

Nihonbashimuromachi, Chuo City, 〒103-0022 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.bunmeido.co.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Nihonbashimuromachi, Chuo City, 〒103-0022 Tokyo,Japan
Yuchun Kao on Google

Alan Wu on Google

Very tasty
No Name on Google

毎年ホワイトデーは当店の商品を購入。 いつもお世話になっております。 >20200314追記 今年もお世話になりました!
Every year on White Day, we purchase our products. Always I am indebted. > 20200314 Addendum Thank you again this year!
neco design on Google

Speaking of delicious and delicious Dorayaki (Mikasayama), this is the place. The skin is moist and the bean paste is juicy.
yossi rosso on Google

文明堂といえばカステラ。お土産でもらったことしかありませんでした。 今回は散歩の途中にあったので休憩で立ち寄りました。甘いものも食べたい… コーヒーも紅茶もラインナップがあるので、このお店にしてよかったです。一番好きなアールグレイを注文。 甘いものは迷った挙句フレンチカステラに!カステラティラミスおいしそうだったな… アツアツ出来立てカステラの横にバニラアイスが添えてあり最高です。普通のフレンチトーストと比べるとカステラだけに甘いかなという感じ。甘くない飲み物に合います。次はティラミス食べたいなぁ。 横を見るとランチ利用してる方々がたくさんいました!近くの会社で働く方でしょうね。ハンバーグやオムライスなどの洋食があるみたい!おいしそう…? 今度はランチ利用したいな。 混んでおらず穴場でした。お友達など大切な人と、ゆっくり時間が過ごせそうでオススメ。
Bunkyodo is Castella. I had only received a souvenir. This time I was in the middle of a walk, so I stopped by at a break. I also want to eat sweets... I have a lineup of coffee and tea, so I'm glad I made this shop. I ordered my favorite Earl Gray. Lost sweets in French Castella! Castella tiramisu It looked delicious... It's the best because it has hot vanilla ice cream next to the freshly made castella. Compared to ordinary French toast, it feels like Castella is sweeter. It goes well with non-sweet drinks. I want to eat tiramisu next time. Looking at the side, there were many people using lunch! You're probably working at a nearby company. There seems to be Western food such as hamburg and omelet rice! It looks delicious...? I want to use lunch this time. It was not crowded and it was a secret place. It is recommended that you can spend time slowly with important people such as friends.
山田光弘 on Google

It was a busy season during the year-end and New Year holidays, but I had a gift box hung with Noshi. Thank you for your polite response. Please again.
北幸代 on Google

You can order pancakes using soy sauce and sake as a hidden ingredient on Mikasa dough. Lunch set that can be ordered until 3pm is also advantageous. You can add Castella for +200 yen.
pink kimijima on Google

カステラはもちろん美味しいです。 接客がねえ、、、 スタッフさんによってムラがありすぎますね。 高級旅館の女将や仲居みたいな素晴らしい対応のスタッフもいれば、 安居酒屋でももうちょっとマシな対応するぞ!!と言いたくなるようなひどい子もいます。
Castella is of course delicious. There is no customer service ... There is too much unevenness depending on the staff. There are wonderful staff such as the landlady of a luxury inn and a Nakai, Even at an izakaya, it's a little better! !! Some terrible children want to say.

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