Teahouse Chainkan - Chuo City

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Teahouse Chainkan

住所 :

日本橋SDビル 1階 1 Chome-10-6 Nihonbashiningyocho, Chuo City, Tokyo 103-0013, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 103-0013
Webサイト : https://chainkan.com/

日本橋SDビル 1階 1 Chome-10-6 Nihonbashiningyocho, Chuo City, Tokyo 103-0013, Japan
Tak S on Google

凍頂烏龍茶めちゃうま ほっこりする香り 最初は滑らかですっきりした味わいから、温度が下がると甘くなめらかーな口当たりに変化していきます。最高です。 店員のお姉さまもやさしい 静かにゆっくり話せるし また来ます。
Dong Ding Oolong Tea Mechauma A warm scent It has a smooth and refreshing taste at first, but when the temperature drops, it changes to a sweet and smooth mouthfeel. it's the best. The clerk's older sister is also kind I can talk quietly and slowly I will come again.
しろねこやの女将 on Google

人形町にある「気取らず気軽に中国茶でティータイムを過ごすことができるお店」。オーナーが各地で安心安全な茶葉を買い付けてきているのだそう。おいしいお茶とフードを楽しむことができます。 ********************************************* ■■喫茶コーナーは?■■ 店内は明るくしゃれた雰囲気で落ち着くことができます。今日オーダーしたのはポットサービスの「武夷岩茶(580円)」と「仙草ゼリー(400円)」。ポットサービスの場合、お茶をカップに2杯ほどいただくことができます。武夷岩茶は香ばしくどこかスパイシーな味わい。仙草フルーツはオリゴ糖で味付けされていておいしい。季節のフルーツ・メロンがごろごろ入っていました。リーズナブルで満足感たっぷり。 気に入ったお茶に出会えたらポットサービスではなく「茶芸式(工夫)」をオーダーしてじっくり楽しんでみてはいかがでしょうか。 ■■茶器&茶葉販売コーナーは?■■ 販売コーナーも充実。茶葉は20g~10gの小ぶりのものが多いのですがお湯200mlに4g程度で3~4煎くらいはいけますので結構楽しめます。ここでの私のイチオシは「阿里山烏龍茶20g(800円)」。台湾の高山で採れるくちなしの花のような香りがする烏龍茶です。発酵度は軽めで薄い水色は緑茶のよう。お茶から「桜餅のような甘い香り」または「ブルガリ オ・パフメ オーテヴェール(緑茶)」みたいな香りがするというのが私の良質な高山茶の基準なんですが、久しぶりにこの香りがするお茶に出会うことができました。オススメです。
A store in Ningyocho where you can easily have a tea time with Chinese tea without being pretended. The owners are buying safe and secure tea leaves in various places. You can enjoy delicious tea and food. ********************************************* ■■ What about the cafe corner? ■■ You can calm down in the shop with a bright and stylish atmosphere. Today, I ordered the pot services "Wuyiwaiwacha (580 yen)" and "Sengaku jelly (400 yen)". For pot service, you can have about two cups of tea. Takeiiwacha has a fragrant and somewhat spicy taste. Sengaku fruit is delicious because it is seasoned with oligosaccharides. Seasonal fruit melon was in the middle. Reasonable and satisfying. If you can meet your favorite tea, why not order a tea ceremony (ingenuity) instead of a pot service and enjoy it? ■■ What is the tea ceremony & tea leaf sales corner? ■■ There are also plenty of sales corners. Most of the tea leaves are small, from 20g to 10g, but you can enjoy 3-4 roasts with 200g of hot water at 4g. My favorite here is "Ariyama Oolong Tea 20g (800 yen)". Oolong tea with a fragrance that looks like the flower of a pear flower that can be found in the high mountains of Taiwan. The degree of fermentation is light and the light blue color is like green tea. My standard for high-quality Takayama tea is that the tea has a sweet scent like cherry blossom cake or a scent like "Bulgario puffme ote vert" (green tea). I was able to. I recommend it.
中田淳子 on Google

Because of the back alleys, people who usually pass by may not know it. At the tea house, you can eat delicious curry with a surprisingly strong spice. The amount is for girls, and it's not enough for those who like big things. However, if you drink the tea properly made from the Kyusu, the scent will heal you and your heart will be well-organized. Come on a day when your heart is buzzing with thoughts and anxieties.
M H on Google

工芸茶と仙草ゼリーをいただきました。 一煎目はお店の方にお願いしました。以降の煎れ方も教えていただけるので、あとはテーブルのケトルからお湯をいれて自分のペースで楽しめます。 仙草ゼリーも初めて食べましたが、思ったより食べやすかったです。 広めで清潔感のあるお店で、お値段もとてもお手頃で近くに来たらまた寄りたいです。
I had craft tea and grass jelly. I asked the shop for the first brew. You can also teach us how to roast after that, so you can enjoy it at your own pace by adding hot water from the kettle on the table. I also ate grass jelly for the first time, but it was easier to eat than I expected. It's a spacious and clean shop, and the price is very reasonable, so I'd like to stop by again when I come nearby.
pink kimijima on Google

本格台湾茶の茶芸が愉しめます!! 調度品や音楽のセンスも良いし最高!!
You can enjoy the tea art of authentic Taiwanese tea! !! The furniture and music have a good taste and are the best! !!
いおゆき on Google

美味しいお茶が飲みたくて、祝日15時頃お邪魔しました。お客さんでほぼ埋まっていたので、カウンター席へ。 ピアノ曲が流れてゆっくりできる雰囲気のカフェ。お茶は一度おかわりできるのでのんびり過ごせるのがいいですね。 ベリーのケーキは小ぶりながらもボリューム感のある食感。お茶とのマリアージュでより美味しくいただけました☺︎ 茶器がそれぞれ違うのとか、ティーカップがオリジナルのものだったりとか、色々と見て楽しむことができました。 お土産におすすめの白茶と凍頂烏龍茶を購入させていただきました。お家で飲むのも楽しみです!
I wanted to drink delicious tea, so I visited around 15:00 on a public holiday. It was almost full of customers, so I went to the counter seat. A cafe with an atmosphere where you can relax with piano songs. Tea can be refilled once, so it's good to be able to spend a relaxing time. The berry cake has a small but voluminous texture. It was more delicious with the marriage with tea ☺︎ I enjoyed seeing various things such as different tea ware and original tea cups. I bought white tea and Dong Ding oolong tea, which are recommended as souvenirs. I'm looking forward to drinking at home!
都市伝説の歩き方 on Google

人形町のお洒落カフェ☕️ 美味しい烏龍茶が味わえます! 2回まで煎れれるので、追加の際は店員さんに言って下さい♪ ペットボトルの烏龍茶とは違う、本物の烏龍茶ではないでしょうか? 店内でもお茶を販売しています♪^ ^ デザートは何種類かありましたが、仏草の寒天を注文♪ オリゴ糖をかけて食べると烏龍茶に合います♪ Fashionable cafe in Ningyocho ☕️ You can enjoy delicious oolong tea! It can be roasted up to 2 times, so please tell the clerk when adding it ♪ Isn't it real oolong tea that is different from PET bottle oolong tea? Tea is also sold in the store ♪ ^ ^ There were several kinds of desserts, but I ordered Buddha grass agar ♪ It goes well with oolong tea when eaten with oligosaccharides ♪
Fashionable cafe in Ningyocho ☕️ You can enjoy delicious oolong tea! It can be roasted up to 2 times, so please tell the clerk when adding it ♪ Isn't it real oolong tea that is different from PET bottle oolong tea? Tea is also sold in the store ♪ ^ ^ There were several kinds of desserts, but I ordered Buddhist agar ♪ It goes well with oolong tea when eaten with oligosaccharides ♪ Fashionable cafe in Ningyocho ☕️ You can enjoy delicious oolong tea! It can be roasted up to 2 times, so please tell the clerk when adding it ♪ Isn't it real oolong tea that is different from PET bottle oolong tea? Tea is also sold in the store ♪ ^ ^ There were several kinds of desserts, but I ordered Buddha grass agar ♪ It goes well with oolong tea when eaten with oligosaccharides ♪
えもりとおる on Google

I ordered soybean milk and noble tea from a tea ceremony set. For tea (if you wish), the shop will make the first brew, and you can make the second and subsequent brews yourself. If you run out of hot water, you can get it again, so you can enjoy tea to your heart's content. Next time, I would like to eat sweets and curry. Tea and tea utensils are also on sale.

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