Nihonbashi Shiniseya - Chuo City

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nihonbashi Shiniseya

住所 :

3 Chome-3-4 Nihonbashi, Chuo City, Tokyo 103-0027, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 103-0027

3 Chome-3-4 Nihonbashi, Chuo City, Tokyo 103-0027, Japan
横田明憲 on Google

下駄をはいた店長みたいな偉そうな奴に水を頼んだら無愛想な面してドンと。うるさいんだよ、下駄。 あ一 皆さん気をつけてください。コップの水頼んでも伝票つけてるみたいなんで…会計のとき明細をチェックしたほうがよろしいかと思います。二度といかない。
If you ask a bossy guy like a store manager with clogs to ask for water, don't look ugly. It's noisy, geta. Aichi please take care of yourselves everyone. Even if you ask for a cup of water, it looks like you've got a voucher ... I think it's better to check the details at the time of accounting. Never again.
N M on Google

火曜日に同僚と来店。 八吉とグループ店らしく、料理は似ていて、魚系が特に美味しいです。また小田原の鈴廣のかまぼこなどもあり、東京では珍しいものも食べることができます。 値段も手頃で、お店の雰囲気も良く、広いので、忘年会等にも重宝できそうです。
Visited with a colleague on Tuesday. Like Hakichi and a group restaurant, the food is similar and the fish is especially delicious. There are also Suzuhiro's Kamaboko in Odawara, and you can eat something rare in Tokyo. The price is reasonable, the atmosphere of the shop is good, and it is large, so it seems to be useful for year-end parties.
Tsutomu T on Google

It was cheap for the atmosphere. It was a bit salty.
野口和英 on Google

This is a pretty atmosphere. There is a sense of quality. The food is also delicious. Is it difficult because of the small number of staff? However, it is a shop where you can enjoy satisfaction.
株式会社GMA on Google

Order a course. The store is clean and the staff is very friendly. The food is reasonably good but the drinks are slow. 〆 cold plum soba is very delicious.
tkmrsha1 on Google

味はそここそ。接待向けですかね… 呼び込み?で、西洋人の人達が入って来てました。隣の大国からの人達が居なかったのが、幸いでした。
The taste is there. Is it for business ... Call? So, Westerners were coming in. Fortunately, there were no people from the neighboring powers.
KEI NAKA on Google

気持ちの良い接客に尽きる。 飲食業は人材の確保が大変だと聞くが、これだけの箱でみなさん感じよく、感心するやら申し訳ないやら。 グーグルマップのジャンルが高級、になっているけどそんなことはないです。良い意味で。 味、雰囲気全てが担保されている。 ご馳走様です。
It's all about pleasant customer service. I hear that it is difficult to secure human resources in the food and beverage industry, but with this box, everyone feels good and I'm sorry to be impressed. The genre of Google Maps has become high-end, but that's not the case. In a good sense. All taste and atmosphere are guaranteed. It is a feast.
ikuko sasaki on Google

魚が美味しいお店は何を食べても 美味✨ #八重洲「日本橋 #老舗屋」。#お造り から始まり #のどぐろ煮付け #子持昆布の串揚げ #季節の薩摩揚げ 締めはお鍋 #豚しゃぶ鍋 とコースで❣️ㅤ ㅤ 並べられた魚は下関港直送。#のどぐろ も名物の1つで コース内にひとり1切れの煮つけ付き!美味しい甘辛の味付けがご飯を欲しくなります。子持ち昆布のぷりっとした串揚げや さつま揚げはお酒のお供に? 豚しゃぶもボリューム食べ応え充分、ラストはおうどんを頂きました? ㅤ 遅めの新年会で伺いましたが、#プレモル のビアサーバーを背負ってきたり、美味しい上にサービスもgood。グルメ揃いな #サントリーブロガー 達も大満足のお店。#ジャパニーズウイスキー #響 #山崎 #白州 もしっかり置かれていたのも嬉しいな? SpecialThanks♡ #suntory ㅤㅤ #Japan #日本 #tokyo #東京 #東京グルメ #japanese #日本食 #japanesefood #レストラン #yum #yummy #instafood #グルメ #Japanesewhiskey #ザプレミアムモルツ
No matter where you eat, delicious fish is delicious. # Yaesu "Nihonbashi # long-established shop". #Start with sashimi #boiled donuts #fried kelp skewer #seasonal Satsuma fried ㅤ The lined fish is sent directly to Shimonoseki Port. #Throat is also one of the specialties, with one boiled stew in the course! Delicious sweet and spicy seasoning wants rice. The crisp skewer and satsuma-age of the kelp of the child are served with sake. The pork shabu is also full of volume and the last is udon. ㅤ I heard at a late New Year's party, but I have a # pre-mol beer server on my back, it is delicious and the service is good. #Suntory bloggers with gourmet dishes are also very satisfied shops. #Japanese whiskey #Hibiki #Yamazaki #Hakushu SpecialThanks ♡ #suntory ㅤ ㅤ #Japan #Japan #tokyo #Tokyo #Tokyo Gourmet #japanese #Japanese food #Japanesefood #Restaurant #yum #yummy #instafood #Gourmet #Japanesewhiskey #The Premium Malts

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