1.3/5 に基づく 4 レビュー

Contact NICOPA八幡店

住所 :

Yawata, 〒614-8043 Kyoto,Japan

街 : Kyoto

たらこ御飯 on Google

ニギハヤミコハクヌシ on Google

確率機30回しても取れなかった さすがに確率低すぎん?w
I couldn't get it even after 30 times of probability machine Is the probability too low? w
ryu on Google

ここの全店員から1度も『いらっしゃいませ』などの挨拶は聞いた事がありません。 昔から居る2人、いつ見ても年中同じジーパン&ブーツを履いている金欠万年浪人生みたいな男(夏でもブーツだったのに、最近ようやく違う靴を買えたみたい)と厚化粧の長髪おばさん。こいつらの言動は不快でしかない。吐き気がする。 コロナ禍なので、消毒スプレーは置いてあるが、店員が消毒をして周ってるのは見た事がない。
I have never heard a greeting such as "Welcome" from all the staff here. Two people who have been around for a long time, a man who wears the same jeans and boots all year round, like a man who looks like a ronin (even in the summer, he finally bought different shoes) and heavy makeup Aunt with long hair. Their words and actions are only unpleasant. I feel nauseous. Since it is a corona sickness, I have a disinfectant spray, but I have never seen a clerk disinfect it and go around.
Kakeru Urai on Google

One drum costs 100 yen and 3 songs, and the maintenance is pretty good, but shooting is prohibited, so it is not suitable for keeping records. In other words, it's an arcade for the general public. It was far from the station, so I didn't think I would go there again. There aren't many types of games, so if you want to play to your heart's content, I think it's better to use the mall namco for scraps nearby.

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