Nichirenji - Kamogawa

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nichirenji

住所 :

3049 Uchiura, Kamogawa, Chiba 299-5502, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 299-5502
Webサイト :

3049 Uchiura, Kamogawa, Chiba 299-5502, Japan
Yutaro Yoshino on Google

The precincts are in the mountains. There are handrails, but the height difference is quite large, if not mountain climbing. You can climb the stairs with handrails. The steps on the stairs are low, and I think it's easy for the elderly and children to climb, but be careful because some parts are covered with moss and it's slippery.
m. nono on Google

安房小湊駅から徒歩30分~、誕生寺から徒歩20分~、参道石段は段数もあり勾配もそこそこあるので、所要時間は体力によります。入り口が狭くわかりづらいですが、数台分の駐車場があります。駐車場は参道下なので石段は登らないとたどり着けません。 御朱印を待つ間、本堂でお参りさせてきただきました。住職からは、本堂の日蓮聖人像が被っている綿帽子が気候などでかわるとのことや、お寺の成り立ちや石段の歴史についてなど、楽しいお話をしてくださいました。
30 minutes on foot from Awa-Kominato Station, 20 minutes on foot from Birth Temple, there are many steps and slopes, so the required time depends on your physical strength. The entrance is narrow and difficult to understand, but there are several parking lots. The parking lot is under the approach, so you can't reach it without climbing the stone steps. I was allowed to visit the main hall while waiting for the red stamp. The professor gave us a pleasant talk about the fact that the cotton hat covered by the Nichiren saint statue in the main hall is changed by the climate, the history of the temple and the history of stone steps.
法蓮 on Google

It is a spiritual trace. It is an old temple. The other day, I was introduced to the chief priest of Renge-ji Temple, and I visited here.
美登里田代 on Google

It raised a considerable stone steps, but in the temple feel the history, your priest also gave me kindly explained.
岡ちゃん on Google

Toyama is one of the four great tribulations of the Nichiren Daishonin, and is a ghost site of the Komatsubara Act tribulation. On 11 November 1264, Nichiren Seito (Seiju 43), who returned to Boshu for the first time in 10 years since the founding of Rikkyo, served as a mission in his hometown based in Hanbo Renkaji (Kamogawa City). It was. On the way to the mansion (Nisumi-ji), who was invited to the lord of the Tianjin lord Kudo Takahashi, he was attacked by hundreds of enemies Tojo Keinobu who had been ambushing on the street of Matsubara and the main street of Matsubara , Yoshitaka Kudo, who rushed to his disciple Kagami Ninbo, was killed. Nichiren saints also bear a 3-inch blade on their forehead, but with the help of various heavens, they will escape from the dead. After that, the guide of Kitaura Tadayoshi and Tadauchi entered the mountain road (Kesaka), which runs through the night road to Kazusa, and this mountain road is now the approach to this mountain. There is a well for washing in the precincts, and it is said that the forehead was washed here. Proceeding along the approach, there is Iwaya, where Iwaya was cured, and strangely, the rock sand of this Iwaya contains a large amount of iodine, and it is said that the entrance that you see when you paint it on the coral was blocked. The Tomorrow morning, the city's old woman passed through Iwaya, and the city where the Nichiren saint's forehead was designed will be repatriated using the cotton she had. This event is now being practiced nationwide, with the custom of wearing a cotton hat on a Nichiren saint statue during the winter. To leave the footsteps of the Nichiren Saints' Komatsubara Hofu, in 1277, Kenji Hibika Hijae was opened, and at that time he protected the demon gate as Okunoin at the birthplace of Omotoyama Koiso. It was. Tozan is one of the few temples that retain the original scenery that you saw, the way the Nichiren saints walked. It takes about 5 minutes from the parking lot where several cars can be parked. The toilet was closed with a shutter.
rtされています。 t on Google

日蓮聖人、小松原御法難の時に負った傷をこちらの井戸で洗われたそうです。 安房小湊駅から歩いたら30分以上。お寺の入口は数百段の階段が待っています。登りますと小さな本堂があります。 現在の住職は他のお寺さんも兼務されているためご不在が多いかもしれません。御首題をお願いしましたがその時はいらっしゃらず留守居の方がお戻りの時間を教えて下さいました。 御住職とお会いしましたがなかなかのイケメンです(笑) お話させていただきましたがとても聡明で知識の泉の御上人です。今まで知っていながらお参りできなかったのが惜しまれます。またお参りします‼️
It is said that the wounds inflicted during the Nichiren saint Komatsubara's law were washed in this well. It takes more than 30 minutes on foot from Awa-Kominato Station. Hundreds of stairs await at the entrance to the temple. There is a small main hall when you climb. The current priest may be absent because other temples also serve concurrently. I asked for your title, but at that time, the person who was away told me the time to return. I met the priest, but it's pretty handsome (laughs) As I mentioned, he is a very intelligent and knowledgeable boss. It is regrettable that I couldn't visit even though I knew it until now. I will visit you again! ️
i qqq on Google

When Nichiren Daishonin learned of the seriousness of his mother after being exiled from the Izu exile and returned from Kamakura to his hometown of Tojogo Kominato, on the way from Hanafusa to the mansion of Yoshitaka Kudo, a subordinate who lives in Tianjin, a group of superiors went to Jito and Keinobu Tojo. It is said that dozens of troops were attacked in the land of Komatsubara. At that time, his superior suffered deep flaws such as his forehead being cut and his left arm broken, but miraculously died suddenly and died. Nichirenji is known as a temple related to Komatsubara Persecution because it seems that he temporarily repaired a flaw in this area near Kominato and hid himself. When the superior was attacked by Tojo and others in the land of Komatsubara, the superior was helped by the guardian deity of the Lotus Sutra, Kishimojin, who suddenly appeared on the maki tree in the same area, and barely escaped the difficulty. am. However, at that time, Kyonin-ji Kyonin-ji, a disciple, and Yoshitaka Kudo, a subordinate who rushed to cheer, were killed. It is said that Tojo, who had a grudge against his superior and suddenly attacked his superior, fell off at this time and reached a miserable end. Buddhist controversy is the opposite concept of legal theory, and instead of persuading the other party through formal dialogue, it is said to appeal to illegal methods such as violence and strategy to persuade the other party. It is said that it has been criticized. Many of the statues of Nichiren Shonin are covered with clothes on their heads, but this has the meaning of being a superior and thinking with respect, and at the same time, strongly admonishing the persuasion due to such a law. It seems to be. The statue of the superior of Nichirenji's Soushido also has a cotton hat on the head of the superior. It is said that he was thinking about his superior's body when he saw him. In the precincts of Nichiren Temple, there is a shrine where the superior hid himself and repaired the flaw on the forehead of the head with the rock sand of the cave, and a well for washing the flaw which is said to have healed the flaw with Shimizu. ..
ギッシュ on Google

日蓮聖人が傷を洗ったとされる霊場です。井戸は参道入口中程に在ります。 長い階段を登った先に在るお寺は立派な造りですが、華美な装飾等は無い質実剛健と言った趣で、雰囲気が良かったです。 早朝だったことから、住職は留守にしていました。途中に有った御手洗いも、住職が不在だからか、鍵が掛かっていて使えませんでした。 留守の筈なのに物音が屋根や裏手から聞こえたので、何か居るかと見回すと小さな獣が。 キョンかと思ったら猿でした。 境内には稲荷大明神を奉るお社も有りました。 階段は帰りに数えたら205段でした。多分間違っていないかと。 駅からは離れていますし、誕生寺や妙蓮寺に比べると小さくて注目度も低いですから、来る人は少ないでしょうね。 しかし、神社仏閣が好きなら来る価値は有るかと思いました。
It is a sacred place where Nichiren saints are said to have washed their wounds. The well is in the middle of the entrance to the approach. The temple at the end of the long stairs is a fine structure, but the atmosphere was good because it was simple and sturdy without any gorgeous decorations. Since it was early in the morning, the priest was away. The Mitarai that was on the way was locked and could not be used, probably because the priest was absent. I was supposed to be away, but I heard a noise from the roof and the back, so I looked around to see if there was something, and I saw a small beast. I thought it was Kyon, but it was a monkey. There was also a shrine dedicated to Inari Daimyojin in the precincts. The stairs were 205 steps when counting on the way back. Maybe it's wrong. It's far from the station, and it's smaller and less noticeable than Tanjoji and Myorenji, so few people will come. However, I wondered if it was worth it if I liked shrines and temples.

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