Niboshi-Ramen Tamagoro yondaime Tsuruhashi - Osaka

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Niboshi-Ramen Tamagoro yondaime Tsuruhashi

住所 :

19-10 Funahashicho, Tennoji Ward, Osaka, 543-0024, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 543-0024
Webサイト :

19-10 Funahashicho, Tennoji Ward, Osaka, 543-0024, Japan
on Google

空いてたから入ってみたら全然美味しかった! そして、聞き覚えあるような店名だと思ってたらこないだ黒門で入ったラーメン屋のチェーン店でした。 個人的には普通のらーめんより、塩の方が好きかも(ちなみに汁を飲み干すと鉢に何か書いてあります笑)。
It was vacant so I went in and it was delicious! And it was a chain store of ramen shops that I entered at Kuromon, which I didn't think the name of the shop was familiar to me. Personally, I may prefer salt to ordinary ramen (by the way, when I drink the soup, something is written on the bowl lol).
としひろ on Google

10年前くらいかな?天満のホルモン焼肉屋の裏にあった1号店はたまに行ってましたが、久々に食べたくなったので近くの鶴橋店へ。 此処のラーメンは、いわゆる魚介豚骨Wスープ。ちょい太め歯応えしっかりの麺と絶妙にマッチング。 うんま~~(^^)い チャーシューは肩ロースのしっかり赤身系で、これはあんまり好みやないなぁ~旨いけども(^^;) あと、期間限定かな?バターチャーシュー丼みたいなのも注文したけど……バター要らんかな(^^;)って感じでした~
Is it about 10 years ago? I used to go to the first restaurant behind Tenma's Horumonyaki restaurant once in a while, but I wanted to eat it after a long time, so I went to the nearby Tsuruhashi restaurant. The ramen here is the so-called seafood pork bone W soup. Exquisitely matched with the slightly thick and chewy noodles. Yeah ~~ (^^) Char siu is a lean shoulder roast pork, and I don't really like it, though it's delicious (^^;) Also, is it for a limited time? I ordered something like butter char siu bowl, but ... I felt like I didn't need butter (^^;) ~
Miku Rin on Google

The ramen was still delicious and the last soup split of the tsukemen was also quite delicious ? I was happy that the ticket vending machine was moved inside and I could use a credit card.
乾博史 on Google

煮干しラーメンが食べたくなりましたが、黒門市場にあった店が閉店してたので鶴橋駅の店に行きました。 時間が経ちすぎたせいか以前とは違う用な気がしました。 が、美味しくいただきました。 特に不満は無かったです。
I wanted to eat dried sardines, but I went to the store at Tsuruhashi Station because the store at Kuromon Market was closed. I felt that it was different from before, probably because too much time had passed. However, it was delicious. I was not particularly dissatisfied.
チキンドリル on Google

2022 1/17 ☆5 【塩特製煮干しらーめん(¥1,000)】 ・訪問 →平日12時10分、5割程の着席。 ・スープ →煮干し香る魚介系大阪ライト豚骨。 ・麺 →中太ちぢれ麺。モチモチとした食感。 ・トッピング →チャーシュー、玉子、メンマ、大葉、 糸唐辛子、ナルト。 大葉がいい仕事をしています。 煮干しの主張は強すぎず、ライト系のとんこつと まとめられたあっさり系の優しい味。 シンプルですが飽きがこないのでまたすぐに 食べたくなる一杯。
2022 1/17 ☆ 5 [Salt special niboshi ramen (¥ 1,000)] ·visit → At 12:10 on weekdays, about 50% of the seats are seated. ·soup → Boiled and scented seafood Osaka light pork bones. ·noodles → Medium-thick noodles. A chewy texture. ·topping → Char siu, egg, menma, perilla, Thread pepper, Naruto. Ooba is doing a good job. The claim of dried sardines is not too strong, and it is a light tonkotsu A light and gentle taste that has been put together. It ’s simple, but I ’m not tired of it, so I ’ll be back soon. A cup that makes you want to eat.
Lu Lin on Google

hun heng tan on Google

We reached tsuruhashi near 12 midnight and we were hungry because the last meal in plane was about 4pm. they are kind enough to serve us at their closing time. Thumb up for them.
Maggie Chau on Google

We were looking for a midnight snack and stumbled upon this place. I tried their tsukamen and enjoyed it, my friend said theirs was good too. Considerate staff and good service.

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