Nextage R41 Komaki - Komaki

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nextage R41 Komaki

住所 :

46-3 Taki Higashimachi, Komaki, Aichi 485-0035, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88797
Postal code : 485-0035
Webサイト :

46-3 Taki Higashimachi, Komaki, Aichi 485-0035, Japan
Nockn Pockn on Google

It's a popular shop, so you may have to wait for a while, but the response is pleasant and dealer-like.
Yochan Land on Google

中古車を検討していた時、こちらのお店に希望の車があったので訪問しました。 結局、車両代金とは別で諸経費など追加になるお金が予想よりも高く断念しました。 敷地がとても広く、店舗の在庫車はかなりの台数でした。 店内も綺麗で、特に2階にあるキッズコーナーがテーマパークみたいな出来で驚きました。 小さなお子さん連れの家族には喜ばれるでしょう。
When I was considering a used car, I visited this shop because there was a car I wanted. In the end, I gave up on the additional money such as expenses, which was higher than expected, apart from the vehicle price. The site was very large and there were quite a few cars in stock at the store. The inside of the store is also beautiful, and I was particularly surprised that the kids' corner on the second floor was like a theme park. Families with young children will be pleased.
星野将宏 on Google

初めて点検で伺いましたが、ネクステージの他店舗だと点検後の引き渡し時に座席位置を変えられてたりしてイジったなら報告が欲しいところで不快でしたが、今回は全く問題なく不満なし! 作業してくれたスタッフさん感謝です。 ただ、もう少しハキハキ喋ってくれる方が本当に作業したの?って不安になってしまうので自信持って案内した方がいいと思います。 店内も綺麗でしたが、できれば車が入ってきた時に駐車場が広いのとかなり車が停まっていたので誘導してくれる方がいた方が嬉しかったかな。 個人的に受付の方が美人さん多くて好印象でした。 残念だったのは、入店時にすれ違ったスタッフさんが3人いましたが「いらっしゃいませ」などの挨拶がなくて機嫌悪いんかな?とか迎えられてない感がすごくて… 岡崎店に行ってた頃は元気な挨拶で迎えられたので好印象でした。 まあ中古車だからあまり文句を言える立場ではないのですが? リピーター減らないんかな?なんて思いました。
I visited for the first time at the inspection, but at other stores of Nextage, I was uncomfortable when I wanted to report if the seat position was changed at the time of delivery after the inspection, but this time there is no problem and I am not dissatisfied! Thanks to the staff for the work. However, did the person who speaks a little more really work? I think it's better to guide with confidence because it makes me uneasy. The inside of the store was also beautiful, but if possible, it would have been nice if there was someone who could guide me because the parking lot was large and the car was parked quite a bit when the car came in. Personally, I was impressed by the number of beautiful women at the reception. Unfortunately, there were three staff members who passed each other when I entered the store, but I wonder if I'm in a bad mood because there is no greeting such as "Welcome". I feel like I haven't been greeted ... When I went to the Okazaki store, I was greeted with a cheerful greeting, which made a good impression. Well, it's a used car, so I'm not in a position to complain so much ? Doesn't the number of repeaters decrease? I thought.
永遠のエルフ on Google

From new cars to used cars, from inspections to repairs, the shop is a reliable shop for cars, and it is still lively with many customers today. If you are in a hurry, we recommend that you make a reservation before coming to the store.
Aki-aki-Mon-mon on Google

車検費用も抑えてくださりますし 整備士さんの説明も分かりやすく説明してくださります。車検後の無料点検もしてくださるので ありがたいです。 キッズコーナーや無料ドリンクもあり 待ち時間もあまり苦になりません。
It also keeps vehicle inspection costs down and explains the mechanic's explanation in an easy-to-understand manner. I am grateful for the free inspection after the vehicle inspection. There is also a kids' corner and free drinks, so waiting time is not too painful.
Yudai on Google

車検の終了予約が18時だったのに、何も誰も言わずに30分待たされ、そこからさらに30分かかるとのこと。予約のお客様で立て込んでおりまして…って、コッチも予約して車検お願いしてるんですが? 時間が勿体無いので、買い出しを先に済まそうと外出し、外出先から状況を確認したら今終わりましたとのこと。急いで戻ったらまた何もなく30分待たされ(確かに説明の準備が出来ましたとは聞いてないけど)、大した説明もなく、遅れた理由の説明も謝罪もなく、結局終わったのは20時。 もうちょっと時間に責任を持ってほしい。子供達連れていかなくてホントよかった。
Even though the reservation for the end of the vehicle inspection was 18:00, no one said anything and waited for 30 minutes, and it will take another 30 minutes from there. I'm a reserved customer, so I'm asking for a car inspection by making a reservation for Kochi. I didn't have much time, so I went out to finish the purchase first, and when I checked the situation from the outside, it was over now. When I returned in a hurry, I waited for 30 minutes without anything (I haven't heard that the explanation was ready), there was no big explanation, no explanation of the reason for the delay, no apology, and it ended in the end. 20:00. I want you to take responsibility for a little more time. I'm really glad I didn't bring my children.
ナカガワショー on Google

車買い替えのため予約をして来店。 着席してすぐ対応してくれました。 社員さんは皆さん駆け足で、冬だったのですが額に汗が滲むほど。顧客ファースト感が出ており素晴らしいです。 近隣の車屋さんではダントツで待合室が広く、ドリンクも豊富。何よりキッズスペースが充実しており、幼い子供がいるので大変助かりました。 結局目当ての車は見つかりませんでしたが、愛車の買取はお願いすることにしました。 今度また買い替えの際は訪れたいと思います。
I made a reservation to buy a new car and came to the store. He took a seat and responded immediately. All the employees were rushing, and although it was winter, sweat oozes on their foreheads. It has a customer-first feeling and is wonderful. The nearby car shop has a large waiting room and plenty of drinks. Above all, the kids' space is substantial and it was very helpful to have young children. After all, I couldn't find the car I was looking for, but I decided to ask for my car. I would like to visit again when I buy a new one.
Priest Exodus (Pain Killer) on Google

The staff serves his/her custmers well. The interest rate seems to be a little bit higher than any other bussiness offices.

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