Nextage Amagasaki - Amagasaki

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nextage Amagasaki

住所 :

5-chome-1-8 Hamadacho, Amagasaki, Hyogo 660-0062, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Postal code : 660-0062
Webサイト :

5-chome-1-8 Hamadacho, Amagasaki, Hyogo 660-0062, Japan
森本進 on Google

Mr. Hirano asked the person in charge to do a lot of work, but he did his best to deal with it, so I signed the contract on the same day. Thank you very much.
みきこ on Google

予約の電話を入れて来店したが、 用事が早く終り、予約時間より早く着いてしまった。駐車場の空きがなく奥まで入ると、やっと人が出てきて案内してくれる。バックでモタモタしていると、忙しいのと他の車に当てられると思ったのか、自分がとめておくから店の中に入ってくださいと言われる。 中に入ると、席と飲み物の案内をされただけで、あとは予約時間まで一言の案内もなくほったらかしにされる。 予約時間になっても、ほったらかしだったので、しびれをきらして 店員に声をかけると、忘れていた様子。店員も、他に6~7人いたが知らんぷり状態。声をかけた店員は、忘れていた事を、キチンと謝らず に接客をしようと必死で最悪な店でした。買い替えを考えていたのに、残念です。 責任者らしき人もいたが、遠巻きで見ている始末。もっと、接客を店全体でされたり、教育をしっかりされた方がいいと思います。 私達は、2度と行くつもりはないです。
I made a reservation call and came to the store, The errand ended early and I arrived earlier than the reserved time. When there is no space in the parking lot and you go all the way in, people will finally come out and guide you. When I was flirting in the back, I was told that I was busy and thought that I could hit another car, so please enter the store because I will stop it. Once inside, I was only informed of the seats and drinks, and after that I was left alone without a word of information until the reserved time. Even when it was time to make a reservation, I was left alone, so I gave up my numbness. When I called out to the clerk, it seemed that I had forgotten. There were 6 to 7 other clerk, but they were in a state of unknownness. The clerk who called out did not apologize for forgetting It was a desperate and worst store trying to serve customers. I was thinking about buying a new one, but I'm sorry. There was a person who seemed to be in charge, but the disposition that I saw in a long distance. I think it is better to serve customers throughout the store and to be well educated. We will never go again.
on Google

たいせつに乗っていた愛車の買取を平野さんに担当していただきました。 古いクルマでしたが、特性やコンセプトを良くご理解いただき、丁寧で気持ちの良いご対応で納得できる価格をご提示していただく事ができました。 本当にありがとうございます。 お休みの日にもかかわらず、瞬時に自宅まで駆けつけていただいて、頭の下がる思いです。 知人にも紹介したくなる信頼のおけるご担当者様です。 ネクステージさんは買取から販売まで一貫して自社で完結できるので、中間マージンを必要とせず納得のいく価格を引き出しやすい会社さんだと感じました。 コンセプトごとの専門店も複数持っており、それぞれの分野で販売効率の高いマーケットを確率しているため、全国どこでも高く買い取れる環境が整っています。 これからも是非、頼りにしたいと思います。 この度は本当にありがとうございました。
Mr. Hirano was in charge of purchasing the car he was riding in. Although it was an old car, we were able to offer a reasonable price with a polite and pleasant response, with a good understanding of its characteristics and concept. thank you very much. Even though it's a day off, I feel like I'm going to rush to my house instantly and get down. It is a reliable person in charge who wants to introduce it to acquaintances. Nextage can complete everything from purchase to sale in-house, so I felt that it was a company that did not require an intermediate margin and was easy to draw a reasonable price. We also have multiple specialty stores for each concept, and we have established a market with high sales efficiency in each field, so we have an environment where we can buy at high prices anywhere in the country. I would like to continue to rely on it. This time, thank you very much.
山田敏史 on Google

対応がとても丁寧で安心してお取引させていただいました。 信頼できる会社だと思います。
The correspondence was very polite and I was able to trade with confidence. I think it's a reliable company.
藤川慎也 on Google

先日、車の買取をお願いしたのですが、数社見積もりをお願いした中で一番高く見積もっていただき、 こちらでお願いすることにしました。 担当していただいた北畑さんも、丁寧に説明等をしてもらい安心することができました。
The other day, I asked you to buy a car, but among the several companies I asked for a quote, I got the highest quote. I decided to ask here. Mr. Kitahata, who was in charge, was also relieved to have a detailed explanation.
山崎恵子 on Google

昨年 私の車の契約に続き、今回は社用車2台の契約の担当して下さった高山さんは、こちらのワガママな要望にも快く対応下さり、気持ちよく契約させて頂く事が出来ました。また車が必要な際は是非!高山さんにお願い事したいと思います。また友人知人で車が必要な時も、オススメさせて頂きたいと思ってます。ありがとうございました。
Following my car contract last year, Mr. Takayama, who was in charge of the contract for two company cars this time, was willing to respond to this selfish request and was able to make a comfortable contract. .. If you need a car again, come on! I would like to ask Mr. Takayama. Also, if you are a friend or acquaintance and need a car, I would like to recommend it. Thank you very much.
末広真人 on Google

飛び込みで伺ったのにも関わらず、こちらの希望に沿って丁寧にご対応頂きました。 担当頂きました青木さん、ありがとうございました。納車楽しみにしています!
Even though I visited by diving, I received a polite response according to my wishes. Thank you to Mr. Aoki for taking charge. I'm looking forward to delivery!
竹内勝治 on Google

I made a purchase contract today. Mr. Koryu Hirano, who was in charge, was clearly better than the other companies. The explanation about the purchase was easy to understand in words that even I, an amateur, could easily understand, and I was able to trust it very much. Thank you for responding to this need regarding vehicle delivery. I'm really glad that I was able to make a deal with Mr. Koryu Hirano of Nextage this time. Thank you very much.

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