Car Match Amagasaki - Amagasaki

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

カーマッチ尼崎店 - ローンが組めなくてもクルマが買える! -

ローンが組めなくても車が買える! 中古車の購入をお考えならカーマッチ尼崎店へ。当社スタッフが皆さまの素敵なカーライフをご提案致します。他店でローンを断られてしまった方も大歓迎。車のご購入でお困りの方はぜひカーマッチ尼崎店にご相談ください!

Contact Car Match Amagasaki

住所 :

2-chome-68-1 Oshonakadori, Amagasaki, Hyogo 660-0075, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 660-0075
Webサイト :

2-chome-68-1 Oshonakadori, Amagasaki, Hyogo 660-0075, Japan
森内優来 on Google

カーマッチ尼崎店さんとは、約3ヶ月ほどやり取りをして車を購入しました! 自分に理想の車が見つかりとても大満足です! 今回取引が遠方という形でしたので、私の仕事の都合などで予定もだいぶズレましたが…… すべて、私の都合に合わせてもらい、また私が仕事終わるのが遅かったのですが、その時間にも対応などしてもらいとても親切、丁寧な対応で本当に助かりました! また、納車時には駅まで迎えに来てもらい、子供にも優しい対応で、安心しました。 また、契約書に記入事項を記載してる際も、ずっと車を磨いてくれていて、ピカピカで納車出来たのでとても気持ちよく契約ができました! 私の住んでいる地元から尼崎店さんとは距離がだいぶ離れてはいますが、今後嫁が免許を取得した際はまたこのお店で契約したいと決めています! それくらいとても大満足なんです(^^) 店長さんや、従業員の方、一人一人とても親切な方で本当に安心して車を購入出来ました! また、補償などもあるので、購入後も安心して乗ることが出来ています(^^) この度は本当にありがとうございました! また、車を購入する際は是非よろしくお願い致します!
I bought a car after interacting with Car Match Amagasaki for about 3 months! I am very happy to find the ideal car for myself! Since the transaction was far away this time, the schedule was quite different due to my work etc ... Everything was done at my convenience, and I was late to finish my work, but I was really grateful for the kind and polite response that I received during that time! In addition, when the car was delivered, we had them pick us up at the station, and we were relieved that they were child-friendly. Also, when I filled out the contract, he kept polishing the car and I was able to deliver it shiny, so I was able to make a contract very comfortably! It's a long way from the Amagasaki store where I live, but when my wife gets a driver's license in the future, I've decided that I'd like to sign a contract at this store again! I'm very satisfied with that (^^) The store manager, employees, and each and every one of them were very kind and I was able to buy a car with great peace of mind! In addition, there is compensation etc., so you can ride with confidence even after purchase (^ ^) This time, thank you very much! Also, thank you when you buy a car!
ホッと一息 on Google

急遽車をさがしており、たまたまたちよったカーマッチさんに状態の良い車両と巡り会えました! 終始丁寧な接客態度で、大変気持ちよく取引出来ました。 車をお探しのお方は、一度カーマッチさんへ足を運んでみても損はないと思います。
I was looking for a car in a hurry, and I happened to meet a car match who happened to be in good condition! With a polite customer service attitude from beginning to end, I was able to trade very comfortably. If you are looking for a car, I think there is no loss even if you visit Carmatch once.
山本雄市 on Google

ローンが通ると思わなかった自分が、カーマッチさんにご相談した結果、ご丁寧に親切に対応していただきました。 スピード納車していただきありがとうございます。
As a result of consulting with Mr. Carmatch, I did not think that the loan would go through, and as a result, he kindly responded to me. Thank you for your speed delivery.
祐森大輔 on Google

車検が近く車を買い替える事になり 色んな所行ったんですが 1番カーマッチさんが良くしてくださり 担当の池田さんも優しく丁寧でした。 こちらに時間がなくても 自宅まで来てくれる所は無いと思います。 本当にいいとこに出会いました。
The car inspection will soon buy a new car I went to various places No. 1 car match is good Mr. Ikeda in charge was also kind and polite. Even if you don't have time here I don't think there is a place to come to my house. I met a really nice place.
Irie Satomi on Google

Thank you very much for this time. The staff was quick and polite, and I was able to wait for delivery with peace of mind. It took a week from the time I contacted to the delivery of the car, which was very smooth, and I was able to flexibly handle everything from the replacement of the navigation system to the delivery location. It may be a problem if you give a name, but thank you very much to Mr. I, the staff. I am grateful to have met a really good company this time. I will cherish this edge and use the car carefully. I will definitely show up when I get close to you, so I look forward to working with you in the future.
松尾祥弥 on Google

何から何までよくしてもらい 納車もスピード納車でした! 納車の際もこちらの都合に合わせて頂き夜間の納車に関わらず家の近所まで納車に来て頂き大変助かりました! もう1台の車両がダメになった時はまたお願いしたいと思います!
I want you to improve everything Delivery was also speedy! It was very helpful for me to come to the neighborhood of my house to deliver the car regardless of the delivery at night. I would like to ask again when another vehicle fails!
濱門愛鈴 on Google

Since I was looking for a car, I became very friendly and I was impressed with my husband about the completely different response from other stores. After the contract was decided, I am very grateful that you moved very quickly to deliver the car and brought it home at the time of delivery. It is a car shop that I would like to have a long relationship with if there is an opportunity until the contract expires.
谷口天羅 on Google

ローン通ると思わなかったけど、ここで相談したらローンも通り、めちゃくちゃ親切に対応してくれました。 ローン通らない人、是非カーマッチ尼崎店の方へ、連絡してみてもいいかもしれません。
I didn't think I would get a loan, but when I consulted here, the loan went through and he was very kind to me. If you don't get a loan, you may want to contact the Car Match Amagasaki store.

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