New Munchen Minamitaishikan

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact New Munchen Minamitaishikan

住所 :

Nanbasennichimae, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0075 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Webサイト :
街 : Osaka

Nanbasennichimae, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0075 Osaka,Japan
so1 on Google

久しぶりにニューミューヘンへ行って来ました。 コロナ禍、店の中は閑散として、いつも賑やかなニューミューヘンが寂しく感じました。 食事は何時も通り美味しく頂きました。
I went to New Muchen for the first time in a long time. Corona, the inside of the store was quiet, and I always felt lonely with the lively New Muchen. The food was always delicious.
ヤフGT on Google

梅田のお店より、コチラの方が好み。 唐揚げは昔ながらのバスケットで提供され、量も多いような気がします。また店内の雰囲気が良く、かつ広くて「これぞビアホール」の感じがします。他のメニューも梅田のお店より美味しいような…。 また来たい。
I prefer this to the Umeda store. The fried chicken is served in a traditional basket, and I feel that the amount is large. In addition, the atmosphere inside the store is good, and it is spacious and feels like a "beer hall". Other menus are more delicious than Umeda's shop ... I want to come again.
Sophia Bean (sophiabean) on Google

土曜の19時頃に訪問。 なんば駅からもアクセスが良く、以前から気になってたお店の1つ。クラフトビールはもちろん、サッポロビール系ということでエビス生ビールもあり、ビール好きな方にはオススメ! フードもお酒のつまみ系はもちろん、刺身など和食系もラインナップしており、バリュエーション豊かだったのが印象的。 コロナ禍もあって、なかなか長居はできなかったが、また落ち着いたら訪れたい!
Visited around 19:00 on Saturday. It's easily accessible from Namba station, and it's one of the shops I've always been interested in. As well as craft beer, there is also Ebisu draft beer because it is a Sapporo beer type, so it is recommended for those who like beer! As for food, we have a lineup of Japanese food such as sashimi as well as snacks of sake, and it is impressive that it was rich in valuation. I couldn't stay long because of the corona, but I want to visit again when I calm down!
てつ on Google

The beer and food are very delicious ❗ The staff were polite and kind. I was able to eat comfortably ?
Abdul Alhadi on Google

Great crusty service but the food isn’t all that
Jason McGuire on Google

Excellent German style Izakaya that serves a wide variety of Sapporo beers. They range from their standard lagers to darks and craft style beers. Menu offers a variety of plates that have plenty for about two people each plate. Service was excellent and prices are not bad given their location in Osaka.
Chris Cha on Google

Great place and its pretty affordable. Packed with locals and its like pretty hard to find. Food is great and 1100yen for a jumbo sized beer. Which is huged. I ordered the medium one. Their specialty is kaarage which is japanese fried chicken. Make sure to order that.
Gardell Tung on Google

Very mediocre and tasteless western style food. Service was pretty bad which is unusual for Japan. The waitress puts down our food and never showed back up again.

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