Nerima no Daikon ya - Nerima City

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nerima no Daikon ya

住所 :

1 Chome-26-4 Nerima, Nerima City, Tokyo 176-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 176-0001
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM

1 Chome-26-4 Nerima, Nerima City, Tokyo 176-0001, Japan
Hara Yuichiro on Google

The special menu was abundant and all were delicious! !! I will go again! !!
Rin Ripopo on Google

The store was large but the air conditioning was too effective. The menu is normal. It was good that the store was large and beautiful, and it was lively.
もりげんさん on Google

I had oolong tea, oden assortment, chicken tang, and dashi-rolled iron plate. The oden and chicken tang weren't bad, but the dashi-rolled iron plate didn't fit my taste. For more information, please search for "Nerima no Daikonya" + "Eating out at will".
StarDust Brother on Google

The food was very good. It was reasonably priced with all-you-can-drink.
sho e- on Google

店員さんが親切。 ご飯が美味しい。 大根サラダはすごい量なので、注文前に量を確認しよう。
The clerk is kind. The rice is delicious. The amount of radish salad is amazing, so check the amount before ordering.
8 kaya on Google

全部美味しかったです。 大根サラダはこれでハーフサイズ ボリュームも、すごいですがちゃんと美味しい、お酒のアテになるサラダです。 そのほかの料理も全て美味かった。 また行こう
It was all delicious. Radish salad is now half size The salad is great, but it's delicious and delicious. All other dishes were delicious. Let's go again
0221ジロー on Google

華金の夜は久々の練馬へ 居酒屋の密集する繁華街とは反対の静かな通りですが、店内はものすごく賑わってました。 注文は モツすき焼 2人前1,200円 鶏唐  ネギ塩ダレ、そのまま  630円 大根サラダ 2/1 580円 本日の鮮魚 5種2,500円 特性つくね焼き 580円 ゴーヤ&キノコ チャンプルー 730円 トウモロコシの唐揚げ 630円 コンビーフポテトサラダ 430円 ナスの揚げ出し 400円 創作おつまみの数々にどれをチョイスしても大当たりということでいくつか抜粋。 博多名物のモツすき焼き 浅めの鉄板にモツを煮ていき、ニラ、玉ねぎ、豆腐などを染み込ませます。 つけダレは卵の卵黄 プリプリのもつに味が最大限染み込むのでお酒に合う。 締めにはうどんもできます。 続いて最初に味わった大根サラダ ハーフサイズでこの大きさなのかと驚くほどのボリュームシャキシャキ大根とパリパリワンタンの皮がドレッシングと野菜に融合しシンプルに美味しいサラダ、おつまみにもなります。 人気といえばトウモロコシの唐揚げ 程よい大きさに分けられたトウモロコシは専用の味付けで揚げており身の美味しさと味付けが絶妙に合います。 お刺身もウリなので鮮魚の盛り合わせを 添えられたつまはドレッシングでサラダになるので一石二鳥の楽しみ方。 ポテサラや唐揚げもお酒によく合う。 近所にあったら通いたくなるお店でした。
Hanakin night to Nerima after a long time It is a quiet street opposite to the busy streets of izakayas, but the store was very busy. Order is Motsusukiyaki ¥ 1,200 for 2 people Chicken tang onion salt sauce, 630 yen as it is Daikon salad 2/1 580 yen Today's fresh fish 5 types 2,500 yen Characteristic Tsukuneyaki 580 yen Goya & mushroom Champloo 730 yen Fried corn ¥ 630 Corned potato salad 430 yen Eggplant fried (400 yen) A few excerpts about the jackpot no matter which of the creative snacks you choose. Hakata specialty Motsu sukiyaki Boil mochi on a shallow iron plate and soak with leek, onion and tofu. The sauce is egg yolk The taste is soaked to the fullest of the pre-puri so it fits with sake. You can also make udon noodles. Next, the first daikon salad The half-size and the amazing volume crispy radish and crispy wonton skin fuse with dressing and vegetables to make a simple delicious salad and snacks. The most popular fried corn The corn that is divided into moderate sizes is deep-fried with a special seasoning that matches the taste and taste of the body. Assorted fresh fish with sashimi The attached tsuma becomes a salad with dressing, so you can enjoy two birds with one stone. Potatosara and fried chicken go well with sake. It was a shop that I wanted to go to if I was in the neighborhood.
Kiyoshi Kagoshima on Google

若者にウケのよさそうな赤ちょうちん風居酒屋で、ランチに海鮮まかない丼を注文。 たっぷり下味のついた刺身に加え、ネギ・ガーリックチップ・スライスオニオン・卵黄・マヨネーズというジャンク飯。 爽やかな山葵アクセントとともに、まかないらしくガツガツ進みます! セットの大根たっぷりサラダが感じよく癒してくれてGood Job! . 858円(海鮮まかない丼)
At a red lantern-style izakaya that looks good to young people, I ordered a bowl of seafood for lunch. In addition to sashimi with plenty of seasoning, junk rice such as green onions, garlic chips, sliced ​​onions, egg yolks, and mayonnaise. With a refreshing wasabi accent, you can go crazy like a meal! The salad with plenty of radish in the set feels good and heals me Good Job! .. 858 yen (seafood meal bowl)

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