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Contact 七代天神社

住所 :

Negoya, Ishioka, 〒315-0132 Ibaraki,Japan

街 : Ibaraki

Negoya, Ishioka, 〒315-0132 Ibaraki,Japan
さわはたともひろ on Google

Watanabe Kazuo (orion3sta) on Google

A shrine where Mr. Satake was on the forefront with the Oda family and built a castle and separated from Hitachi Ota, the headquarters
みけねこ on Google

御祭神は,国之常立神,豊雲野神,宇比邇神・須比智邇神,角杙神・活杙神,意富斗能地神・大斗乃弁神,淤母陀琉神・阿夜訶志古泥神,伊邪那岐神・伊邪那美神。永禄年間(1558~1570),太田道灌の四世の孫にして佐竹氏の客将となった太田資正(三楽)が片野城主となった際,城の守護神として久慈郡佐竹郷天神林鎮座の七代天神を迎祀したことが始まり。別説には,寛仁4(1020)年に天神社として創建され,文禄4(1595)年,佐竹氏の臣にして石塚城主・石塚義国が片岡城主として移封された際に佐竹郷の七代天神社を迎祀したという説もあります。明治15年村社列格,明治45年共進指定。 久慈郡佐竹郷天神林というと佐竹氏の本拠地すぐ近くであり,元宮は延喜式内(小)社である稲村神社に違いありませんが,佐竹氏にそこまで思い入れがあるとも思えない太田資正よりも佐竹氏の族である石塚氏が七代天神社を迎祀したと考える方が自然ではありますね。 「根小屋」の地名(ここは旧・根小屋村です)から分かるように,境内は佐久山に築かれた片野城の三郭に当たります。アクセスは南側の山道途中から。数台分の駐車スペースがあります。坂を登って鳥居から鎮守の杜の参道に歩み入ると・・・このコンクリートのように堅い地面。この参道は長の年月,幾千幾万人もの人々によって踏み固められないとこうはなりません。市指定保存樹の「七代天神社のケヤキ」を見て,その先に古い錆びた鉄棒とブランコ跡が。この辺りの神社の(地域の人々と近い)特色ですね。拝殿は,社務所と繋がったような造り。不思議に思いましたが,「根小屋のじゃかもこじゃん」といわれる十二座神楽が,ここで毎年奉納されるためのようです。 静かで神聖な雰囲気に充ち満ちた御神域です。
The deities are Kuninotokotachi, Toyounno, Ubi, Subichi, Kakujo, Kakujo, Otonoji, Otonoji, Otonoji, Aya. Kashi Komujin, Izanagi God, Izanami God. During the Eiroku era (1558 to 1570), when Ota Sukemasa (Sanraku), the grandson of the fourth generation of Ota Dokan and a guest general of Mr. Satake, became the owner of Katano Castle, Tenjinbayashi, Satake-go, Kuji-gun, was the guardian deity of the castle. It started when he enshrined the 7th Tenjin. Another theory is that it was founded as a Tenjin shrine in Kannin 4 (1020), and in Bunroku 4 (1595), when Satake's vassal, Ishizuka castle owner, Ishizuka Yoshikuni was transferred as Kataoka castle owner, Satake Township. There is also a theory that the 7th Tenjin Shrine was enshrined. It was designated as a village shrine in 1897 and co-promoted in 1945. Tenjinbayashi, Satake-go, Kuji-gun is very close to Mr. Satake's hometown, and Motomiya must be Inamura Shrine, which is an Enki-shiki (small) shrine. It is more natural to think that Mr. Ishizuka, a member of the Satake clan, enshrined the 7th Tenjin Shrine. As you can see from the place name of "Negoya" (this is the former Negoya village), the precincts correspond to the three walls of Katano Castle built on Sakuyama. Access is from the middle of the mountain road on the south side. There are parking spaces for several cars. When you climb the hill and walk from the torii gate to the approach to the guardian forest ... the ground is as hard as this concrete. This approach must be trampled by tens of thousands of people over the years. Looking at the "Zelkova of the Seventh Tenjin Shrine", which is a preserved tree designated by the city, there are old rusted iron bars and swing traces ahead. It's a characteristic of the shrines around here (close to the local people). The hall of worship is built as if it were connected to the shrine office. I was wondering, but it seems that the 12-za Kagura, which is said to be "Negoya's Jakamokojan," is dedicated here every year. It is a sacred area filled with a quiet and sacred atmosphere.
K. Takei on Google

Visit 2021.5.2. If you're having trouble parking, Miyaji-san? Came out and guided me. A satoyama shrine protected by a deep forest of guardians. Looking at the green approach, zelkova and sugi giant trees, you may forget the passage of time. I noticed the remains of old horizontal bars and swings. In the old days (Showa period), it was probably a place full of children's cheers.

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