Someyasashino Shrine - Ishioka

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Someyasashino Shrine

住所 :

1856番地 Someya, Ishioka, Ibaraki 315-0007, Japan

Postal code : 315-0007

1856番地 Someya, Ishioka, Ibaraki 315-0007, Japan
みけねこ on Google

御祭神は豊城入彦命・高龗神。創建年代は不詳で,第十代崇神天皇の皇子・豊城入彦命の玄孫である荒田別命の子孫佐白公が新治国造に任じられた際,祖神を龍神山に鎮祭したのが始まりだそうです。 延喜式神名帳の式内社(小社)「常陸國新治郡 佐志能神社」に比定される論社です。論社ということは,他に同市内に村上「佐志能神社」と柿岡「佐志能神社」,笠閒市に「佐志能神社」と4社もあるのですが,延喜式の時代では,石岡市は茨城郡に属したので,当社は論社として有力といえません。しかし,日本三代実録の仁和元(885)年の記事に「常陸国の従五位下村上神に従五位上を授ける」の記載があります。竜神山の北に村上佐志能神社が,南に染谷佐志能神社が鎮座していますが,村上社が闇龗神(男龍)を,染谷社が高龗神(女龍)をと,併せて一対の龍神を祀っています。染谷社の社伝では,当社は元々村上村の村域にあったが,当地が染谷村に分村したことによって,村上村に神社がなくなってしまったので,村上村に分祀されたのだとし,別な説では村上村から染谷村に分祀したともあり,いずれにせよ元々どちらも「村上神」であったわけで,式内社ではないにせよ,式外社であることはまず確定と見なしていいでしょう。 常陸風土記の丘より北へ,竜神山霊園の看板を頼りに狭い舗装道を進むと,霊園へのカーブ手前に一の鳥居があり,二の鳥居までは車で進入することも可能です(駐車スペースあり)。そこから石段を登りますが,途中,直線の男坂・左回りの女坂があります。やがて・・・息を呑むような光景が!社殿に覆い被さるかのような屏風岩の圧巻。社殿の後ろと右側は切り立った崖。言葉になりません。神聖にして清浄な山の精気漂う,まさしく御神域中の御神域でした。 来て良かった!
The deity is Prince Toyokiirihiko and Takanogami. The date of its foundation is unknown, and when Sashiro, a descendant of Prince Toyokiirihiko, the prince of the 10th Emperor Sujin, was appointed to Shinji Kokuzo, the ancestral god was enshrined in Ryujinyama. That's right. It is a theory shrine that is compared to "Sashino Shrine, Niihari-gun, Hitachi Province", which is a small shrine of the Enki-shiki Shinto shrine. There are four other shrines in the city, Murakami "Sashino Shrine" and Kakioka "Sashino Shrine", and Kasagi City "Sashino Shrine", but in the Engishiki era, Ishioka Since the city belongs to Ibaraki-gun, we cannot say that we are a powerful shrine. However, there is a description in the article of Ninna Gen (885) in Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku, "Give the fifth place to the fifth place according to Shimomurakami God of Hitachi Province." Murakamisashino Shrine is enshrined in the north of Ryujinyama, and Someya Sashino Shrine is enshrined in the south, but Murakamisha is the dark god (male dragon) and Someya is the high dragon (female dragon). It enshrines a pair of dragon gods. According to the company biography of Someya-sha, our company was originally located in the village area of ​​Murakami-mura, but because the shrine disappeared in Murakami-mura due to the fact that the area was divided into Someya-mura, it was enshrined in Murakami-mura. However, another theory is that it was enshrined from Murakami Village to Someya Village, and in any case, both were originally "Murakami Gods", so even if it is not a Shikinai shrine, it is unlikely that it is a Shikinai shrine. You can consider it as final. If you follow the narrow paved road north of the hill of Hitachi Fudoki, relying on the signboard of Ryujinyama Cemetery, you will find one torii gate in front of the curve to the cemetery, and you can also drive to the second torii gate (parking). There is space). From there, climb the stone steps, but on the way there is a straight Otokozaka and a counterclockwise Otokozaka. Eventually ... a breathtaking sight! A masterpiece of rocks that seem to cover the shrine. Behind and to the right of the shrine are steep cliffs. It's not a word. It was a sacred area in the sacred area, with the spirit of the sacred and clean mountains. Glad you came!
かわみのり on Google

Enter the signboard of the reien near Fudoki Hill. There are several parking lots at the torii gate. Rocks can also be seen on Mt. Ryujin. It is a shrine that has been protected by the locals since the solemn Edo period.
にゃんこ郎 on Google

とても幻想的で美しい神社でした! ただ、登り坂が結構しんどかったです。道中、枯葉などで滑りやすい場所があるので、他の方達がコメントされてるようにスニーカーで行った方がいいです。特に雨の日や雨が降った次の日とかは大変滑りやすくかなり危険ですので、くれぐれもお気をつけ下さい。
It was a very fantastic and beautiful shrine! However, the uphill was quite difficult. There are slippery areas along the way, such as dead leaves, so it's best to wear sneakers as others have commented. Especially on a rainy day or the day after it rains, it is very slippery and very dangerous, so please be careful.
あみん on Google

御朱印は総社宮で頂けます。 ナビで行く時は、竜神山霊園か風土記の丘を目的地にした方が迷わないと思います。 道路沿いに神社の看板は見当たらなかったので、霊園の看板を入って行くのが良いと思います。 けっこう急な坂&階段なので、スニーカーがお薦め。 いい運動になります。
You can get the red stamp at the shrine. When going by navigation, I think that it is better to go to Ryujinyama Cemetery or Fudoki Hill as the destination. I couldn't find the signboard of the shrine along the road, so I think it's better to go in the signboard of the reien. Sneakers are recommended as it is a fairly steep slope and stairs. It will be a good exercise.
福地修 on Google

3世紀後半に実在したとみられる第10代崇神天皇、その息子で勅命を受け東国、毛野国(けぬこく、今の栃木と群馬)を統治を成し遂げた豊城入彦命(とよきいいりひこのみこと)を祀ってあり、龍神山というくらいなので龍神を祀っいる。長い参道と急階段の先にあり、隆起岩盤の波模様があらわな処に社殿があります。残念ながら採石のため秩父武甲山のように龍神山全体は無惨な姿になりつつあります?。御朱印は常陸国総社宮で頂戴できます。 総社宮とこの佐志納神社を結ぶ直線的延長線に、丸山古墳・柿岡佐志納神社があり、その古墳は豊城入彦命の墓とも言われてるそうです。たまたまなのか、それとも常陸国国府に赴任した国司が、隣の毛野国を治めた、あまりに有名な古の祖神が眠る方向に向かって手を合わせたのかと思いを馳せ、興味深い。
The 10th Emperor Sujin, who was believed to have existed in the latter half of the 3rd century, and his son, who received a royal order, ruled East Japan, Keno Province (Kenokuku, now Tochigi and Gunma). It enshrines Ryujin because it is said to be Ryujinyama. The shrine is located at the end of the long approach and steep stairs, where the wave pattern of the raised rock appears. Unfortunately, due to quarrying, the entire Ryujin Mountain is becoming a miserable figure like Chichibu Bukoyama ?. The red stamp can be obtained at Hitachikoku Soja Shrine. The Maruyama Kofun and Kakioka Sashina Shrine are located on a straight line connecting Soja Shrine and this Sashina Shrine, and it is said that the tomb is the tomb of Toyojo Iriko. It is interesting to think of it as if it happened, or that Kokuji, who was appointed to Hitachi Kokufu, joined his hand toward the direction of the too famous ancient god, who ruled the neighboring country of Maeno.
youko I on Google

大好きな龍神様が祀られている古神道の神社です。近くに、もう1つ。伝承にある対の龍神様の神社があります。もちろんこの後そちらにもスグ行ったのですが残念ながら道を進んで鳥居が見えて愕然。 せっかく社も目の前でしたが行く事をやめました。 人が来てないのが一目瞭然。草木が生い茂り全く手入れもされておらず社も荒れ果てており歩く道さえ見えない程 さすがに歩いて行くのも危ないし。せっかく楽しみに来た神社の目の前にして初めて、ここには行きたくないと思ってしまい凄く悲しくなりました。対の龍神様なので両方行くのが筋だと思いますが。あの荒れ果てた神社を見ると今の日本というか人間の身勝手さ愚かさを感じ胸が痛みます。こうやって大事な場所が忘れられ壊され崩されてなくなっていく。 神様が作るものには無駄なものなんて何もないのに人間が作る便利さの裏には犠牲だらけで世の乱れというものを最近はホントに色んな所で感じます。
It is an old Shinto shrine where the favorite Ryujin is enshrined. Another one nearby. There is a traditional shrine of the pair of dragons. Of course, I went to that place after this, but unfortunately I was surprised to see the torii gate along the road. The company was in front of me, but I stopped going. It is obvious that no one has come. The vegetation is overgrown and the maintenance is not done at all. It is dangerous to walk as expected. For the first time in front of the shrine I was looking forward to, I felt so sad because I didn't want to go here. I think it's a good idea to go both because it is a pair of dragon gods. When I see that desolate shrine, I feel the current Japan, or the selfishness and stupidity of human beings, and my chest hurts. In this way, important places are forgotten, destroyed and destroyed. There is nothing useless in the things that God makes, but behind the convenience that humans make, there are many sacrifices in the world these days, and I really feel the disorder.
tatsuro on Google

里を守る古社 高龗神を祀る神社。こちらの龍神様は雌なのだそうです。 鳥居をくぐって急な参道を登ると、二の鳥居があってさらに急な石段があります。登り切ると緩やかな坂の奥に社殿が見えます。神楽を催すので神楽殿かな。本殿は残念ながら見えませんでした。社殿の左手には石の崖があります。崖には注連縄がまわされ、石からは水が滲み出ています。さすが水の神様。この崖が神様の本体なのかな。どんな時も水を絶やさなかったのでしょうか。里の人たちの尊崇を集めるのもわかります。 社殿の 一の鳥居の前を左に行くと霊園があり、広い駐車場とおトイレがありました。
An old shrine that protects the village A shrine that enshrines the high dragon. It seems that this dragon god is a female. If you go through the torii and climb a steep approach, you will find the second torii and the steep stone steps. After climbing up, you can see the shrine behind the gentle slope. It's a kagura hall because it holds kagura. Unfortunately the main hall was not visible. To the left of the shrine is a stone cliff. The rope runs around the cliff, and the water seeps out from the stone. As expected, the god of water. I wonder if this cliff is the body of God. Wasn't the water always stopped? You can also see that the worship of the villagers is gathered. Of the shrine If you go to the left in front of the Ichino-torii, you will find a cemetery, a large parking lot and a toilet.
K. Takei on Google

Visit 2021.5.2. The stone steps on the approach to Ara were so tight that I ran out of physical strength (^^;). When you climb all the way up, a huge rock will appear in front of you. It's Banza. The guardian forest was dim and dense, creating an extraordinary atmosphere. It is a place of prayer and a place of worship.

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