長峰製茶 町田根岸店

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 長峰製茶 町田根岸店

住所 :

Negishi, Machida, 〒194-0038 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://nagamine-machida.business.site/
街 : Tokyo

Negishi, Machida, 〒194-0038 Tokyo,Japan
うぐよとうぐみ on Google

むせかえる抹茶ソフトクリーム(390円、2021年8月現在) 販売されている茶葉の質も悪くない。 店頭駐車場が5台かつ他車がいると、停めにくい
Matcha soft serve ice cream (390 yen, as of August 2021) The quality of the tea leaves sold is not bad. If there are 5 parking lots in the store and there are other cars, it is difficult to park.
コダワリの女のひとりごと on Google

沼津のお茶屋さんに併設されたカフェは、日本茶の品揃えはもちろん、かき氷やソフトクリームも充実。 チーズクリームのエスプーマがのった濃い抹茶かき氷こが最高でした。 今度はソフトクリームも食べてみたいです。 最寄駅はJR横浜線、淵野辺駅らしいですが2キロくらいあるので車がアクセスが便利です。 駐車場あります。
The cafe attached to the teahouse in Numazu has a wide selection of Japanese tea, as well as shaved ice and soft serve ice cream. The strong matcha shaved ice cream with cheese cream espuma was the best. I would like to eat soft serve ice cream this time. The nearest station seems to be Fuchinobe Station on the JR Yokohama Line, but it's about 2 km so it's convenient to access by car. There's a parking lot.
ザッケローニ提督 on Google

チーズズコットを購入しに来たが売り切れで仕方なく店内で抹茶プリンをいただきました。 210円とコンビニとさほど変わらない値段なのに、さすがお茶屋さんという濃厚な抹茶のプリン、ババロア?のようなまったりとした食感。 夏はかき氷もやってるようなので、良い店を見つけた。 また来る
I came to buy cheese zuccotto, but it was sold out and I had no choice but to have matcha pudding in the store. The price is 210 yen, which is not so different from a convenience store, but it's a rich matcha pudding called a teahouse, Bavaroa? A laid-back texture like. It seems that they also do shaved ice in the summer, so I found a good shop. Will come again
Maya T on Google

甘抹茶カキ氷(700円)トッピングあずき&練乳(各100円) ほうじ茶タピオカドリンク(500円) をいただきました?とても美味しかったです! 甘抹茶と濃抹茶から選べます。カキ氷の種類は他にもあって迷ってしまいます? お茶屋さんなのでスイーツでも本物の味がしっかりしていて流石です。茶そのものを食べてる感じがして満足できます? ほうじ茶タピオカもほうじ茶が濃い! 以前、むせ抹茶ソフトクリームもいただきましたが、こちらも本当にむせる程に抹茶の粉がふりかかっていて、とても濃厚で美味しかったです。 喫茶コーナーはメニューが豊富なので何度も通いたくなりますね?
Sweet green tea shaved ice (700 yen) topping Azuki & condensed milk (100 yen each) Hojicha tapioca drink (500 yen) ? It was very delicious! You can choose from sweet matcha and strong matcha. There are other types of shaved ice and I'm lost ? Since it is a teahouse, the sweets have a real taste and are perfect. You can be satisfied with the feeling that you are eating tea itself ? Hojicha Tapioca is also rich in Hojicha! Previously, I had muse matcha soft serve ice cream, but it was also very thick and delicious with the powder of matcha sprinkled so much that it was really chewy. The cafe corner has a lot of menus, so you'll want to visit it again and again ?
stabucky stabucky on Google

祝日の14時に行く。先客は4人。 ・抹茶ラテ 400円 ・ほうじ茶ラテ 400円 店内は向かって右側がお茶の販売、左側が喫茶コーナーになっている。 駐車場は店の前に5台分あり広くて駐めやすい。(2021年9月23日)
Go on a holiday at 14:00. There are four customers. ・ Matcha latte 400 yen ・ Hojicha latte 400 yen Inside the store, the right side is for tea sales and the left side is for a coffee shop. There is a parking lot for 5 cars in front of the store, which is large and easy to park. (September 23, 2021)
雅WAJI on Google

きれいで落ち着いた空間です。ゆっくり談話できる場所だと思います。コーヒーではなく、日本茶というところにこだわりを持ったところに評価します。お茶も日本茶好きには複数選択出来きて良いと思います。メニュー表を見て、一見お茶が一杯の価格は高いなぁと思ったら、4~5杯が飲めるポットと急須が出てきました。普段手にとどかない高級茶葉が飲めました。玉露までとはいきませんが、美味しく頂きました。  セットのプリンも濃厚で美味しかったです。カステラはややボリュームがあり、甘党には良いと思います。 駐車場も広く、店内に併設しているショップでお茶っ葉も販売しています。
A clean and calm space. I think it's a place where you can talk slowly. We value the place where we are particular about Japanese tea, not coffee. If you are a Japanese tea lover, you can select multiple teas. Looking at the menu table, I thought that the price of a cup of tea at a glance was high. I was able to drink high-quality tea leaves that I can't usually reach. Although it doesn't go to Gyokuro, it was delicious. The set pudding was also rich and delicious. Castella has a little volume and is good for the sweet tooth. There is a large parking lot, and tea leaves are also sold at the shop.
モスモス on Google

イートインスペースが有り喫茶店みたいでした。 気になるお茶がリーズナブルの値段でお試しできます。 気に入ったら隣で買える。 お茶を注文しましたが、普段使ってる茶漉しとは違うタイプの茶漉しだったので使い方を軽く説明していただけると、さらに良いかな~と思いました。
There was an eat-in space and it looked like a coffee shop. You can try the tea you care about at a reasonable price. If you like it, you can buy it next door. I ordered tea, but it was a different type of tea strainer than I usually use, so I thought it would be even better if you could briefly explain how to use it.
ハンサム君 on Google

Nagamine Tea is a long-established Japanese teahouse located in Yaizu City, Shizuoka Prefecture. Focusing on Shizuoka tea, we handle a wide range of products from commercial use to gifts such as Kagoshima tea and hojicha. In addition to selling tea leaves, sweets made with tea sold at stores with coffee shops are also popular. You can enjoy this at the Machida Negishi store, Yokohama Kanazawa store, Yokohama wholesale center store, Shinbashi store, and the main store, Yaizu Miwa main store, Nagamine flower cafe in Shizuoka. The signature sweets of Nagamine Seicha are "Matcha soft serve". You can enjoy a rich soft serve ice cream made with plenty of high-quality raw matcha from Shizuoka prefecture at a reasonable price. In addition to simple matcha soft serve ice cream, "Muse matcha soft serve ice cream", which is mixed with vanilla and sprinkled with matcha powder, is a luxurious menu unique to Nagamine tea, which is a Japanese tea specialty store. This is an irresistible dish for matcha lovers!

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