
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 漆アート花筏

住所 :

Narai, Shiojiri, 〒399-6303 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.kiso-hanaikada.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–5PM
Sunday 10AM–5PM
Monday 10AM–5PM
Tuesday 10AM–5PM
Wednesday 10AM–5PM
Thursday 10AM–5PM
Friday 10AM–5PM
街 : Nagano

Narai, Shiojiri, 〒399-6303 Nagano,Japan
ma mu on Google

Starting with combs that I have given to the imperial family, women deal only with items I thought "this is good". You can see real things, not just shapes. Also, this nice talk that the woman is getting better is also the charm of this shop.
モジョママ on Google

There are works carefully crafted with thoughts. The owner's product description adds value. Minebari combs are recommended because they are really affordable.
小田巻清美 on Google

手挽きの櫛を購入。 とても目が細かく、ひと櫛とかしただけでサラサラに。しかも一緒に頭皮のマッサージも行えとても気持ちがいいです。 女将さんの商品説明が、商品、作家に対する愛情がヒシヒシと感じられとても良かった。
Buy a hand-held comb. Very fine, just a comb and a smile. Besides, I can massage my scalp together and feel very good. The product description of the lady was very good, as the love for the product and the writer was felt as heishishi.
antaba an on Google

良。私的ですが奈良井宿随一の尖ったセンスの店です。扱っているものは奈良井宿の中では高めですが、品質と女将のトークで納得です。私自身もと或もののリピーターなので実感です。 厳。特になし。
Good. It is private, but it is the best pointed shop in Narai-juku. What we deal with is expensive in Narai-juku, but we are convinced by the quality and the talk of the landlady. I am a repeater and I feel it. Strict. nothing special.
シンプルナチュラル on Google

The explanation of the female capacity was professional. The explanation was easy to understand, and I thought it was a living thing, so I bought a boxwood comb for about 13,000 yen. I am very satisfied with the history and traditions.
爆走マッシュw on Google

他の伝統工芸とは別格! ハイセンスな品物を多数揃えています お客様が来た時にさり気なく出したらカッコイイなぁ〜って妄想が膨らむお品ばかり? 今回は木のトングと朴葉のお皿と木のくし(楊枝的な物)を買いましたが、まだまだ欲しい物がありました。 かなり薄く削られた6500円の木のスプーン欲しかったなぁ… え? スプーンが6500円⁉️と思った方、是非探してみて欲しいです! 圧巻ですよぉ
Different from other traditional crafts! We have a lot of stylish items It's cool if you casually put it out when a customer comes ? This time I bought a wooden tongs, a plate of Hoba leaves and a wooden comb (a toothpick), but I still had something I wanted. I wanted a 6500 yen wooden spoon that was shaved quite thinly ... picture? If you think the spoon is 6500 yen ⁉️, please look for it! It's a masterpiece
向井康 on Google

I visited you the other day. It is not a souvenir shop in a so-called tourist spot, but a select shop where you can find crafts that suit the beauty of the landlady. The inside of the store is not large, but not only lacquer ware but also various large and small crafts made in the suburbs of Kiso are available. When I heard the product description from the landlady, I felt a deep love for Kiso's crafts.
中村康一 on Google

女将さんのお話を受けみねばりの櫛を購入いたしました。 とても素敵なお人柄の女将さんで、 観光地らしからぬ温かみを感じました。 いい品だったのはもちろん、 女将さんの姿勢は、 接客に携わる人の鏡だと思います。 他所でも同じ櫛を紹介されましたが、 こちらで購入できて良かったです。
I bought a comb that I had to listen to from the landlady. A landlady with a very nice personality I felt the warmth that is not like a tourist spot. Of course it was a good product The attitude of the landlady is I think it's a mirror of people involved in customer service. The same comb was introduced elsewhere, It was good to be able to purchase it here.

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