奈良田温泉 白根館

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 奈良田温泉 白根館

住所 :

Narada, Hayakawa, Minamikoma District, 〒409-2701 Yamanashi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
街 : Yamanashi

Narada, Hayakawa, Minamikoma District, 〒409-2701 Yamanashi,Japan
静岡県民1 on Google

ツーリングでこちらに伺いました。 平日だったこともあり、貸し切り状態だったので、ゆっくり過ごせました。 程よく硫黄の匂いがただよい、肌がスベスベになって、身体もポカポカ、本当に気持ちの温泉でした。
I visited here for touring. Since it was a weekday, I was in a chartered state, so I was able to spend my time slowly. The smell of sulfur was just right, the skin became smooth, the body was warm, and it was a really feeling hot spring.
やすみ on Google

日帰り入浴専門になってからオープン時間が早まったので帰りが楽になりました。 お湯は大変良く、静かで落ち着きます。 十数回行ってますがお湯の色の変化が見れてないのが残念です。
Since the opening time has been shortened since I became a one-day bathing specialist, it has become easier to return home. The hot water is very good, quiet and calm. I've been there a dozen times, but it's a pity that I haven't seen any change in the color of the hot water.
yyayyoyy on Google

雪が降る前にこちらの温泉に浸かりたくて訪問♨️いいとは聞いていましたが予想以上でした♨️ 七不思議の湯といわれその日の気温や天候等によって白濁したり緑になったりするようですが、この日はトロトロの透明なお湯でした♨️ 露天風呂からは秋の青い晴天と紅葉した山々?少し熱めのお湯にじんわりとつかり至福とはこのこと。いいお湯でした♨️
I visited this hot spring before it snowed ♨️ I heard it was good, but it was more than I expected ♨️ It is said to be the Seven Wonders of Hot Water, and it seems to become cloudy or green depending on the temperature and weather of the day, but this day was the transparent hot water of Toro Toro ♨️ From the open-air bath, the blue sunny autumn weather and the mountains with colored leaves ? It's blissful to slowly soak in the slightly hot water. It was good hot water ♨️
sun music on Google

秘湯との口コミを見て足を運びました。なかなかの奥地ですね! 駐車場に車を停めて外に出ると硫黄臭が! これは期待できるなぁと、立派な扉をカラカラと開けます。 下駄箱も年季もの。 1人1000円の入浴料を払い、いざ!! おひとり先客がおりましたが、すぐに出られた為、今回は終始貸切風呂でした。 ラッキー! 湯船に浸かって肌を触るとツルツル。ヌルヌル。うわー。すごい!! ヌルヌルな温泉は好きですが、たしかにかなりのヌルヌル度です。 でも、口コミを見て伺ったので、もっとすごいのを想像してました。 でも、私が期待を膨らませすぎただけ。 このヌルヌル感の泉質はかなり素敵です。 ただ、ずっと内風呂にアンモニア臭が漂っていて。ここは公衆トイレなのか?というくらいアンモニア臭がキツかったです。 皆さん気にならないのかな…。 まぁ、お湯が良いので私も気にせず浸かっていましたが(汗) ひとつ残念な点を挙げるとしたら、窓から外が丸見えなこと。 湯船に浸かれば問題ないのですが、目の前の河原で工事車両多数出入りしていて、露天風呂に入る時や内風呂で体を洗うなどしていると、絶対に見えてると思います。 もう少し目隠ししていただけると 気持ちも落ち着いて入れるんですけどね。 でもお風呂後のお肌のツルピカ度は素晴らしいので、是非また足を運びたいと思っています!!
I went to see the word of mouth with the secret hot spring. It's quite a hinterland! When you park your car in the parking lot and go outside, you will smell sulfur! I can expect this, and I can open a splendid door. The shoe box is also seasonal. Pay a bathing fee of 1000 yen per person, and let's go! !! There was one customer, but I was able to get out soon, so this time it was a private bath from beginning to end. lucky! Soak in the bathtub and touch your skin to make it slippery. Slimy. Wow. very! !! I like slimy hot springs, but it's certainly quite slimy. But after seeing the word of mouth, I imagined it would be even more amazing. But I just raised my expectations too much. The quality of this slimy spring is quite nice. However, there was a smell of ammonia in the indoor bath all the time. Is this a public toilet? The smell of ammonia was so strong. I wonder if everyone cares ... Well, the hot water is good, so I was soaking without worrying about it (sweat) One unfortunate thing is that you can see the outside from the window. There is no problem if you soak in the bathtub, but if you have a lot of construction vehicles going in and out of the river in front of you, and you are taking an open-air bath or washing your body in the indoor bath, you can definitely see it. If you can blindfold a little more I feel calm and put it in. However, the smoothness of the skin after taking a bath is wonderful, so I definitely want to visit again! !!
かかよ on Google

ヌルヌルのお風呂で、お肌がしっとりして、その後はサラサラで、ずっと長く入っていたい温泉! 硫黄の香りもほどよく温泉感が有って、遠くから来た甲斐が有ったと思いました! 夏タイヤでなんとか行きましたが、途中で路面が凍結していたり、雪が道路端に有ったりなので、冬タイヤで無いと冬季は危険です! 又、春になってから再度訪れたいです! 道中、野生の子猿を3匹見かけました!
A hot spring where you want to stay in a slimy bath for a long time, with your skin moisturized and then smooth! The scent of sulfur was moderately hot spring, and I thought it was worth it to come from afar! I managed to go with summer tires, but the road surface is frozen on the way and there is snow on the side of the road, so it is dangerous in winter if it is not winter tires! Also, I want to visit again in the spring! Along the way, I saw three wild cubs!
KENGO “earthlings D jomon people” NARITA on Google

天然の化粧水温泉です。場所は山奥で壮大な自然があり凄く空気が綺麗です。銭湯内は、昔ながらの銭湯♨️を今も再現していて凄く楽しい懐かしい気持ちになりました。 また是非行きたいと思います。 It is a natural cosmetic hot spring. The location is deep in the mountains with magnificent nature and clean air. The inside of the bathhouse is a reproduction of an old-fashioned bathhouse ♨️, which made me feel nostalgic and happy. I would definitely like to visit again.
It is a natural lotion hot spring. The place is deep in the mountains, with magnificent nature and the air is very beautiful. Inside the sento, the old-fashioned sento ♨️ is still being reproduced, and it made me feel very happy and nostalgic. I would love to go there again. It is a natural cosmetic hot spring. The location is deep in the mountains with magnificent nature and clean air. The inside of the bathhouse is a reproduction of an old-fashioned bathhouse ♨️, which made me feel nostalgic and happy. I would definitely like to visit again.
グラミーch on Google

ずっと行きたかった奈良田温泉 白根館♨️ 塩化物泉 含硫黄-ナトリウム 入浴料は1,000円です。 言わずと知れたトロトロの泉質で肌がツルツルになります? 温度もちょうど良く長湯できます! 露天風呂に到着し入浴した時は硫黄の香りがかなり強く1時間後くらいにもう一度入浴したら硫黄の香りは微かに匂うくらいでした。 内湯も外湯も風情あり、泉質も素晴らしく、文句の付け所なき温泉でした!
Narada Onsen Shiranekan ♨️ that I've always wanted to visit Chloride spring containing sulfur-sodium The bathing fee is 1,000 yen. Needless to say, the spring quality of Toro Toro makes your skin smooth ? The temperature is just right and you can take a long bath! When I arrived at the open-air bath and took a bath, the scent of sulfur was quite strong, and when I took a bath again about an hour later, the scent of sulfur was faint. Both the indoor and outdoor hot springs have a taste, the quality of the spring is excellent, and it was a hot spring with no complaints!
aaron meldahl on Google

This old ryokan apparently only operates as a day onsen now. It's way up the river valley, and there is a lot of construction being done all up and down the river with lots of giant trucks on the narrow road, but the onsen itself was one of my top experiences for the quality of the water. It has a distinct sulfur odor but is clear with large black flakes like soot. Best of all it was the perfect temperature for long bathing, not too hot. Neither the indoor nor outdoor baths are very large, so best to choose a non-busy time. I went on a weekday morning in autumn and had the place mostly to myself. Caution about the men's bath: the indoor and outdoor baths are separate so you have to get dressed to go between them. No food at this onsen, but there are two places to eat nearby.

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