
3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 竜王ラドン温泉

住所 :

Tomitake Shinden, Kai, 〒400-0113 Yamanashi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : https://u-u.co.jp/
街 : Yamanashi

Tomitake Shinden, Kai, 〒400-0113 Yamanashi,Japan
tomoyo Okada (tomochan) on Google

I came last year and came to Petit Yuji because the hot springs were good. The facility was aging, which I was worried about last year, but this time it has been renovated and the interior of the building has been cleaned up, making it comfortable and the employees are still comfortable.
おたけ on Google

湯治の下見で利用しました。 湯治にはとても良いと思いますが、湯治には若干高いので長期では難しいかな? 食事は周りにいろんなお店があるので散歩がてらそちらで済ませるのがよろしいかと。 目の前の歩道橋渡れば安いマッサージ店、吉野家、すき家、ステーキガスト。 道路わたらなければガスト、ラーメン屋があります。 施設はかなり古いですが、スタッフの皆さん明るく元気な方々です。
I used it for a preview of the hot spring. I think it's very good for hot springs, but it's a little expensive for hot springs, so is it difficult in the long run? There are various shops around for meals, so I wonder if it's okay to take a walk there. If you cross the pedestrian bridge in front of you, you will find cheap massage shops, Yoshinoya, Sukiya, and Steak Gusto. If you don't cross the road, you will find Gusto and ramen shops. The facility is quite old, but the staff are cheerful and energetic.
mana on Google

あちこちの温泉に行っていますが、温泉総選挙「健康増進部門」第一位の温泉ということで非常に心惹かれて日帰り利用をしました。 歴史を感じる建物なのでキレイな設備を求める人には向かないかもしれませんが、ドバドバのかけ流しの源泉はそのまま飲み放題、ラドン浴室にはいろいろ科学的なことも書かれていて言われたとおりにしっかり浸かってラドンをたくさん吸収して、たくさん汗をかくのが気持ちいいです。 コロナ渦でなければ休憩室で横になったりもできるようで、それで700円はお得だと思います。 黙浴と書かれていても常連さんたちが大声で話しているのはどこにもある光景なので仕方ないでしょうか。
I go to hot springs here and there, but I was very attracted to it because it was the first hot spring in the "health promotion section" of the hot spring general election, so I used it for a day trip. It's a historical building, so it may not be suitable for those who want beautiful equipment, but as it was said, the source of the flowing water from Dobadoba is all-you-can-drink, and the radon bathroom has various scientific things written on it. It feels good to soak in the bath, absorb a lot of radon, and sweat a lot. If it is not a corona vortex, it seems that you can lie down in the break room, so I think that 700 yen is a good deal. Even if it says "silent bath", it can't be helped because the regulars are talking loudly everywhere.
Takesi Morikawa on Google

[日帰り温泉のみ利用] 喘息の治療に良いということで訪れました。 内風呂のみで、2箇所 水風呂は1箇所 風呂は2箇所共温く、長く入っていられる仕様です。 10分は入るよう書いていますので、おそらくラドン温泉の特性上だと思います。 東京から125ccのバイクだと頻繁に行くことができませんが、シンプルな温泉でいいと思います。 館内は、入口付近しか見てませんが、まぁ昭和かなという感想です。
[Use only for day trip hot springs] I visited because it is good for treating asthma. Only in the indoor bath, 2 places One water bath Both baths are warm and can be used for a long time. I wrote that it should take 10 minutes, so I think it is probably due to the characteristics of the radon hot spring. I can't go to Tokyo often with a 125cc motorcycle, but I think a simple hot spring is fine. I only see the area near the entrance in the hall, but I think it's Showa.
K S on Google

毎月泊まりで利用させてもらっています。 古い施設ですが、身体を治すのはここ以外ない。 神経痛・癌・リウマチすべて効きます。 薬事法に引っかかるので宿の人は効くとは言い切れないでしょうが、 来ている方と話すとみんな良くなっています。
I use it every month for overnight stays. It's an old facility, but it's the only place to heal your body. Neuralgia, cancer and rheumatism are all effective. I can't say that the inn will work because I'm caught up in the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law, Everyone is getting better when talking to the people who are coming.
おっつぁん on Google

The building is old and full of Showa era. There are two types of baths, an indoor bath, a cold bath, and a hot spring and a radon hot spring. Each is a size that can not accommodate 10 people, but it is sung as a free-flowing source. The dressing room is unusually large, and it is full of tsukkomi. On the 2nd floor, there is a small break space and a tavern dining room with a tatami room. As I recommend for hot springs, if you stay overnight and soak in the hot springs, the effect may appear ... After the bath, your skin was shiny and your body was warm.
シバ百舌鳥 on Google

A marvelous secret hot spring that is effective against all diseases. I am convinced that I won the 1st place in the hot spring ranking in 2020! !! There are many radon hot springs all over the country, but only hot springs with high radon concentration can be called radon hot springs ♨️. There are only two radon hot springs, Tamagawa hot spring in Akita and this hot spring. This is the only hot spring that has a high radon concentration and is fed directly from the source. A hot spring like a hospital where you can get healthy with hot springs. The price is 700 yen, and the quality of the hot spring is the highest, and this is the highest hot spring ♨️
Uyu on Google

一泊滞在しました。部屋は清潔ですが、建物の老朽化はやはり気になるレベルでした。湯治のつもりで滞在しましたが、周辺は道路や建物しかないこともあり、転地療養としての効果は薄いように感じます。実際、体感でも効果は感じられなかったので、リピートはないです。 ラジウム温泉は、岐阜のローソク温泉と新潟の栃尾又に赴いたことがあり、両方とも効果を感じることができましたが、こちらの温泉ではまったく体感できませんでした。
I stayed overnight. The room was clean, but the aging of the building was still a concern. I stayed with the intention of being a hot spring, but I feel that the effect as a relocation treatment is weak because there are only roads and buildings in the surrounding area. In fact, I didn't feel any effect, so there is no repeat. I have been to the radium hot springs in Gifu's candle hot springs and Niigata's Tochiomata, and I could feel the effects of both, but I could not experience them at all at this hot spring.

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