
3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 奥条の滝

住所 :

Nannocho Okujo, Kaizu, 〒503-0412 Gifu,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Gifu

Nannocho Okujo, Kaizu, 〒503-0412 Gifu,Japan
菊本ます美 on Google

Water falls? Is it become? The immovable king had a festival. It was very near from the park, and it was in an easy-to-see place.
伊藤明男 on Google

以前は食事出来る店があって、川魚料理、飲み物も利用できたんですが、時代の流れと共に。いつの間にか無くなってました。それでも夏場なら涼む事出来ます。 今は代わりに下の駐車場に売店があります。(ノД`)シクシク
There used to be a restaurant where you could eat and you could use river fish dishes and drinks. It disappeared in no time. Still, it can be cool in summer. There is a store in the parking lot below instead. (ノ Д`) Sixix
ChocolateTip Cookie on Google

かなりこじんまりした滝ですが、静かで穏やかになれます? 入るときロープしてありましたが、、、 場所はわかりづらいですが、道の右側に入れるところがあります。
It's a fairly small waterfall, but it can be quiet and calm ? There was a rope when I entered, but... The location is difficult to understand, but there is a place to put it on the right side of the road.
Koudai on Google

人工的に作られた滝であるが、とても神秘的で 心が癒される綺麗な所でした! 車を止めて少し歩いた所にあるため 小さい子供連れの方でも 楽しめる^ ^
It's an artificially made waterfall, but it's very mysterious It was a beautiful place where my heart was healed! Because I parked the car and walked a little Even with children Enjoy ^ ^
ススムちゃんねる(すすむちゃん) on Google

雨季から夏が終わるまで、蛭(ヒル)がいます。 水遊びする人は注意しましょう。
From the rainy season to the end of summer, there are leeches. People who play in the water should be careful.
前田晃大 on Google

If you park at the parking lot of Sabo Yugakukan and go up the road you came to, there is a rope on your right, but as soon as you enter, there is a waterfall. It is about 5 minutes from the parking lot. It is an artificially made waterfall. It's a good idea to take a look while you're at Yoro Waterfall.
syou matumoto on Google

平日昼間に訪問 小さな人工の滝 落差5mの小さな人口の滝 不動尊や御嶽山関連の設備も有している 由来などははっきりとしないが滝の至近には建物があった痕跡もあり商業や宗教両面での可能性はありそう 森林の中にあり夏場でも涼しい 公園に寄った際には訪れても良い場所
Visit during the daytime on weekdays Small artificial waterfall A small artificial waterfall with a head of 5m It also has facilities related to Fudoson and Ontakesan. The origin is not clear, but there are traces of a building near the waterfall, so there is a possibility of both commercial and religious possibilities. Located in the forest and cool even in the summer A place you can visit when you come to the park
Shinya Ishihara on Google

地元の近くにある滝。 森の中にあって涼しく、神秘的なので子供のころからよく見にきていました。 そんなに大きくはなくて、観光地にある滝のような迫力があるとかそんな感じではなくて、森の中にひっそりと佇む忘れられたような滝です。 昔はバーベキュー場みたいな施設があり、川魚が食べれたりバーベキューができて、子供の頃はよく行った覚えがあるのですが、久しぶりに訪れたら跡形もなくなっていて寂しい気分になりました。 砂防遊学館の駐車場からは少し離れていて場所が分かりわかりづらいですが、マイナスイオンに癒されるので少し見に行くのがおすすめですよ。
A waterfall near the local area. It's cool and mysterious in the woods, so I've been to see it since I was a kid. It's not that big, it's not as powerful as a waterfall in a tourist spot, it's a forgotten waterfall that stands quietly in the woods. There used to be a barbecue area, where you could eat river fish and barbecue, and I remember going there a lot when I was a kid, but when I visited for the first time in a long time, I felt lonely because there were no traces. It is a little far from the parking lot of Sabo Yugakukan and it is difficult to know the location, but it is recommended to go to see it a little because it is healed by negative ions.

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