Nankyu Motors - Setagaya City

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nankyu Motors

住所 :

6 Chome-33-1 Kamiyoga, Setagaya City, Tokyo 158-0098, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 158-0098
Webサイト :

6 Chome-33-1 Kamiyoga, Setagaya City, Tokyo 158-0098, Japan
Hide Yoko on Google

I was riding a motorcycle purchased here, but there are no lies or lies. The after-sales service is also perfect and courteous.
Tomohiko Morita on Google

The customer service of the staff was also good. Although the number of exhibits is not large, I think that it is firmly holding down the top sellers.
LIVローズ on Google

親切、丁寧。明瞭会計! バイクのメンテナンスが良いです。 国産車に乗ってライダーの方は是非来店してください。
Kindness and politeness. Clear accounting! The maintenance of the bike is good. If you are a rider in a domestic car, please come visit us.
山本けい on Google

I have been able to get various consultations, and I am also taking care of the car inspection. The mechanic is also good at peace. It's lit up at night, so it's good to look at the bike from the outside. It's a good place for bike lovers.
Y M on Google

他所で買った中古バイクを見てもらいました。 お店の方は、バイクに詳しくない私にも丁寧に注意するところなどを教えてくれました。 とても良いバイク屋さんだと思います。
I had them see a used motorcycle I bought elsewhere. The shop staff taught me how to be careful, even if I am not familiar with motorcycles. I think it's a very good bike shop.
O R on Google

綺麗な中古バイクが多い印象。 とても話し易い店員さんで、親しみを感じました。 バイク購入後もいろいろと相談出来そうな雰囲気の良いお店と思いました。
Impression that there are many beautiful used motorcycles. The clerk was very easy to talk to, and I felt familiar with him. I thought it was a shop with a nice atmosphere where I could talk about various things even after purchasing a motorcycle.
じむじゃんぐる on Google

いつも丁寧で親身になってメンテナンスしてくれます。 マイナス評価の方もいましたが私はこれからもこちらにお世話になると思います!
They are always polite and friendly and maintain. Some people gave me a negative rating, but I think I will continue to take care of them!
木村光伸 on Google

個人売買で購入したバイクの車検を お願いしました 色々と面倒見てもらい前よりも調子良く大変満足してます 車検と他の交換部品の費用考えると割と安いのかなとは思います またメンテ必要な時と 車検はお願いしようと思ってます。
I asked for a car inspection of a motorcycle purchased by private sale. I am very satisfied with the car inspection and other replacement parts. When I'm thinking of asking for a car inspection.

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