株式会社翼工業 - Chigasaki

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社翼工業

住所 :

Nango, Chigasaki, 〒253-0061 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 253-0061
Webサイト : https://www.tsubasa-tk.com/
街 : Kanagawa

Nango, Chigasaki, 〒253-0061 Kanagawa,Japan
YOSHIKO on Google

雨漏り修理と外壁塗装でお世話になりました。 他社と比較し低価格だった事もありますが、竹之内社長のプロ意識の高さや誠実なお人柄がお願いする決め手になりました。猛暑の中、職人の方達がとても丁寧な施工をしてくださり仕上がりも大変満足しています。 地元の翼工業さんにお願いして良かったです!
Thank you for repairing the leak and painting the outer wall. Although it was cheaper than other companies, President Takenouchi's high professionalism and sincere personality were the deciding factors. In the heat of the heat, the craftsmen did the construction very carefully and I am very satisfied with the finish. It was good to ask the local Tsubasa Kogyo!
Y I on Google

今回は、外壁・屋根塗装工事をお願いしました。 家の劣化状況について、適正な診断をしてくれます。補修の必要な箇所の写真と説明がのった診断書がもらえます。不必要な工事は勧めてこないので安心です。 社員さん、職人さん、皆清潔感があって、丁寧な方ばかりでした。作業中も休憩中も近所迷惑になることはまず無いと思いました。 職人さんの腕がいいです。養生も几帳面にやってくれます。一面白の壁や、雨樋などムラを見つけることはできません。仕上がりはとてもきれいです。補修箇所等も、工事終了後にもらえる施工写真のファイルで、すべて確認できるので安心です。 色は、既存色に出来るだけ近づけるように社員さんにアドバイスをもらって決めました。結果、仕上がりは望み通りにすることができました。色は、社員さんによく相談した方がいいです。サンプルと実際の仕上がりは大分印象が異なります。 業者選びは、本当に大変でしたが初めての外装塗装工事で当たりを引けて幸運でした。
This time, we asked for exterior wall and roof painting work. It will give you a proper diagnosis of the deterioration of your house. You will receive a medical certificate with a photo and explanation of the part that needs repair. You can rest assured that we will not recommend unnecessary construction work. All the employees and craftsmen were clean and polite. I thought it wouldn't bother my neighbors during work or breaks. The craftsman's skill is good. Curing is also done carefully. You can't find any unevenness such as an interesting wall or a rain gutter. The finish is very beautiful. You can check all the repaired parts in the construction photo file that you can get after the construction, so you can rest assured. The color was decided with the advice of the employees so that it would be as close as possible to the existing color. As a result, the finish was as desired. You should consult with your employees about the color. The impression of the sample and the actual finish is quite different. Choosing a contractor was really difficult, but I was fortunate to win the first exterior painting work.
田尾直子 on Google

本当に大満足です。 職人さんも皆さんも礼儀正しく作業も丁寧にやっていただき感謝しています。過去に二回ほど他社でやってもらったのですが、翼工業さんのようにしっかり囲わなかったので、今回しっかり周りを囲ってくださり感心致しました。ありがとうございました。
It is really very happy. Craftsmen also to thank you also do in polite also courteous work everyone. I was asked to do by other companies about two times in the past, we did not surrounded firm as wing industrial, Mr. Kudasari I admire surrounded around firmly this time. Thank you very much.
うっちー on Google

診断報告書→見積もり3本→契約→完了報告書ときっちりやってくれます。 もちろん作業もきれいにやっていただきました。日誌の交換をユーザとしてくれるので疑問点の解消もできます。 新聞のチラシを見て屋根外壁塗装をお願いしたが、良かったと思います。
Diagnosis report-> 3 quotes-> contract-> completion report. Of course, the work was done neatly. Since the user exchanges the diary, you can solve any questions. I looked at the leaflet of the newspaper and asked to paint the outer wall of the roof, but I think it was good.
三堀良則 on Google

We asked for the roof, exterior walls, entrance doors to be painted and the balcony to be waterproof. At the time of diagnosis, President Takenouchi himself took the time to be polite in the hot weather, and since he was able to understand the diagnosis at the time of estimation politely and well, I decided to leave it to Tsubasa Kogyo. The craftsmen were polite, cheerful, and polite, and watched over the work with peace of mind. I felt that the president's education was well-developed. When it was completed, it was finished more than I expected, and it seems that it has returned to the time of new construction, so I am very satisfied. Thank you very much. I decided to ask Tsubasa Kogyo again next time.
C Ta on Google

I asked you to paint the outer wall and roof. I had you do it well including the details from the beginning to the end. It was easy to understand because I got some patterns for the estimate after the diagnosis of the house and chose from them (I asked for some requests), and when the work increases during the construction, "It will take about 10,000 to do this. I was relieved because he told me.
ひさよん on Google

I had them paint the exterior walls, roof, and wooden deck. Since I am a local, I asked for it, but I asked for multiple patterns from the quotation, and after seeing the contents that explained in detail, I asked here. The personality of the president and the response of the people in charge were also decent, and I was able to ask with great peace of mind. He also consulted with us about the fact that the screen doors are not moving properly, that the wooden deck is screwed, and that there are problems with amateurs. The details of the construction work were also handled in detail. In addition, I think that I will ask for it at the time of construction some years later. It is recommended.
渋谷真由 on Google

他社塗装業者さんの見積もりに不信感がありました(水増しからの大幅割引、自社塗料をオススメされるなど)竹之内社長は「値引きをするとどこかで品質を落とさなければならなくなるので、値引きはしません!」ときっぱりと仰られたので信頼出来ると思い翼工業さんにお願いする事に決めました。 職人さんはご近所にもきちんと挨拶をされていて、対応も作業も素晴らしかったです。 次回塗装工事をする際はまた翼工業さんにお願いしようと思っています。
There was distrust in the quotes of other painters (significant discount from inflating, recommendation of in-house paint, etc.) President Takenouchi said, "If you discount, you will have to lower the quality somewhere, so we will not discount it. I was told that I could trust it, so I decided to ask Mr. Tsubasa Kogyo. The craftsmen greeted the neighborhood properly, and the correspondence and work were wonderful. I will ask Tsubasa Kogyo again for the next painting work.

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