(株)福永管楽器 - Amagasaki

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー












Contact (株)福永管楽器

住所 :

Nanamatsucho, Amagasaki, 〒660-0052 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 660-0052
Webサイト : http://fukunaga-repair.com/
街 : Hyogo

Nanamatsucho, Amagasaki, 〒660-0052 Hyogo,Japan
petit masa on Google

いつも親切に教えてくださいます。 無知な初心者にも優しく教えてくださるので、敷居が低く、お手入れ用品や備品などもお安く感じました。
Always tell me kindly. As it taught me kindly to ignorant beginners, the threshold was low and I felt cheap for care products and equipment.
村田猛 on Google

小売店ながら価格も非常に抑えられており、良心的なお店だと思います。 スタッフの方も丁寧な対応をして頂いてます。
Although it is a retail store, the price is very low, and I think it is a conscientious store. The staff also kindly responds.
cluclu land on Google

たいへん狭い店内、その上に荷物だらけという、ゆっくり見て回るなんてのはとても無理。(笑) ですが、商品知識豊富な店員が懇切丁寧に教えてくださいます。恐れず、なんでも遠慮なく聞いてみるのがよさそうです。
It's very difficult to take a leisurely look around in a very small store, full of luggage on top of it. (Lol) However, a salesclerk with a wealth of product knowledge will kindly teach me. Don't be afraid to feel free to ask anything.
好平尼野 on Google

I think the best wind instrument repair in this area. It's a very nice place to go to school and go to schools besides this place! Not only repairs but also musical instruments and accessories are available, so while the music store is closing down, it will be very reliable!
yoshiaki on Google

サックスの調整でお世話になっております。 大半はその場で診て、直していただけ、預かりの場合も、期間・費用をざっくり教えていただけるので嬉しいです。 師匠からのお勧めなので、技術に関しては安心しております。 自宅からは少し離れているので、お店に行くときは必ず事前telをしてます。
I am indebted by the adjustment of the saxophone. Most of them are examined on the spot and corrected, and we are happy to be able to give you a rough idea of ​​the period and expenses if you are keeping it. As it is recommended from the master, I am relieved about the technology. Because I am a little away from home, I always tel in advance when I go to the store.
松村拓 on Google

I went to buy Leger before. The product lineup was amazing, and I had them try it out until I was satisfied!
高橋弘一 on Google

A world-renowned wind instrument repair technician. The store owner's personality is disgusting, so the store's reputation has been disappointed. The location of the store that had been there before is now demolished and newly built. The owner has always been a local Tachibana. My father worked for Shionogi & Co., Ltd.
小橋茂 on Google

Suddenly, I brought in a trumpet that stopped ringing about 50 years ago and had it cleaned cleanly. Thank you very much ❤️.

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