Nakatsu Shōtengai - Osaka

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nakatsu Shōtengai

住所 :

3 Chome-16 Nakatsu, Kita Ward, Osaka, 531-0071, Japan

Postal code : 531-0071

3 Chome-16 Nakatsu, Kita Ward, Osaka, 531-0071, Japan
間桐桜 on Google

中津駅知ってて何度か来ていました、中津商店街は最近知りました。 ほんの少し新しい店舗もあるようです。
I've been to Nakatsu station several times, and recently I learned about Nakatsu shopping street. There seems to be a slightly new store.
Name Nick on Google

場末的な雰囲気漂う商店街。 日中でもシャッター降りているところが目立つのは事実。でも、若い人たちが、リノベートしてさまざまなお店、パン屋やタコスが売りのバー、コミュニティスペースや建築事務所などをしていたりします。 昔からのレトロな雰囲気が良い味出ているお店もあります。理容室や和菓子屋さん、町の電気屋さんのようなところもあれば、サラダ館といった日用品取り扱い店、化粧品店、駄菓子屋さん、リカーショップなどもあります。
A shopping street with an endless atmosphere. It's true that the shutter is visible even during the day. However, young people are renovating and doing various shops, bakeries and bars selling tacos, community spaces and architectural offices. Some shops have a good old-fashioned retro atmosphere. There are places like a barber shop, a Japanese confectionery store, an electric store in the town, a daily necessities store such as a salad hall, a cosmetics store, a candy store, and a liquor store.
all_ hosokawa on Google

写真は2012年頃。 スキマに埋もれる事なく今も残っているようです。 消えてほしくない文化遺産。
The photo is around 2012. It seems that it still remains without being buried in the gap. A cultural heritage that you don't want to disappear.
ぱっきゃまら on Google

I often take a walk in Nakatsu without feeling hungry after lunch, but when I visit for the first time in a while, the arcade is torn. I have to come more!
酷道345号線 on Google

阪急中津駅の近くにある、下町ムード満載の商店街。 梅田の隣とは思えないほど、閑静な住宅街の中にあります。 以前はアーケードの屋根があったんですが 、久しぶりに行ったら屋根が無くなっててビックリ。 見上げると骨組みと青空が見えて、何とも言えない寂れた雰囲気が出てきちゃってます。 自分が行ったのは日曜の昼間だったので開いてるお店は少なかったのですが、歩きながら見てみるとそこそこ新しそうな店構えのお店もあったりするんですよね。 南側の梅田方面を振り返ると、古びた商店街の景色の向こう側にタワマンが見えたりして、新旧入り交じった中津って感じがします。
A shopping street full of downtown moods near Hankyu Nakatsu Station. It is located in a quiet residential area, which makes us feel that it is next to Umeda. There used to be an arcade roof I was surprised that the roof was gone after a long absence. Looking up, you can see the skeleton and the blue sky, and you can see the lonely atmosphere that can not be said. I went there during the daytime on Sundays, so there weren't many stores open, but when I walked around, there were some stores that seemed fairly new. Looking back toward the Umeda area on the south side, you can see Tawaman on the other side of the scenery of the old shopping street, and I feel like Nakatsu mixed with old and new.
Kita Hisao on Google

なかなか雰囲気のある商店街です。 だいぶん寂れた感がありますが、その独特な感じがいいかも!
It is a shopping street with a pretty atmosphere. I feel lonely, but I like the unique feeling!
taro “taromoch” moch on Google

You can feel Showa nostalgia. However, there come sime new trendy shops recently, revitalizing this cosy shopping mall.
Adrian Ng on Google

This street is known for its Showa retro feel and is good for phototaking. Not a very long street though, and many of the shops have long shuttered. Quaint nostalgic place.

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