
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 冨士久食堂

住所 :

Nakasatomimachi, Takasaki, 〒370-3344 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://we-love.gunma.jp/gourmet/fujikyu-shokudo
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday 11AM–2PM
Monday 11AM–2PM
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM
街 : Gunma

Nakasatomimachi, Takasaki, 〒370-3344 Gunma,Japan
Masataka Mayuzumi on Google

お昼前から駐車場はいっぱい。 ランチのラーメンセットはミニおかず含めてすべて美味しかった。焼き餃子もかなり美味い(ニンニク注意) メニューがたくさんあって飽きなそう。これは地元に愛されるのは納得です。
The parking lot is full from before noon. The ramen set for lunch was delicious, including the mini side dishes. The grilled dumplings are also quite delicious (be careful with garlic) There are so many menus that you won't get tired of it. It is understandable that this is loved by the locals.
ともかのう on Google

ミニ焼き肉丼とラーメンセットちゅうもん。 ラーメンはシンプルながらうまい。チャーシューうまい。 焼き肉はめちゃめちゃうまい。 次はかつ丼と餃子食べてみたい!
Mini grilled meat bowl and ramen set Chumon. Ramen is simple but delicious. Char siu is good. Yakiniku is insanely good. Next time I want to eat katsudon and dumplings!
影森明敏 on Google

旨い安い店の人はフレンドで地元で愛される町中華屋さんって感じのお店で今回初でしたがリピーター決定ですよd( ^^ )
The delicious and cheap restaurant is a friend of mine who is loved by the locals and is like a Chinese restaurant.
朧弦乃助 on Google

I love Fujiku Shokudo's omelet rice. I always ask for a large serving. But you can eat it with a sip! it's the best.
還暦OK on Google

絶滅リストのお店で気になっていました? コロナ過、まん防期間でしたが昼どき沢山のお客さんです。カウンターに着席。仕切りのアクリル板、消毒液、感染予防対策、お酒を提供しない告知ポスター等、お店も大変です? かつ丼とテイクアウトで餃子二人前を注文。 かつ丼は玉子とじ系、ボリュームがあり満足出来ました? 餃子は家に帰ってから酒のつまみでいただきました? 野菜たっぷり、ニンニクが効いて餃子らしい餃子です?ご馳走さまでした?
I was worried about the shop on the extinction list ? Although it was a corona-excessive period, there were many customers during the day. Seated at the counter. Acrylic boards for partitions, disinfectants, infection prevention measures, posters for notifying that alcohol is not provided, etc., the shop is also difficult ? I ordered two servings of dumplings with katsudon and takeout. I was satisfied with the katsudon, which has a lot of volume and is similar to eggs ? The dumplings were served with a liquor knob after I got home ? It's a dumpling-like dumpling with plenty of vegetables and garlic ? It's a treat ?
mayumi tabuki on Google

しょうゆラーメン、ワンタン麺、餃子、チャーハン…家族でお邪魔しましたがお店の方々に、笑顔で迎えられ! 味も優しい味で最高に美味しかったです。また絶対リピートします?
Salty soy sauce ramen, wonton noodles, dumplings, fried rice ... I visited the restaurant with my family, but the shop staff welcomed me with a smile! The taste was gentle and it was the best. I will definitely repeat it ?
T. K on Google

盛りがよく、味も美味しい昔ながらの食堂です。 活気があって雰囲気も好きです。 今回は掲示されていた写真を見て、焼肉定食を注文しましたが、期待したお肉の量ではありませんでした。 少し残念でしたが、ご飯の量は多いのでお腹はいっぱいになりました。 ーーー再訪ーーー 再度伺いました。 今回はラーメン&ミニ焼肉丼のセットを注文。 ラーメンは醤油に香味野菜の出汁が効いている?スープでした。 ミニ焼肉丼でも量が多く、絶妙なタレと豚肉と玉葱の甘味も感じられて美味しかったです。 税込850円でお得でした。 ご馳走様でした。
It is a traditional dining room that is well served and has a delicious taste. It's lively and I like the atmosphere. This time, I ordered a yakiniku set meal by looking at the picture posted, but it was not the amount of meat I expected. It was a little disappointing, but I was full because of the large amount of rice. --- Revisited --- I visited again. This time I ordered a set of ramen and mini yakiniku bowl. Does ramen have soy sauce and flavored vegetable soup stock? It was soup. Even the mini-grilled meat bowl was large in quantity, and the exquisite sauce and the sweetness of pork and onions were also felt and it was delicious. It was a great deal at 850 yen including tax. It was a treat.
たつんど on Google

久し振りの入店でした。 ラーメンミニ焼肉丼に焼き餃子を頼んで。 ボリュームもあって最高でした。 『ザ・餃子』とも言うべきコチラの焼き餃子は絶対食べなきゃいけませんよ!
It was the first time in a long time to enter the store. Ask for grilled dumplings from Ramen Mini Yakiniku Don. It was the best because of the volume. You must definitely eat the grilled dumplings here, which should be called "The dumplings"!

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