旨いもん屋 さんでー

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 旨いもん屋 さんでー

住所 :

Nakano, Tamba-Sasayama, 〒669-2213 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799
Webサイト : http://www.holonpia.com/restaurant.html%23sunday
街 : Hyogo

Nakano, Tamba-Sasayama, 〒669-2213 Hyogo,Japan
end t on Google

ホテルの一階にある食堂的な喫茶店です。 日替りランチも用意されてます。
It is a cafe on the first floor of the hotel. Daily lunch is also available.
村上正巳 on Google

同級生3人と来ました。 美味しい物頂きました。 因みに、僕は鍋焼きうどん定食 大好きなのですよ!(笑)
I came with three classmates. I got something delicious. By the way, I have a Nabeyaki udon set meal I love you! (Lol)
禁煙の勧め on Google

We had breakfast buffet. The food was plentiful, the warm ones were warm and the cold ones were cold and I was satisfied. The trouble is one! There is an ashtray on the table to allow smoking and locals are Puka Puka with coffee. I only pray that I do not bat with the smoker. I think it's not possible to smoke at Iiya, though! It is a shop in the hotel!
金川素幸 on Google

All-you-can-eat, but I felt that the main cooking recipe was poor.
yoshi fj on Google

料理は、ボリュームがあって、美味しかった。 接客の方は、忙しいみたいで、中々注文聞いてもらえず、会計を間違える等 少し残念でした。|ω`)
The food was voluminous and delicious. The customer service seemed to be busy, so I was a little disappointed that I couldn't hear the order and made a mistake in the accounting. | ω`)
チビ猿 on Google

店員がマジでダメ❗️ 注文通らず、隣の客に先に配られ もう二度と行きたくない❗️ ご飯も辛くて 味付けもイマイチ❗️ 絶対に 二度と行きません‼️ ランチタイムなのに メニューも少ない❗️ こんなに良いところが思い浮かばない 店は初めてです❗️
The clerk is really useless ❗️ It is distributed first to the next customer without passing the order I don't want to go again ❗️ The rice is also spicy Seasoning is not good ❗️ absolutely I will never go again! ️ Even though it's lunch time There are few menus ❗️ I can't think of such a good place This is my first time at the store ❗️
Andy's Papa on Google

カレーうどんとミニ親子どんぶりのセット。 家庭的な味で美味しかったですがわざわざ遠方から食べに行くほどでもないかなと思います。(レトルトカレーに出汁を入れ片栗粉。片栗粉は玉になってました。) 4人で行きましたがバラバラで出てきます。一番最後に出てきたのは注文後30分でした。他のテーブルの方もその様でした。 厳しく書きましたが食べても後悔はしません。
A set of curry udon and mini parent-child bowl. It tasted homely and delicious, but I don't think it's enough to go out to eat from afar. (Put the soup stock in the retort curry and potato starch. The potato starch became a ball.) I went with four people, but they come out separately. The last thing that came out was 30 minutes after ordering. The other tables were like that. I wrote it strictly, but I don't regret eating it.
Keisuke Sasaki on Google

朝食ビュッフェで1,180円です。 焼き魚やスクランブルエッグなどをその場で調理してくれます。サラダも美味しいです。
The breakfast buffet costs 1,180 yen. It cooks grilled fish and scrambled eggs on the spot. The salad is also delicious.

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