
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (有)垣崎醤油店

住所 :

Nakano, Onan, Ochi District, 〒696-0102 Shimane,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://kakizaki-s.com/
街 : Shimane

Nakano, Onan, Ochi District, 〒696-0102 Shimane,Japan
good day on Google

醤油、味噌、ポン酢と調味料は全てここで調達しています。なぜかリピートしたくなります。 家族経営でありみなさんとっても優しい人たちです。
Soy sauce, miso, ponzu and seasonings are all procured here. I want to repeat for some reason. They are family-run and very kind people.
izumi on Google

This is our only one soy sauce. ✨
satoshi shirasu on Google

邑南町の昔からのお醤油さん何十年振りに伺った世代交代の中色々な 商品を開発頑張っていました、私の生まれ故郷にもこの様企業が有るのだと感心しまた。頑張って下さい。
Old-fashioned soy sauce in Onan-cho Various generations that I visited for the first time in decades I was working hard to develop the product, and I was impressed that there is such a company in my hometown. good luck.
あーちゃんママ on Google

柿崎醤油は本当に美味しくて大好きです? 今年のお歳暮は、これで決まり?? 色々なお店にあれば尚良いのですが…お取り寄せで購入する事にします? これからも変わらぬ美味しい醤油作り頑張って下さいね?
Kakizaki soy sauce is really delicious and I love it ? This year's year-end gift is decided by this ?? It would be nice if there were various shops ... I will buy it by order ? Please do your best to make delicious soy sauce that will not change ?
因幡ふみこ on Google

Hello ✨?❗️ This is my favorite soy sauce ☝️ It became popular with gifts and gift acquaintances, and I ordered it directly ≪My family have all become Kakizaki fans ?≫, and there are also happy voices. I've been indebted to you for over 20 years now ? Thank you every day ✌️ Please continue for a long time ? ? ?
小原寿子 on Google

I always buy yuzu ponzu. I always buy it in a single PET bottle, but it is also convenient for grilled fish and stir-fried foods as well as pots. I like the scent of yuzu when the lid is opened. I also buy miso. It's delicious.
えいちょん on Google

垣崎醤油さんの生もろみを大阪のデパートの催事で購入し、あまりの美味しさに感動しました。 一度、醸造元へ行ってみようと、神戸から垣崎さんへ。お醤油などを多数購入しました。義理母は小さいながらお惣菜屋さんを営んでいまして、義理母に薦めると気にいったようで、それ以来、代引き配送で垣崎さんを利用しています。
I bought Kakizaki Soy Sauce's raw moromi at a department store event in Osaka and was impressed by how delicious it was. From Kobe to Mr. Kakizaki to go to the brewery once. I bought a lot of soy sauce. My mother-in-law runs a small but side dish shop, and she seems to like recommending it to her mother-in-law. Since then, she has been using Mr. Kakizaki for cash on delivery.
まこと on Google

The point of cash payment is inconvenient. Basically, products are placed in the surrounding supermarkets and can be cashless. However, it is worth going because there are also bargain closeouts.

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