リロの賃貸 株式会社東都不動産 中野店

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact リロの賃貸 株式会社東都不動産 中野店

住所 :

Nakano, Nakano City, 〒164-0001 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.tohto.ne.jp/shop/25.html
街 : Tokyo

Nakano, Nakano City, 〒164-0001 Tokyo,Japan
中谷正紀 on Google

吉田遥 on Google

They responded very nicely and I found a nice property.
闇の紫 on Google

Referrals, payments, contracts, evictions, everything. No other place has such an unreliable customer business. It can only be said to be the worst. I regret using it anyway.
フェブラリィ on Google

The atmosphere was good and the correspondence was also a good impression. In addition, thanks to the information on other properties, the application was more convincing. Thank you very much.
さかたぎんとき on Google

店長さんや渡辺さんはじめ、社員さん方の物腰が非常に柔らかく親身になって対応してもらえたので、最後までストレスなく賃貸の相談をさせてもらえました こちらの要望や質問にも嫌な顔ひとつせず応対してもらい、とても感謝しております
The store manager, Watanabe-san, and other employees were very soft and friendly, so I was able to consult with them about renting without stress until the end. I am very grateful to you for responding to these requests and questions without a disgusting face.
kohei yoneda on Google

今回は素早く対応をいただき大変助かりました。 土井店長さんの分かりやすい説明と案内とでとても安心しました。 今後ともよろしくお願い致します。
It was very helpful to have a quick response this time. I was very relieved by the easy-to-understand explanation and guidance of Mr. Doi. We look forward to working with you in the future.
白石丈 on Google

まず、事務所がキレイだったの が良かったです。 あと、担当の方がいっぱいほめて くれたし、人柄よかったです。 肝心の部屋も、自分の身の丈に 合っていたので、他の不動産会社 と迷っていたのですが、最終的に 部屋の見た目や入り口の雰囲気で、 リロさんに決めました。 長く、お世話になります。
First of all, the office was beautiful Was good. Also, a lot of people in charge praise I was sick and had a good personality. The essential room is also your own height Because it matched, other real estate companies I was at a loss, but in the end The appearance of the room and the atmosphere of the entrance I decided on Lilo. Thank you for your support for a long time.
Mary Laine Takahashi on Google

The staff were very friendly and polite. I wished they did more follow-up after the application was done.

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