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Contact 中野城山居館跡

住所 :

Nakano, Nakano City, 〒164-0001 Tokyo,Japan

街 : Tokyo

Nakano, Nakano City, 〒164-0001 Tokyo,Japan
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Currently it is Yawado Athletic Park. There is nothing left of the castle traces.
あの頃の軍曹 on Google

築城は説があり 平安時代に 千葉氏の祖である平忠常 太田道灌の砦。 1576年北条家家臣の 堀江氏が治めている
There is a theory about the construction of the castle In the Heian period Taira no Tadatsune, the ancestor of the Chiba clan Ota Dokan's fort. 1576 Hojo clan vassals Horie governs
児玉猛 on Google

I heard that Nakano Shiroyama, who said that Heimon was struck, had a ring before the construction of the apartment.
五十嵐正臣 on Google

説明板があり、下のように書かれてました。 この辺りは、もと城山町とよばれ、谷戸運動公園裏に幅5.4mほどの土塁が残っていました。 延宝三年(1675)の村の記録には「中野村のうちに900坪ほど土手を築き、空堀を掘ったところがあり、これを昔から城山と申し伝えている。そこはもともと名主・堀江卯右衛門の先祖からの屋敷地で、今は年貢地になり、代々卯右衛門が所持している。」とみえています。 堀江氏は天正四年(1576)戦国大名後北条氏領中野五郷を治める小代官を務め、次いで豊臣秀吉の指令もうけた中野の土豪でしたから、戦国末期の城山は、小城砦を兼ねた土豪屋敷であった事が考えられます。湧水のある中野川の谷戸をおさえ、野方丘陵の東南を占める城山は、平忠常の城砦跡、あるいは豊島氏と戦った太田道灌の陣地「道灌砦」跡などともいわれています。
There was an explanation board and it was written as follows. ‥ This area was originally called Shiroyama Town, and there was a 5.4 m wide earthwork behind the Yado Sports Park. According to the record of the village in the third year of Enba (1675), "There is a bank of about 900 tsubo in Nakano village, and there is a place where an empty moat was dug. This is said to be Shiroyama. It is a building site from the ancestors of Uemon, and it is now a yearly tribute site and is owned by Uemon for generations." Mr. Horie served as a minister for governing Gojo Hojo, the territory of Nakano Gogo after the Warlords of the Sengoku period (1576), and was then Togo of Hideyoshi Toyotomi's order. It is possible that it was a mansion. Shiroyama, which occupies the valley of the Nakano River with spring water and occupies the southeastern part of the Nogata Hills, is said to be the remains of the fortress of Taira Tadanada, or the site of "Dokan Fort", which is the base of Ota Dokan who fought with Toshima.

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