Nakamura Yokujo - Nerima City

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nakamura Yokujo

住所 :

パラディーゾ 3 Chome-3-11 Nakamurakita, Nerima City, Tokyo 176-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8999
Postal code : 176-0023
Webサイト :

パラディーゾ 3 Chome-3-11 Nakamurakita, Nerima City, Tokyo 176-0023, Japan
UNDERDOG on Google

ごくごく普通の銭湯 昭和のまま 寡黙な親父さんがよく働いていて サウナもキレイにしています 愛想ないけど^ ^ 客層は年齢層高め
Very ordinary public bath Showa era A quiet father works hard The sauna is also clean, but I don't like it ^ ^ The customer base is older
宮地孝政 on Google

From Nakamurabashi on the Seibu Ikebukuro station line, go back toward Nerima and you will find it on your right. Located on the first floor of the building. It is a public bath. I think it's a good bath to take in comfortably.
濱口重信 on Google

9月の残暑の日曜日に、阿佐ヶ谷駅からバスに乗り伺いました。 フロントの女将さん(?)が愛想よく、とても楽しく会話できました。素敵です。 サウナ(450円、大小タオル付)は猛熱の106℃(出入りが少ないと110℃まで室温が上がるとのこと)。L字型の2段配置で大きな窓あり。上段は尻が熱くて座れないほど。昭和歌謡の有線放送が和みます。安全地帯の「ワインレッドの恋」に106℃に蒸される中、やたらと感激してしましました。ハーブの香りもグッドです。(女将さん曰く、昭和歌謡1曲我慢できれば合格!5分は流石!とのことです) 水風呂は細長い3人縦列型で冷感「お~」って感じ、薬湯は効能満載の「萬翠泉薬湯(40℃)」の温湯でサウナの後にリラックスします。勇ましいバイブラ噴射の白湯も楽しめます。 常連さんの活気みなぎる良い銭湯です。
I took a bus from Asagaya station on a hot Sunday in September. The landlady (?) At the front desk was friendly and had a very enjoyable conversation. wonderful. The sauna (450 yen, with large and small towels) is extremely hot at 106 ° C (the room temperature rises to 110 ° C if there is little entry and exit). L-shaped two-tiered layout with large windows. The upper tier is so hot that I can't sit down. Wired broadcasting of Showa Kayo will be softened. I was deeply moved while being steamed at 106 ℃ in the safe zone of "Wine Red Love". The scent of herbs is also good. (According to the proprietress, if you can put up with one Showa Kayo song, you will pass! 5 minutes is a stone's throw!) The water bath is an elongated three-person parallel type that gives you a feeling of coldness, and the medicinal bath is the hot water of Mansuisen Yakuyu (40 ℃), which is full of efficacy, and you can relax after the sauna. You can also enjoy the brave vibra jet plain hot water. It is a good public bath full of liveliness of regulars.
矢島鉄平(ポー) on Google

コンパクトながら、掃除が行き届いてる感じの銭湯。 そして、サウナが激モンスター。 117度の灼熱奇跡。 タオル付き930円で、体験する価値あり。 ( ^∀^)
A public bath that is compact yet well-cleaned. And the sauna is a super monster. A burning miracle of 117 degrees. For 930 yen with a towel, it is worth the experience. (^ ∀ ^)
ああああああ(あまたろう) on Google

I forgot to carry it, so I contacted by phone. Do you have something left behind and carry it with you? I was told that there was no such thing, so isn't there a girl's dressing room? I immediately answered that I didn't ask. I found it as soon as I went looking for a return. When I told him that I had made an inquiry over the phone, he was unfriendlyly told, "I wasn't told to see it." Even though he is a corona, he speaks loudly and amiably to people who seem to be regulars, but the dialogue over the phone is unfriendly, and the face-to-face correspondence is also unfriendly. People who seem to be regulars speak in a loud voice even during the corona period, but I think that it will be unfriendly and very unpleasant for people who go occasionally to serve customers. I only go there once in a while, but I don't want to talk to the clerk again, so I'd like to have a ticketing system. It was good that there were two baths, hot water and lukewarm water. The problem is that the shower head is fixed, but the hot water in the shower can be left out, which is good, so it's ⭐︎1. I hope this review will give you a little more decent and ordinary customer service. Well, people who say that wouldn't do that kind of customer service. I didn't want to see it, and if I couldn't leave the front desk, I could just tell it, but it was an unbelievable response.
長谷川雅彦 on Google

【総評】銭湯サウナとしては非常に優秀。 【サウナ】98℃ストーブサウナ。アロマを使っているのか微かにいい香りがする。二段になっているベンチとストーブの距離が近く熱さ満点。ゆとりを持って定員5人詰めれば8人程の広さ。 【水風呂】15℃広くはなく定員3人ほどだが、善くととのえる。 【外気浴】露天スペースがないので外気浴はできない。浴槽の縁に腰掛けるか、替わり湯横にある謎スペースを活用するべし。 【風呂】45℃熱い!熱い!でも気持ちいい。替わり湯は漢方湯を頂いた。 【その他】サウナを注文するとフェイスタオルとバスタオルをセットで貸出してくれる。シャンプーボディソープ無し。駐車は路上駐車場1時間300円
[Overview] Very good as a public bath sauna. [Sauna] 98 ℃ stove sauna. It has a faint scent, probably because it uses aroma. The distance between the two-tiered bench and the stove is close, and the heat is perfect. If you have enough space to pack 5 people, it will be about 8 people. [Water bath] 15 ℃ It is not wide and has a capacity of about 3 people, but it is good. [Outside air bath] There is no open-air space, so you cannot take an outside air bath. Sit on the edge of the bathtub or take advantage of the mysterious space next to the bathtub. [Bath] 45 ℃ hot! hot! But it feels good. As for the alternative hot water, I got Chinese hot water. [Others] When you order a sauna, you can rent a face towel and bath towel as a set. No shampoo body soap. Parking is 300 yen per hour on the street parking lot
hefeweizen on Google

中村橋駅から3〜4分ほど、千川通り沿いにある銭湯。 マンション銭湯で、表にはのれんなど出ていません。「ゆ」の看板が目印です。 日曜も開店間際に伺いましたが人気のようで、地元の方々がお待ちかねでした。 下足箱スペースも、フロント前のロビーも狭めですが、おかみさんの声が明るくて安心します。 脱衣所はロッカーの数も多く、余裕があります。 お風呂場は洗い場が30ほど、いずれもシャワーがついていて使い勝手が良いです。立ちシャワーも2箇所ありました。 奥には広めのサウナがあり、広い窓から様子が伺えます。460円追加で使えます。 湯船が3種類で、 右手にジェットバス付きの広いところ、 左手に薬湯「萬翠泉」と水風呂です。 広いところはバイブラが強力で、 身体が浮き上がってしまうほど。 温度計は42度を指していましたが それよりも熱めと感じました。 水風呂はしっかりと冷えていて、 交互浴のギャップが気持ち良い。 ドライヤーは有料、 備え付けのシャンプー、ボディソープは見当たりませんでした。 入っている間に外は大雨、雹まで降ってきたようです。その様子をおかみさんやお客さんが話す様子が明るくて、それも良かったです。 サウナ入りたかったなあ。
A public bath located along Chikawa-dori, about 3-4 minutes from Nakamurabashi station. It is a public bath in a condominium, and there is no goodwill on the table. The "Yu" sign is a landmark. I visited the store on Sunday just before it opened, but it seemed to be popular, and the locals were waiting for it. The space for the lower leg box and the lobby in front of the front desk are small, but you can rest assured that your mother's voice is bright. There are many lockers in the dressing room, so there is plenty of room. There are about 30 washrooms in the bathroom, all of which have showers and are easy to use. There were also two standing showers. There is a large sauna in the back, and you can see the situation from the wide window. You can use it for an additional 460 yen. There are 3 types of bathtubs A large area with a whirlpool on your right On the left is the medicinal bath "Mansuisen" and a cold bath. Vibra is powerful in a wide area, The body floats up. The thermometer was reading 42 degrees I felt it was hotter than that. The water bath is very cold The gap between the alternating baths feels good. Hair dryer is charged, I couldn't find the provided shampoo and body soap. It seems that heavy rain and hail have fallen outside while entering. It was good that the mother and the customers talked about the situation brightly. I wanted to go to the sauna.
Nauselin (ナウゼりん) on Google

全てがやりすぎ。 銭湯界の二郎のような公衆浴場。 一見すると地味なマンション銭湯なのですが、中に入ると激アツの高温サウナ、熱めのお湯、うかうかすると体が流されていくほどのバブル。 全てが激しくて、でもそんな銭湯は他にはないのでわざわざ電車に乗ってまた来てしまう。 そんな常習性の高いサウナを持った銭湯です。 サウナは空いている時間帯だと120℃超えの時もあり、しばらく人が入らないと下のマットが熱くて座れないということはザラにあります。サウナ室のドアには手で押すための木の板が付いているのですが、これが熱くて触れず、タオルを持って押すということもしばしばあります。 備え付けのシャンプーやボディソープはなし。富士山の絵はなし。 しかしそんなことは吹き飛んでしまう井戸水掛け流しの水風呂。この水風呂のために全ての仕様があるような設計です。 目の前にある千川通りはかつての千川用水の暗渠なので、立地としても井戸水を掘りやすいのかもしれません。 だいたい3人はいればいっぱいいっぱいの水風呂がここの一番人気だと思います。 しっかりあまみの出る良いお風呂です。 サウナ付きで960円なのですが、ここに来てサウナなしはもったいないし、サウナ付き料金だとオレンジ色に「サウナ中村浴場」と書かれたタオルとバスタオルが貸してもらえるのでトータルでお得だと思います。
Everything is overkill. A public bath like Jiro in the public bath world. At first glance, it looks like a sober apartment public bath, but when you go inside, you will find a hot sauna, hot water, and a bubble that will wash your body. Everything is fierce, but there is no other public bath like that, so I take the train and come back again. It is a public bath with such a highly addictive sauna. The temperature of the sauna may exceed 120 ° C when it is free, and it is in Zara that the mat underneath is too hot to sit down unless people enter for a while. The door of the sauna room has a wooden board for pushing by hand, which is hot and untouchable, and is often pushed with a towel. There is no built-in shampoo or body soap. There is no picture of Mt. Fuji. However, such a thing is a water bath with a well water flowing away. Designed to have all the specifications for this water bath. Chikawa-dori in front of you is a former culvert of Chikawa irrigation water, so it may be easy to dig well water as a location. I think that a full water bath is the most popular here if there are about 3 people. It's a good bath with a good taste. It costs 960 yen with a sauna, but it's a waste to come here without a sauna, and if it's a charge with a sauna, you can borrow a towel and bath towel with "Sauna Nakamura Yokujo" written in orange, so it's a great deal in total. I think.

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