
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 創作まぜそば○△□

住所 :

Nakamozucho, Kita Ward, Sakai, 〒591-8023 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
街 : Osaka

Nakamozucho, Kita Ward, Sakai, 〒591-8023 Osaka,Japan
ファンタスティック on Google

美味しかった! 写真は「台湾まぜそば」! あと最近出てきた飛魚だしのやつも美味しい! 7月だけで3回も行きました笑
was delicious! The photo is "Taiwan Mazesoba"! Also, the flying fish dashi stock that came out recently is delicious! I went 3 times in July alone lol
atoo fry on Google

中百舌鳥駅から徒歩1分の台湾まぜそばが売りのお店。 まぜそばのスタンダードともいえる見た目のまぜそばは意外とピリ辛でちょっと濃いめの味がジャンキーで美味しいです。 濃いめの味が太麺に絡みつく感じがジャンキーで食べている感を出していて最後の追い飯を含め意外とお腹一杯になります。 ただスープが意外と残らないので追い飯は少なめでも問題ないかもしれませんが、辛さを和らげたい人なんかは多めでもいいかもしれません。 飲んだ後にも美味しくいただけそうなので夜遅くまでやってくれたら飲んだ後に寄れていいと思います。
A shop selling Taiwanese Maze Soba, a 1-minute walk from Naka Hyakutori Station. The appearance of Maze Soba, which can be said to be the standard of Maze Soba, is surprisingly spicy and has a slightly darker taste that is junky and delicious. The feeling that the rich taste entangles with the thick noodles makes you feel like you are eating in junky, and it will be surprisingly full, including the last meal. However, since the soup does not remain unexpectedly, it may be fine even if there is little chasing rice, but if you want to relieve the hotness, you may want a little more. If you do it late at night, you can stop by after drinking.
チキンドリル on Google

2021 12/14 ☆5 【基本の煮干し油そば】 平日12時00分に訪問。 駐車場はなし。 席の埋まりは2割程。 前回訪問よりメニューが変わっておりどれにするか迷いました。 新メニューの基本の煮干し油そば(¥780)をオーダー。 ニンニクあり・なしが選べ、ありにしました。 10分後に到着したのはいかにもジャンクな見た目の一杯。 スープは油そばなので少なめ。 煮干しの香りが強いオイルです。出汁の風味もあり、和風の印象。 麺はやや太めの中太麺。オイル・トッピングの絡みがよく、茹で具合もちょうどいい。 トッピングはチャーシュー、ネギ、モヤシ、ニンニク、鰹節。 鰹節がいい仕事をしていて煮干しオイルと高相性。 最後は無料の追い飯で〆 和風のジャンク系は珍しいですが上手くまとめられていると思いました。 次回は別メニューも食べてみたいと思います。 ではまた! 2021 3/11 平日11時40分に訪問。 先客はひとりでした。カウンターのみで定員7人くらい。駐車場はなし。 べらしおというラーメン屋さんに併設されています。 個性的なメニューが並ぶなか、背脂に特化した白山油そばの大盛り(¥900)を注文。 7分後着丼したのはヒく程の背脂が乗せられたどデカい器の一杯。 スープは意外と濃くなく、適度な塩味。 油そばなのでスープ量は多くありません。 麺はわしわしの太麺。スープと背脂がよく絡む。 そしてなんといってもトッピング。 とんでもない量の背脂は食べ終わる頃になっても余っていました。 炙りチャーシューやキャベツは逆に少なく、もう少し量が欲しかった。 卓上の味変アイテムを使いつつ、最後はスープ割りで〆。 かなりジャンクな一品でしたがこういった やり過ぎメニューは好みなので楽しめました。 次回は別メニューも注文してみたいです。 でわでわ!
2021 12/14 ☆ 5 [Basic Niboshi Abura Soba] Visited at 12:00 on weekdays. There is no parking lot. The seats are about 20% full. The menu has changed since my last visit and I was wondering which one to choose. I ordered the basic sardine abura soba (¥ 780) for the new menu. You can choose with or without garlic, and we have it. It was a junk-looking cup that arrived 10 minutes later. The soup is abura soba, so it's a little. An oil with a strong scent of dried sardines. There is also the flavor of soup stock, giving it a Japanese-style impression. The noodles are slightly thick medium-thick noodles. The oil and toppings are well entwined, and the boiling condition is just right. The toppings are char siu, green onion, bean sprout, garlic, and dried bonito. Katsuobushi does a good job and goes well with dried sardines. The last is free chasing rice Japanese style junk is rare, but I thought it was well organized. Next time I would like to try another menu. see you! 2021 3/11 Visited at 11:40 on weekdays. The first customer was alone. Only the counter has a capacity of about 7 people. There is no parking lot. It is attached to a ramen shop called Berashio. With a lineup of unique menus, I ordered a large serving of Hakusan Abura Soba (¥ 900), which specializes in backfat. After 7 minutes, I put on a bowl of big bowl with a lot of lard on it. The soup is not so thick and has a moderate saltiness. Since it is abura soba, the amount of soup is not large. The noodles are thick eagle noodles. The soup and lard are often entwined. And after all, toppings. A ridiculous amount of lard was left over by the time I finished eating. On the contrary, the amount of roasted char siu and cabbage was small, and I wanted a little more. While using the taste-changing items on the table, at the end, split the soup. It was a pretty junk dish, but like this I enjoyed the overkill menu because I like it. Next time I would like to order another menu. Dewadewa!
2017 mahaloo on Google

前から気になってたが、初めて訪問。 白山油そば を注文。 にんにくは有り無し選べるが、今回は有りで。 にんにくの旨みと底のタレに絡まったちぢれ麺がとても美味しく完食だった。 麺の量は、普通が200gでちょうど良い量。 女性ならこの量でも食べれるし、男性ならご飯追加しても良いかもしれない。 ランチタイムは、ご飯類が半額で食べれる様で卵かけご飯は90円との事。 次は、違う種類の油そばを食べたい!く
I've been interested in it for a long time, but I visited for the first time. I ordered Hakusan Abura Soba. You can choose with or without garlic, but this time it is. The noodles, which were entwined with the taste of garlic and the sauce on the bottom, were very delicious and were completely eaten. The amount of noodles is usually 200g, which is just right. Women can eat this amount, and men may add rice. At lunchtime, it seems that you can eat rice at half price, and rice with eggs is 90 yen. Next, I want to eat a different kind of abura soba! Ku
WX7 KN on Google

ジャンボチキン南蛮油そば:チキン南蛮ジューシーでタルタルと一味が絶妙に美味い。油そばも味がしっかりしゅんでて濃厚だけど一気に食べれる。チャーシューはめちゃくちゃ柔らかくて食べ応えもある。店員さんの雰囲気と素敵です。メニューも豊富で通い甲斐のあるお店。 温玉あぶりチャーシュー全部のせ:チャーシュー8枚にしましたが全く飽きることなく最後まで美味しくいただける逸品でした。 唐玉油そば(チャーシュー、もやキャベトッピング):抜群でした。美味い。もっと唐揚げ食べたかった。 赤山油そば:辛味ガツンと効いてました。これまた満足の一杯でした。
Jumbo Chicken Nanban Abura Soba: Chicken Nanban Juicy and exquisitely delicious with tartar sauce. Abura soba has a strong taste and is rich, but you can eat it all at once. The char siu is insanely soft and has a satisfying taste. The atmosphere of the clerk is nice. A shop with a rich menu and worth visiting. Ontama Aburi Char siu All over: I made 8 char siu, but it was a gem that you can enjoy until the end without getting tired at all. Karatama Abura Soba (char siu, haze cabbage topping): It was outstanding. delicious. I wanted to eat more fried chicken. Akayama Abura Soba: It worked very well with spicy taste. This was also full of satisfaction.
mahiro ando on Google

まぜそばを日本で2軒しか食べたことがない私の意見を言わせていただくと、日本で一番美味いまぜそば屋です。 まぜそばとか冷やし中華、つけ麺よりも絶対ラーメンのが美味いだろ…って思っていましたが、ここだけは別で、なんか知らんけどめちゃくちゃ美味かった。ずっと「また行きたいな…」って思ってる ちなみにラーメンもチェーン店を除けば5店舗くらいしか行ってない人間のレビューです
In my opinion, I've only eaten two Mazesoba in Japan, it's the most delicious Mazesoba restaurant in Japan. I thought that ramen was definitely better than mixed soba, chilled Chinese noodles, and tsukemen ... but this is not the only place, but I don't know what it was, but it was insanely delicious. I've always thought "I want to go again ..." By the way, ramen is also a human review that only goes to about 5 stores except chain stores.
D. hornblare on Google

創作まぜそば 台湾まぜそばと肉味噌まぜそば、油そばも食べました。 台湾まぜそばがかなりうまい! 底に溜まった油と濃い醤油味、そこにニンニクやニラ、挽き肉、ねぎなど濃い味が絶妙なバランスで良い味になっています。 ここまでおいしいまぜそばは初めてでした! ニンニクありなしは選べます。ニンニクありは食べた後かなり匂いが残ります。 追い飯を頼んで、残った汁とリゾット風にかき込みます。 普段こういったものがあっても頼まないのですが、あまりのおいしさに追い飯頼んでしまいました! 食べた感想はやはりおいしかった! 2回目の訪問時、肉味噌を頼みましたが台湾まぜそばの感動の方が強かったです!
Creative mixed soba I also ate Taiwan Mazesoba, Meat Miso Mazesoba, and Abura Soba. Taiwan mazesoba is pretty good! The oil that collects on the bottom and the strong soy sauce taste, and the strong taste such as garlic, garlic, minced meat, and green onion are in a perfect balance and have a good taste. It was my first time to have delicious mixed soba so far! You can choose with or without garlic. With garlic, the smell remains after eating. Ask for additional rice and stir in the remaining juice and risotto style. I usually don't ask for something like this, but I asked for it because it was so delicious! The impression I ate was still delicious! When I visited for the second time, I asked for meat miso, but I was more impressed by Taiwan Mazesoba!
マツケン on Google

A large serving of abura soba. The char siu is fragrant, juicy and delicious. However, since it is a lot of oil, you may not be able to eat a lot. The noodles are thick and smooth on the surface and have a nice texture, but they have weak elasticity and no flavor, so they have a cheap feel. However, it is a large serving and relatively cheap at 780 yen, so I think the cost performance is good.

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