
2.4/5 に基づく 5 レビュー

Contact テイケイトレード株式会社町田支店

住所 :

Nakamachi, Machida, 〒194-0021 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.teikeitrade.co.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Nakamachi, Machida, 〒194-0021 Tokyo,Japan
I K on Google

菊川暢 on Google

岩丸久雄 on Google

Mr.ダブルクラッシュ on Google

登録説明会で初めてこちらに伺い、控室で待ってる際に、大声で大のおっさん達が大きい声でジャンケンしてるところから、変な会社だなと思ってました。さすがに、外部の人間を招いてるのに大声ではしゃぐのは学生でもまずいってわかるはず。 そしてやっぱりそんな会社は、まず連絡しても返答が曖昧。 問合せメールをしてもこちらからの催促がないと確認していない。書類について聞いても「確認して折り返し電話します」と言って一切連絡なし。やっぱり誰が折り返し電話するのか、ジャンケンで決めているのでしょうか。笑 給料受け取りに会社に行っても、これまた愛想悪く手続きするスタッフ。どこの支店もこんな感じなんだろうなって思い、支店変えて即辞めました。 転職活動の費用を稼ぐためにこちらに登録していました。スタッフのKさんに登録会時面談で、十分稼げますとの発言がありましたが、上記にあるように、仕事紹介のメールをしてもアプローチがなかった為、町田支店に仕事依頼の件について電話で問い合わせると、「町田は仕事の数があまりない」との事。 もはや嘘ついたガキの言い訳のように見苦しい。話違くね?って話。派遣元がこんなんだから、他支店に比べて仕事依頼が来ないのではないでしょうか。 ここからは他支店のお話になります。待機時の対応についてです。A支店のお仕事紹介メールに、派遣先が「B支店」仕事内容「スタッフ」と2点だけの記載があった為、B支店へ行くとB支店スタッフが困惑。確認すると厚木の倉庫でお仕事がある為、それの待機のメールとのこと。1か月もまだ在籍していない私には意味が全く分かりませんでした。30分ほどB支店控室で赤っ恥をかきながら待たされ、A支店と電話でやりとりをしました。A支店からは私に電話連絡を入れたとのことだったが、一切電話は無く、勝手に話が進んでいたようです。 町田支店のことがあったので、他の支店の方が信頼できるかと思いきや、やはり同じような対応なんだと実感しました。 支店の系統が統一されていて、とてもいいと思います。笑 町田支店の対応の姿勢、割と腹立つレベル。 町田の従業員の質が低すぎることで、全支店の質が低く見えたんで、即辞めちゃいました。 新しく短期バイトやりたい人は、テイケイトレード町田支店は特にやめた方がいいです。
When I first visited here at the registration briefing and waited in the waiting room, I thought it was a strange company because the loud and loud old men were playing rock-paper-scissors in a loud voice. As expected, even students should understand that it is bad for students to play loudly even though they are inviting outsiders. And after all, even if you contact such a company first, the response is ambiguous. I have not confirmed that there is no reminder from here even if I send an inquiry email. When I asked about the documents, he said "I will confirm and call you back" and no contact was made. After all, is it decided by rock-paper-scissors who will call back? Lol Even if you go to the office to receive your salary, the staff will go through the procedure unfriendly. I wondered if every branch was like this, so I changed branches and quit immediately. I registered here to earn the cost of changing jobs. At the registration meeting, Mr. K, a staff member, said that he could earn enough money, but as mentioned above, there was no approach even if he sent a job introduction email, so he asked the Machida branch about the job request. When I inquired by phone, he said, "Machida doesn't have many jobs." It's no longer ugly like an excuse for a liar kid. You're talking wrong, right? Talk. Since the dispatching agency is like this, I think that job requests do not come compared to other branches. From here, we will talk about other branches. It is about correspondence at the time of standby. When I went to branch B, the staff at branch B was confused because the job introduction email for branch A stated that the dispatch destination was "branch B" and the job description was "staff". When I confirmed it, I had a job in the warehouse in Atsugi, so it was a waiting email. I hadn't been enrolled for a month yet, so I didn't understand anything at all. I waited for about 30 minutes in the waiting room of the B branch with shame, and exchanged with the A branch by telephone. It was said that the A branch made a phone call to me, but there was no phone call at all, and it seems that the talk was proceeding without permission. Since I had a Machida branch, I thought that other branches would be more reliable, and I realized that the response was the same. I think it's very good that the branch system is unified. Lol The attitude of the Machida branch, which is rather annoying. The quality of Machida's employees was so low that the quality of all branches seemed to be low, so I quit immediately. If you want to do a new short-term part-time job, you should especially stop at the Takei Trade Machida branch.
加藤清正 on Google

I got a job introduction email, but I did not receive a confirmation email the next day at all, if the site was full I could do other job introductions, but I have made a reservation because I do not have it at all I can't work. Also, I was told that I had forgotten to pay my salary, and even though I hadn't worked to that extent, I was fooled by the fact that I was arbitrarily taxed and had to file my own tax return. The salary system is terribly e-mail 5 times or more, and if the phone is made 5 times and the e-mail has not arrived, there are often times when it is exchanged for 1 hour or more.

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