なんぼや 郡山うすい百貨店

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact なんぼや 郡山うすい百貨店

住所 :

Nakamachi, Koriyama, 〒963-8004 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://nanboya.com/shop/koriyama-usui-brandshop/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Fukushima

Nakamachi, Koriyama, 〒963-8004 Fukushima,Japan
トラヂ on Google

The word-of-mouth evaluation was good, so I used it for the first time, but the concierge's response was very kind, the explanation was easy to understand, the personality was good, and I was very reliable! I was satisfied with the explanation of the assessment system. I was very happy to buy it higher than I expected. I think you can buy it at a higher price than other stores! I would like to use it again!
コンyuu on Google

数店舗回ってやっと高く買い取ってもらいました。 店員の方と丁寧でとても好印象でした。 また来ます。
I went to several stores and finally bought it at a high price. I was very impressed with the politeness of the clerk. I will come again.
Mitsuhiro Endou on Google

時計の買取を依頼しました。 非常にスムーズに、手続きができました。 コンシェルジュさんも心地よいコミュニケーションをしてくださいました。 買取とはいえ、共に過ごした時計です。 次の新天地で生かしてくれるところに託したいと思っていたため、 託せて良かったです。
I requested the purchase of a watch. The procedure was very smooth. The concierge also communicated comfortably. Although it was purchased, it is a watch that I spent together. Because I wanted to entrust it to a place where I could make use of it in the next new world It was good to entrust it.
吉田瑞穂 on Google

At the time of purchase, I was able to understand the circumstances of this situation by carefully explaining the market price and the basis of the purchase price, so I was convinced that I was able to make a pleasant transaction. I would like to ask again.
non non on Google

担当者の方がラーメン好きみたいでまさかの好きなラーメン屋が一緒(゚∀゚)笑 最初は査定目的で伺ったのですが他店よりも査定額がお高かったので売却することにしました( ´ー`) 私のVITONの長財布と彼氏のBVLGARIの財布を売却。 オススメのお店です!!!
The person in charge seems to like ramen, so the ramen shop I really like is together (゜ ∀ ゜) lol At first I visited for the purpose of valuation, but since the valuation amount was higher than other stores, I decided to sell it (´ ー `) Sold my VITON wallet and my boyfriend's BVLGARI wallet. Recommended shop !!!
。。 on Google

初めて買取店を利用しました。 不安いっぱいの中でお伺いしましたが、本田さんという方が丁寧に説明してくれました。 金額にも納得がいき、その場でお買取していただきました。 不安でいっぱいでしたが、本田さんに査定して頂けて本当に良かったです! また行く時は本田さんにお願いしたいです。
I used the purchase shop for the first time. I asked him with a lot of anxiety, but Mr. Honda explained it carefully. I was satisfied with the amount of money and bought it on the spot. I was full of anxiety, but I'm really glad that Mr. Honda assessed it! I would like to ask Mr. Honda when I go again.
shishi on Google

先日、口コミを見て、初めて行きましたが 雰囲気もよく店員さんも優しく、質屋さんのイメージががらりと変わりました。 子供にも優しく対応してくださり、とても気持ちが良い気分で帰れました。 口コミどおりでした(*^^*) お値段も満足でしたし、また機会があればお願いします。
The other day, after seeing the word of mouth, I went there for the first time The atmosphere was good and the clerk was kind, and the image of the pawn shop changed drastically. He was kind to my children and I felt very comfortable when I returned home. It was as word of mouth (* ^^ *) I was satisfied with the price, and I would appreciate it if you have the opportunity.
Tomoya S on Google

11月に初めて買取をお願いいたしました。 他店では買取が難しいような商品でも一所懸命査定してくださる良心的な店舗です。 あいにくモンクレールは型が古く買取が難しかったですが、買い取りにあたり何故買取が出来ないのか、根拠を丁寧に説明してもらえ、こちらの事情を汲んで頂けたので、納得して気持ち良くお店を後にできました。 なんぼやさんも地方によっては辛辣な意見を書かれてしまってはいますが、郡山の店舗では見本となる接客態度、身なり、査定結果でした。是非郡山にお住まいで高価買取をご希望の方、郡山うすい百貨店へ。
We asked you to purchase it for the first time in November. It is a conscientious store that will do its best to assess products that are difficult to purchase at other stores. Unfortunately, Moncler was old and difficult to buy, but when I bought it, I was able to explain the grounds carefully and understand the circumstances, so I was convinced that I could leave the shop comfortably. I did. Mr. Namboya also wrote a bitter opinion in some regions, but at the Koriyama store, it was a sample customer service attitude, appearance, and assessment result. If you live in Koriyama and want to buy it at a high price, go to Koriyama Usui Department Store.

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