
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 八峰

住所 :

Nakamachi, Hanno, 〒357-0038 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Webサイト : http://hannouyatsuo.net/index.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : Saitama

Nakamachi, Hanno, 〒357-0038 Saitama,Japan
Waka O on Google

先ずはお昼に。遠くから来る方は電話してからがよいかも。運悪く最初2回は売り切れやらで入れず、3回めにようやく入店できた。お得なお昼はお給仕なしのカウンターのみ。丁寧なお仕事に、素材を活かす味のコントラストが感じられて美味しい。 近くなのでまた人を連れて行きたい。
First at lunch. If you come from a distance, it might be better to call. Unfortunately I didn't sell out the first 2 times, and finally I could enter the 3rd time. Good value for lunch only at counters without waiters. The polite work and the contrast of the taste that makes the most of the ingredients are felt and delicious. I want to take another person because it is near.
Dushi Gaoliu on Google

Delicious Japanese food. The lineup of sake is good and the price is reasonable.
H T on Google

飯能駅から少し歩いたところの飯能銀座の端にある(駅から最も遠いあたり)和食の店舗です. 銀座通りに面した店舗のほとんどは月曜日に定休日としているところがほとんどですが,こちらの店舗は大変めずらしいことに月曜日営業しています.多分,銀座通りで月曜日のお昼に食事...と思ったらもうほとんど選択肢がないので助かります. 店舗入るとすぐに靴を脱いであがります. 一階は変形コの字型のゆったりとした座席で,六名ほどが座れるような感じです. お昼の時間に伺いましたが,メニューの内容の一部変更(食べられないものがあったため)などにも快く応じていただけました.食材や盛り付けなども季節感のあるもので,お昼時の価格としては適正でないかなと思いました.ただ,男性にはボリュームが少々足りないかもしれません.
It is a Japanese restaurant at the end of Hanno Ginza (farthest from the station) just a short walk from Hanno station. Most of the stores facing Ginza-dori are closed on Mondays, but this store is very rarely open on Mondays. Maybe I had a meal at lunch on Monday at Ginza Street. .. .. If you think about it, you have almost no choices, so it's helpful. As soon as you enter the store, you will take off your shoes. The first floor is a deformed U-shaped spacious seat that can seat about six people. I visited at lunch time, but they were willing to respond to some changes in the menu contents (because there were some things I couldn't eat). The ingredients and presentation are also seasonal, so I thought it would not be appropriate for the lunchtime price. However, the volume may be a little insufficient for men.
Kurt Galle on Google

とてもひどいお店でした。入店してすぐオーダーを聞かれメニューを見て考えたいと言ったらメガネをかけた店主と思われる人に舌打ちされました。 他の常連さん?達とは楽しく話してましたが私には物すごく冷たくとても居心地が悪かったです。お料理も散々待たされてでてきましたが、これでこの値段とるか?と言うレベル。お魚は全く新鮮ではなかったです。もう2度と行きません。
It was a terrible shop. Immediately after entering the store, I was asked for an order, and when I said that I wanted to think about it, I was touched by a person who seemed to be the owner of the glasses. Another regular? I had a good time talking to us, but it was extremely cold and uncomfortable for me. The food has been waiting a long time, but is this price enough? Level to say. The fish wasn't fresh at all. I will never go again.
徘徊老人 on Google

商店街の端にある隠れ家的な割烹料理店さん。ランチでの利用。 店内は改装が新しいのかとても清潔。 カウンターは6席です。 ランチは値段の割に品数が多くて満足。 ただ、量は少ないので女性や少食以外の方には物足りないかもしれません。
A hidden culinary restaurant at the edge of the shopping street. Use for lunch. The store is very clean whether the renovation is new. The counter has 6 seats. Lunch is satisfying because there are many items for the price. However, since the amount is small, it may be unsatisfactory for women and those other than small meals.
海山花 on Google

You can enjoy delicious kaiseki cuisine with dashi stock. The Japanese-style room on the 2nd floor was clean and spacious, and it was a digging table, which was very comfortable. There is also a rich lineup of sake. The clerk feels good and wants to go again. The other day, I asked for a bento, but it was also really seasoned and delicious.
青木栄一 on Google

A quiet place where you can relax and enjoy a meal or drink. There are many types and brands of liquor.
青井達哉 on Google

商店街の端にある雰囲気の良い。和食やさん。雰囲気もいいのにコース料理がかなり安い。 子供と一緒に行くときにもいいし、ちょっと目上の方と一緒に行くのにもいい感じの場所(^^)
Good atmosphere at the edge of the shopping street. Japanese food. Although the atmosphere is good, the course dishes are quite cheap. It's nice to go with your kids, or a nice place to go with your superior (^^)

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