ぷらす鍼灸整骨院 希望ヶ丘院

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ぷらす鍼灸整骨院 希望ヶ丘院

住所 :

Nakakibogaoka, Asahi Ward, Yokohama, 〒241-0825 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : https://plusseikotsuin.com/shoplist/kibougaoka/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–12:30PM
Thursday 9AM–12:30PM
Friday 9AM–12:30PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Nakakibogaoka, Asahi Ward, Yokohama, 〒241-0825 Kanagawa,Japan
宇田川賢 on Google

当初はヘルニアが原因の痛みがあって、マッサージと針治療を続けていたが、その都度親身に症状を聞いてくれて、矯正治療に切り替えました。 定期的に通って、一緒に直していきましょうという事で気持ちも前向きになれます。 今後ともよろしくお願い申し上げます。
Initially, I had pain caused by hernia, so I continued massage and acupuncture, but each time I asked my parents about the symptoms and switched to orthodontic treatment. You can feel positive by going regularly and fixing it together. Sincerely.
宮島由美 on Google

スタッフの方みなさん、親切でいつも丁寧に施術をして頂きありがとうございます。 昨年から通院し鍼とマッサージをして頂き最初鍼の治療で治るか疑っていたのですが半年治療した後痛みもなくなり鍼治療の良さを知りました。これからも鍼治療とマッサージを続けていきたいと思います。
Thank you to all the staff for their kindness and polite treatment. I went to the hospital last year and had acupuncture and massage, and at first I was wondering if acupuncture would cure me, but after half a year of treatment, the pain disappeared and I learned the goodness of acupuncture. I would like to continue acupuncture and massage.
川畑奏み on Google

腰が痛くて我慢できなくなり、人生で初めての整骨院をこちらに決めて来ました。なぜ痛いのか?の根本的な説明もわかりやすく、わたしに合った治療法をいくつかご提案くださり、自分が求めるものと合致した治療をしてくださいました。日々楽になるのが実感できますし、全体的に身体を診てもらいたいと思えたので、もうしばらくお世話になろうと思います! 辛いのは我慢しなくて良いんだと教えてもらえました!
My back hurts and I can't stand it, so I decided to go to the first osteopathic clinic in my life. Why does it hurt? The basic explanation of was easy to understand, and he suggested some treatments that suit me and gave me treatments that matched what I was looking for. I can feel that it will be easier every day, and I wanted to have my body examined as a whole, so I will take care of it for a while! I was told that I don't have to put up with the pain!
花上光揮 on Google

施術初回から、背中の固さへの効果を実感しました。 継続して、全体が整うのが楽しみです!
From the first treatment, I realized the effect on the hardness of the back. I'm looking forward to continuing and getting the whole thing in order!
赤城史哉 on Google

腰と肩の治療を行いました。 在宅ワークで体を動かすことも無かったからか、かなりこっていたのですが、施術いただいたおかげで劇的に改善しました。 担当の方の人柄も良く、施術中も常に雰囲気良く出来ました。 定期的に来店したいなと思ってます。
I treated my lower back and shoulders. Maybe because I didn't move my body when I was working from home, I was pretty sick, but thanks to the treatment, it improved dramatically. The personality of the person in charge was also good, and the atmosphere was always good during the treatment. I would like to visit the store on a regular basis.
村田亜希子 on Google

I have been attending since the hospital opened, but everyone welcomed me with a pleasant greeting, and when I got the corona measures, I measured the temperature, washed my hands and disinfected it, and the entrance door was open, so ventilation was good. You can perform the treatment firmly and strongly, and if you go regularly, you can really feel the effect. Even at night, it is until 20:00 on weekdays, so it is recommended that you can use it on your way home from work.

With acupuncture and kneading, it became very easy for me to fall asleep and get a backache. It seems that it has hurt a lot and it has not been completely cured yet, so I will make it 4 stars, but I treated it carefully! I want you to be completely cured soon.
大本聖子 on Google

自律神経が整い、姿勢がよくなりました! 肩こり、腰痛だけでなく気持ちも軽くなり、いつも癒されてます。 希望ヶ丘一の素晴らしい整骨院です! 希望ヶ丘駅からとても近く通いやすいです!
My autonomic nerves are in order and my posture has improved! Not only stiff shoulders and back pain but also feelings are lightened and healed all the time. It is the best osteopathic clinic in Kibogaoka! Very close to Kibogaoka station and easy to reach!

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