
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ごりょう整体院

住所 :

Nakajima, Naka Ward, Hamamatsu, 〒430-0856 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Webサイト : https://www.goryo-harikyu.jp/
街 : Shizuoka

Nakajima, Naka Ward, Hamamatsu, 〒430-0856 Shizuoka,Japan
Yumi Y on Google

整体で伺いました。 カウンセリングの時から親身になって話を聞いてくださりました。施術後、とても体が楽になり感動しています。 美容鍼も気になりますので、できたら良いなあと思っています。 ありがとうございました。
I asked for manipulative treatment. Since the time of counseling, he has been kind enough to listen to me. After the treatment, my body feels very comfortable and I am impressed. I'm also interested in beauty acupuncture, so I hope I can do it. Thank you very much.
朧月夜 on Google

整体は、大変気持ちが良いです。ニコニコ明るい担当のお姉さんがガッツリやってくれます。痛いけど気持ち良い…という絶妙な力加減です。おかげさまで、腕の可動域が広がりました。普段のストレッチの仕方や困り事の相談にものってくれます。 美容鍼は、もっと早く出逢いたかったと思います。きちんと通えばリフトアップと美肌効果は抜群です。
Manipulative treatment is very comfortable. The smiling sister in charge will do it for you. It hurts, but it feels good. Thanks to you, the range of motion of the arm has expanded. They will help you with your usual stretching methods and problems. I think I wanted to meet beauty acupuncture sooner. If you pass it properly, the lift-up and skin-beautifying effect will be outstanding.
伴彩嘉 on Google

いつも美容鍼で通っておりますが、今回は体の施術もお願いしました。 30分程度の施術でしたが、悩んでいた猫背や巻き肩が治り、首や肩甲骨周りが動きやすくなりました。こちらも美容鍼同様、定期的に通わせていただきます。 館内は、女性でもリラックスできる緑多めの雰囲気でとっても素敵で落ち着きます。鍼の施術中は気持ちよくて寝てしまいそうです…
I always go with beauty acupuncture, but this time I asked for a body treatment. It took about 30 minutes, but the stoop and shoulders that I had been worried about were healed, and the neck and shoulder blades became easier to move. As with beauty acupuncture, we will attend this regularly. The inside of the building is very nice and calm with a green atmosphere where even women can relax. I feel comfortable sleeping during the acupuncture procedure ...
佑衣 on Google

今回は、猫背が気になるのでそれを治すために当院に行きました。 もともと美容鍼や小顔矯正もやって頂いてましたが、担当してくださるスタッフの方がとても気さくに話して下さり、月に1回の楽しみとなっています。 そのため、今回も楽しみに行きました。 施術をしていただき改めて姿勢を良くしなければと思うのと同時に、効果も感じることが出来大変満足出来ました。 これからも通い続けたいと思います。
This time, I was worried about the stoop, so I went to our hospital to cure it. Originally, I was asked to do beauty acupuncture and small face correction, but the staff in charge talked to me very kindly, and I am looking forward to it once a month. Therefore, I went to look forward to it this time as well. At the same time as I thought that I had to perform the treatment and improve my posture again, I was very satisfied with the effect. I would like to continue to attend.
i m on Google

初めての美容鍼でしたが、針が刺さってる感じはあるものの痛みもほとんどなく、1回目でフェイスラインの変化を実感できました! おすすめです
It was my first beauty acupuncture, but I felt that the needle was stuck, but there was almost no pain, and I was able to feel the change in the face line the first time! it's recommended
n on Google

There was almost no pain in the needle, and I could feel the ease of opening the eyes with one shot! I am looking forward to the changes after the second time.
ひよっこ調律師 on Google

腰の痛みを治したくて行きました。 担当者さんのコミュ力がとても高くて楽しく話しながらの治療でした。 思っていた以上に自分の体が歪んでいて驚きました。 一回の治療だけでかなり良くなった感覚はあるものの、まだ腰痛は残っているのでこれからしっかり治して行きたいです。
I wanted to get rid of my lower back pain. The communicative competence of the person in charge was very high and it was a treatment while talking happily. I was surprised that my body was distorted more than I expected. I have a feeling that I have improved considerably with just one treatment, but I still have back pain, so I would like to get rid of it.
Taka Matsu on Google

I visited with the first discount. The counseling was polite and it was good to have an explanation during the procedure. I was able to feel the effect after the treatment. The charges for the second and subsequent times are a little high, so that's the only thing I was interested in, and I'm satisfied.

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