
4.3/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact 細字孔文堂印舗

住所 :

Nakagyo Ward, 〒604-8332 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Webサイト : http://hosoji.web.fc2.com/
街 : Kyoto

Nakagyo Ward, 〒604-8332 Kyoto,Japan
京都人 on Google

坂田マチ子 on Google

Naka Ja on Google

大変ご丁重にご対応頂き、素晴らしい実印を彫って下さいました。 柘植材で3万円弱程でした。 基本的な営業時間は標記通り月〜金の17時までの様ですが、事前に電話を差し上げて、ご都合があえば、土日等の営業時間外でもご対応頂けました。
Thank you very much for your kindness and carved a wonderful seal. It was about 30,000 yen for boxwood. The basic business hours are from Monday to Friday until 17:00 as stated, but we could call you in advance and if it was convenient, we could handle it even outside business hours such as Saturdays and Sundays.
チェリーシェリー on Google

電話でお話ししただけなのですが、 こちらのお店は日本最古のハンコ屋さんだそうで、日本の紙幣に押されている印はこちらで作られたものだそうです。 象牙の判子の取り扱いもあり、密輸でない、正規ルートからの品であるとの証明書付きだそうです。ただ、庶民からするとべらぼうに高いので星1つマイナスしました。
I just talked on the phone, This shop seems to be the oldest Hanko shop in Japan, and the stamps on Japanese banknotes are made here. There is also a treatment of ivory stamps, and it seems that it is accompanied by a certificate that it is an article from a regular route that is not smuggled. However, it was so expensive from the common people that I lost one star.
kita t on Google

The owner said that Toyotomi Hideyoshi was the oldest stamp shop in Japan. Other explanations are also shocking, so please go to the store.
奥村慎也(OK computer) on Google

The oldest stamp shop in Japan, inherited as a 430-year-old run by the 18th-generation husband with a surname of "fine print" given by Hideyoshi Toyotomi.

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